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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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There is no science established in the fiction of Warframe.  DE does whatever they think is cool and this makes the Tenno demigods of the likes of Asgardians in Marvel.


You cannot put a super soldier like Punisher or Deathstroke up against Superman or Thor and expect the fight to be fair.  The Halo and Warframe universes aren't compatible.


Halo has a fiction bible and scope of reality it lives in that was well-developed over a decade of writing and background.

Warframe is basically a 6 year olds wet dream of super powers with no established lore or science behind the fiction.

HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN RHINO STOMP?  Haha it makes no sense.

Vauban's Vortex has the most powerful IFF software even conceived.  Black holes that pick and choose targets?!  WTF.


These Tenno are impossibilities.


This comparison is totally unfair and not fun to even think about because the Tenno cheat in their own uiniverse.

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Halo has a fiction bible and scope of reality it lives in that was well-developed over a decade of writing and background.

Ha ha! Did you miss all the subspace bs, dyson spheres, precursor gods and solar system eating thought constructs?

Halo pretends to be vaguely realistic, but it's just as soft science as Warframe, if not more so. At least Warframe doesn't have an ancient alien human empire in it.

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Ha ha! Did you miss all the subspace bs, dyson spheres, precursor gods and solar system eating thought constructs?

Halo pretends to be vaguely realistic, but it's just as soft science as Warframe.


But Dyson spheres arent in this debate.  Master Chief vs the Tenno is the debate.  These 2 things do not combine well because the Chief is a theoretic possibility with science in our reality.  Tenno are not.  They defy gravity, physics and time.  Master Chief does not. (minus his impact gel layer that allows him to re-enter planets and crashland without death.  Yeah right.  Puddle of goo inside the Mjolnir fo sho)


THe chief has never, under his own power, slowed time using just his foot, or created black holes by throwing a ball and NOT being sucked into it himself, or or or or making a shield of ice that stops bullets but allows people to pass through.  ITS FREAKING ICE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE.  You cannot just change ice into some type of shielding net.  Its..ICE.  If something hits a wall of ice then it will not pass unless the ice breaks.  FROST CHEATS :)


That being said...its awesome that they cheat.  It jsut makes for a bad argument to pit them against Chief.

This whole thread, while entertaining, is very silly.


Its almost as bad as asking which is better: peanut butter or sports cars.

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Master Chief does however defy biology.

I just wickied him and his augmentations are blatantly impossible.

Especially this one.

Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites

Alteration of bioeletrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. 300% increase in subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity.

That's so ridiculously stupid it actually makes me kind of sad.

His armour is also poorly designed and has several magi-tech handwaves, like the micro-fusion generator, the shield and jetpacks with an impossible thrust ratio.

At least Warframe doesn't pretend to be anything other than it is. Halo is so far up it's own butt it can lick it's colon.

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But your argument proves my point.  You get the ridiculous matchup here and the fact that it really isn't entertaining to imagine.


Science fiction requires suspension of disbelief to work.  Star Trek has a lot of those space magic tendencies as well.  But the universe works with them well. Holodeck is a great example.


The leaps of faith required to believe in tenno abilities far outweighs the chiefs nano augs and "magical" implants.


Once again, chiefs implants and boosted intelligence don't allow him to rhino stomp and create cheater ice shields.  Its a grounded sci-fi.


Tenno are 6 year old wet dreams.  You cannot compete with that level of creative license.


Rhino creation meeting:

"Hey lets make him slow down time by stomping his foot!"

"That sounds cool!  But how does he do it?"

"Who cares?!  Itll be awesome!"

"I'm sold!"

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chiefs nano augs and magical implants.

Glad to see you admitting that he's just as magic as the Tenno.

It's not about whether they're magic or not anyway. Op asked "would Master Chief of the Halo series stand any chance against 1 or more Tenno"?

The answer is little to none. It doesn't matter which is more unrealistic, because both are impossible. Master Chief is just straight up weaker.

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It's far from that big a gap. It's more like Goku vs. Superman. It sounds sort of balanced, but when you get down to it ol' Supes just has more options and is straight up stronger.

Besides you can hardly say this thread isn't entertaining as hell!

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Which is why superman is a stupid character. Laser eyes, see through walls, freeze breathe. Time altering flight. Impenetrable body. God strength. Superman should never be compared because he cannot be.  He is a CHECKLIST of everything cool.


Gotta make that plot device called kryptonite so this immortal being can have some interesting encounters.


Tenno are checklist based creations.  They have no souls, as someone else mentioned.  It is not fun to use them in these "what if" fights.  They cheat.  OP isnt even reading this anymore prolly haha


Agreed this therad is great.  I jsut wish he'd have picked someone else.  Might as well of picked Gordon Freeman.

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I see Master Chief that way. He's a HARD STRONK MAN. He's been a soldier all his life and he has a naked computer girl for a friend! He wears green BMX armour everywhere he goes! Bah!

At least Warframe is fresh, colourful and fun. The Tenno mean more to me because they are me, not some boring military guy I can't connect to or empathize with.

Gordon Freeman is about on the same scale as Master Chief, so he'd probably loose. His guns are usually way better than what Chief has available though.

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According to this thread:

(1) The only possible explanation why everything dies instantaneously is because they suck. The Corpus are obviously newly recruits (low levels) on Venus.

(2) Volt's Shock lit up 6 Moas. Volt's shock only electrocutes a single Target.

(3) Mag's utilizes a new type of Skill. Mag's Pull and Crush doesnt work that way.

1- Or the Tenno are simply that powerful outside the arbitrary restraints of gameplay. Cutscene takes place on Jupiter, so even going by in-game level scaling, they aren't exactly weaklings.

2- Volt's shock only targets a single enemy in gameplay. Evidently lore Volt is more versatile, and more powerful as well.

3- Or crush and pull are simply gameplay abstractions for someone whose whole schtick is fine control over magnetism.

My Analysis:

(1) Is Alad V a Space Clown or something?

Yes. :D

(2) Where's his Smexy Snake Vocals?

A lifetime of drinking Greedy Milk has irreparably ruined his voice.

(3) The Scene probably depicts Corpus Ships on the Gas Giants: Jupiter and Saturn. The previous Livestreams reveals these Ships harnessing Energy from Storms.

(4) On the first scene, Volt silences two Corpus Postmen with a Knife on their respective Heads which are unproportional to the curvature of the Corpus Heads on their Boxhead Helmets. Hypothetically, the tips of those Knives should penetrate deeper to pierce through the Corpus Skulls. Then again, probably because they are low levels.

Evidence that 'levels' have anything to do with lore and aren't simply game mechanics? And again, Jupiter, in a boss mission. By in-game terms you'd be fighting lvl 25-30 enemies by that point, higher for the heavy enemies like Techs.

(5) Volt killed a Tech with few Throws!

Indeed, as well as a MOA.

(6) The Corpus flanking Volt runs toward him instead of shooting him.

Erm, I'm not sure what version of the trailer you saw, but in the one I watched the only parts where Volt interacts with crewmen/techs are when he perfectly headshots two unaware crewmen, then leaps into a cluster of similarly unalerted crewmen looking the other way and kills them all by burying his knives deep into the metal bulkhead and unleashing a small shockwave. (frame by frame shows the Tech he fries later on with his back turned to him at that point) He then takes a fraction of a second out to throw a couple knives, then abruptly fries the Tech who's off to the side, already turning around and bringing his rifle to bear on the Volt. Frankly, I give the guy props for reacting as quickly as he did to a total surprise ambush situation. Too bad he had no way of avoiding being fried by lightning.

(7) The Corpus confronting Trinity follows.

(8) The Pod Crewman confronting Trinity wets his pants.

Understandable. What would you do if a semi-legendary bogeyman capable of wiping out small armies singlehandedly suddenly appeared out of nowhere right in front of you, with a bunch of your comrades dieing suddenly off to the side? Could be that they panicked. could be that they were trying to dogpile her to give their teammates behind them a little extra time to aim and fire. In real life, sudden and unexpected combat situations play merry hell with soldiers normal reaction times and threat responses.

(9) The Corpus confronting Banshee and Rhino are unable to land a hit. (Esp during Rhino's Scene)

Something they have in common with about every action movie shootout scene ever. Hell, in one of the videos you yourself linked earlier, 50-100 Covenant troops arranged in a semicircle around a few Spartans are unable to land any shots at all, even though they had ample time to aim while their targets were trapped under the shield bubble, were stationary targets, didn't attempt to dodge when they started moving, IIRC had no cover, and weren't moving nearly fast enough to throw off anyone's aim.

Truth be told, this is actually a case of Hollywood/videogames accidentally getting things right. Real-life accuracy rates in combat situations are positively abysmal by the standards of your typical action hero protagonist, with literally hundreds of rounds being expended for each kill. From accounts I've heard, high adrenaline close-quarters combat situations turn soldiers who are normally quite accurate into Imperial Stormtroopers, moreso if they're taken by surprise and weren't expecting a fight in the first place. And on top of the inaccuracy, one WWII study showed that only 15-20% of the soldiers in combat would fire on the enemy in the first place, while the other 80-85% of them couldn't bring themselves to fire on the enemy at all due to psychological blocks over taking another human's life.

(10) Again, Volt's Shock against 6 Moas.

And again, Cutscenes>gameplay. Lore Volt is more powerful/versatile than gameplay Volt. Deal with it.

(11) Zanukas' theoretical Antimatter Drop? is scientifically inaccurate.

Just like Binary Rifles, Covenant Plasma weapons, or any number of sci-fi weapons for that matter. Your point? (and depending on the exact mechanics behind it, antimatter drop could very well be more plausible than many Covie 'plasma' (and I use the term loosely) weapons. If the large transparent sphere we see is actually a vacuum ball with a microscopic quantity of antimatter inside, directed and held in place by forcefields, then it could easily work as presented. Only science-breaking aspect of it would be the forcefield itself, which is more than I can say for the descriptions of many Covenant guns)

(12) Rhino reloads after firing a single Shot (Which he probably did not used before, if so, he could have triggered the Alarm much earlier)

We don't see the specifics of what goes on during most of the big fight scene, or what happened before it. Could be that he already chewed through most of the ammo on the way there. (The Sobek, despite its large magazine, can deplete itself in quite a short amount of time)

(13) The Bullets from Volt's Soma came from a 90 degree angle on Zanuka's Perspective.

Orokin space magic. Gotta love it. XD (not only are they coming in at a high angle, they're visibly curving. Does he have some sort of auto target-seeking mod on his Soma? Homing bullets?)

(14) Backflip cancels Knockdown? (Volt)

If you're a good enough acrobat, why not?

(15) Zanuka is said to be created from Warframe Components. Alad V could have annihilated the Stalker depicting Zanukas' Dispel Ability.

Stalker's probably still around to pester us, lol. You know, now that I think of it, the Stalker's ability to cancel Warframe powers seems suspiciously similar to the way Tenno powers don't seem to work right on other Tenno when used in Conclaves...

(16) Banshee and Trinity are doing nothing during the previous scenes.

How do you know that? They could have been helping each other recover offscreen or using their powers. Both have support powers that aren't exactly flashy or loud, and one of them could have been injured in the blast or by having a giant robot land on their windpipe. (or been previously injured in the fight and had the blast tip them over the edge to the point they needed a revive from the other) Or perhaps something else entirely.

(17) Rhino and Volt are doing nothing during Banshee and Trinity's Scenes.

Looked to me like they were busy shrugging off the effects of whatever Zanuka hit them with while Trin and Banshee distracted it.

(18) Zanuka managed to dodge the Glaive yet somehow went crippled. (He should be theoretically an AI, a Corpus Proxy that can be controlled anytime yet is able to fully function on their own)

Lots of different reasons that might have happened. Perhaps Alad's control module houses the actual software controlling Zanuka and the robot itself is little more than a puppet. Perhaps they implemented strict failsafes in the event they ever lost control of it. Perhaps the sparking was an unrelated issue caused by the damage they'd already done to it. Perhaps hitting the controller like that caused it to malfunction and send a garbled or invalid command, ordering Zanuka to do something beyond its design tolerances and causing a system failure. etc, etc.

(19) Rhino ripping Zanuka is defiantly awesome.

Agreed. Definitely Spartan-level strength or above. (like I've been saying all along based on their other feats)

(20) The shattered Window (which are still made of 20th Century Glass) did not trigger any lockdown. (Theoretically, those ships are hovering over the Atmospheres of a Gas Giant)

We only see the window for a split second after Mag breaks it, then the camera cuts to a position where you can't see the window at all and stays like that throughout the rest of the trailer. Given that, yanno, they're in an atmosphere already, you don't really expect to see air billowing out into the vacuum of space like in the normal lockdown conditions we see in-game. Only reason to lock things down is if the outside atmosphere is toxic, and with Orokin terraforming, all bets are off. (seriously, they turned Venus into an ice world, towed a bunch of planets and moons outside their normal orbits, turned Phobos from an icy moon to a scorching desert, and somehow gave it an atmosphere as well despite Phobos being far too small to hold onto one, perhaps by artificially increasing its gravity. It'd also explain why you don't moonwalk there either. XD Conversely, in the Jupiter cutscene here, everything behaves as though it's in a normal 1-G environment despite Jupiter's surface gravity being more than two and a half times that of earth's. Now, that may be a result of Corpus antigrav tech negating the extra pull, or it could be yet more evidence of Orokin terraforming shenanigans. We don't know. The trailer also ends before the typical Corpus lockdown response would have a chance to kick in, and as stated before we're never shown a view of the window past the moment Mag breaks it)

(21) According to the Lore, only the Grineer Faction perfects Cloning Technology. With Alad V dead on the Trailer, the Zanuka Project takes a long run.

I don't recall anywhere that states that only the Grineer have cloning tech. I also didn't see Alad V die. First rule of recurring villains: Unless you actually see the body, never assume they're dead. (and even then they'll often find ways to come back, XD. Just look at Vor at the end of the second trailer)

(22) The only way to bring back Alad V is through his clone. Falling within a relentless, bottomless Storm (Gas Giants lacks Surfaces) is his final end.

I don't recall seeing what lies below that window. For all we know he lands on an outstretched balcony after a 30-foot drop, or a jutting girder.

The Tennos and their Warframe is arguably OP, yet again, they dont hold a story to support their lead.

Trailers maybe are advertisement campaigns but they should contain facts within its respective bidding not false releases that are incoherent from the literal gameplay.

See ValhaHazred's rebuttal.

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Not really, according to the Tenno description on the main site "While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not.", they cant be refered as that if they dont know how to fight by that sentence, just like Superman, if you read.

They don't rely entirely on the suits power alone, they have the mastery on combat even without their memories without that should have forgotten with them.

With the mastery of combat they also have the advantage of the Warframes as only they can use them.

yet again you contradict yourself by not reading yet you promote reading lore stuff is needed...

bias is bias



Same as for the Halo trailers/books which contradicts how MC can die easily and how slow he was on literal gameplay.


Also props to this thread, 18 pages xD


*cries* Damn. I missed that point. 


I would just like to point out that Superman knows three systems of martial arts, including a psychic one. If Superman loses his powers he's a Kryptonian kung-fu master who can read your mind. So yeah, your comparison is right, just not in the direction you are arguing :P

I also find it interesting that despite discounting everything that happens in the Halo gameplay so you can take his high end alone (the books), now that the Tenno have a trailer that shows very clearly how powerful they are you're trying to force them to conform to their gameplay. Mmmm, smells like hypocrisy.

I'll let Senteth tear the rest of your argument down. He'll do a better job than I would!



My English is insufficient to provide exquisite responses against his charm-speak. Man coats his words with Gold defying Grandiloquence with certainty and conviction (with Arguable Facts) against what ever opposes him. 


Plus, there are only few active Halo Supporters in this thread against the hundreds of you. Give us a break. lol




But what I hated about the Trailer is they rip Alad V of his smexy voice! If Alad was a woman, I probably would Jeez on my pants. 



Ha ha! Did you miss all the subspace bs, dyson spheres, precursor gods and solar system eating thought constructs?

Halo pretends to be vaguely realistic, but it's just as soft science as Warframe, if not more so. At least Warframe doesn't have an ancient alien human empire in it.


Wall Running, Antimatter and Gravity defying weapons are not soft Science. And in Halo Universe, Humans didnt evolve from Apes punching Darwin on his ballsack. Haha


Master Chief does however defy biology.

I just wickied him and his augmentations are blatantly impossible.

Especially this one.

Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites

Alteration of bioeletrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. 300% increase in subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity.

That's so ridiculously stupid it actually makes me kind of sad.

His armour is also poorly designed and has several magi-tech handwaves, like the micro-fusion generator, the shield and jetpacks with an impossible thrust ratio.

At least Warframe doesn't pretend to be anything other than it is. Halo is so far up it's own butt it can lick it's colon.


Humanity managed to include the Heavens on his Primal Earth, perfected communication grounds enabling Man to reach love ones across his World, defying the Law of Nature-creating a mimic Brain of his own, established a World inside his own World with the availability of Physical Presence preserving Individuality yet somehow defied Death, Man is now able to reach beyond limits, altering Nature into his own disposal whatever he wishes and commands to.
My Point? Airplanes, Space, communication devices, data chips, memory cards, THE INTERNET, 3D Printing, robotics, prosthetics, weapons that can eradicate civilizations in an instant, genetic alterations, cloning, medicinal achievements, and solving almost everything the World has questioned. 
These were all once Fiction and was considered a Miracle. 
If Superconducting Fibrication of Neural Dendrites transcends a Spartan a Demigod. Humanity can achieve this Dream in the Real World. 
But stopping Time through stomping of Foot, planting Black Holes, Wall Running, electricity and Ice that serves as a Shield, punching Souls, Mind Control, Immortality (Quick Thinking Combo) etc. etc. 
This is not Fiction. This is insanity. 

I see Master Chief that way. He's a HARD STRONK MAN. He's been a soldier all his life and he has a naked computer girl for a friend! He wears green BMX armour everywhere he goes! Bah!

At least Warframe is fresh, colourful and fun. The Tenno mean more to me because they are me, not some boring military guy I can't connect to or empathize with.


At least MC has a naked chick on his side. The Tenno? Ha! An annoying AI who never stops talking and never reveals anything! Half side of it, we can only portray her face!


She has something down there! She's probably a Dude but we'll never know it.

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Indeed, as well as a MOA.


You cant kill a Tech with a few Shots from the Kunai, even a potatoed Despair cant kill a single Tech with one or two throws!


Erm, I'm not sure what version of the trailer you saw, but in the one I watched the only parts where Volt interacts with crewmen/techs are when he perfectly headshots two unaware crewmen, then leaps into a cluster of similarly unalerted crewmen looking the other way and kills them all by burying his knives deep into the metal bulkhead and unleashing a small shockwave. (frame by frame shows the Tech he fries later on with his back turned to him at that point) He then takes a fraction of a second out to throw a couple knives, then abruptly fries the Tech who's off to the side, already turning around and bringing his rifle to bear on the Volt. Frankly, I give the guy props for reacting as quickly as he did to a total surprise ambush situation. Too bad he had no way of avoiding being fried by lightning.


The Metal bullhead where Volt sent his regards by electrocuting him to death was clearly running towards him (Check his legs). If someone is being startled, he is either frozen in place, Flees or engages. But with someone who has a Gun, running Melee is nothing but a death wish. 


And Two Crewmen against Trinity does the same thing. Reload that scene. 


Understandable. What would you do if a semi-legendary bogeyman capable of wiping out small armies singlehandedly suddenly appeared out of nowhere right in front of you, with a bunch of your comrades dieing suddenly off to the side? Could be that they panicked. could be that they were trying to dogpile her to give their teammates behind them a little extra time to aim and fire. In real life, sudden and unexpected combat situations play merry hell with soldiers normal reaction times and threat responses.


Soldiers are trained to react attentively no matter how catastrophic everything seems to be. Their Guns are not even pointing at Banshee. They are shooting blindly not buying time for their teammates. In Real Life, when a cockroach flies infront of you, you automatically transform into a Kung Fu Master and tries to kill it in an instant, there have been times in our Life when we were endangered or our love ones were, we accomplis unspeakable feats but Shooting blindly is just plain stupid especially for Soldiers. 


On Rhino's Scene, the bullets are ricocheting on the wall behind him. Psshh.


Truth be told, this is actually a case of Hollywood/videogames accidentally getting things right. Real-life accuracy rates in combat situations are positively abysmal by the standards of your typical action hero protagonist, with literally hundreds of rounds being expended for each kill. From accounts I've heard, high adrenaline close-quarters combat situations turn soldiers who are normally quite accurate into Imperial Stormtroopers, moreso if they're taken by surprise and weren't expecting a fight in the first place. And on top of the inaccuracy, one WWII study showed that only 15-20% of the soldiers in combat would fire on the enemy in the first place, while the other 80-85% of them couldn't bring themselves to fire on the enemy at all due to psychological blocks over taking another human's life.


Only the Dead sees the End of the War. The studies may prove something out of nothing, but not entirely what happened. 

In a brink of Death, once you knew you realize their is a chance on saving your life and your love ones, you negate everything to assure survival. I doubt that WWII study. 


This is a given Fact recently on what happened in the Philippines. The once religious people turn into demons trying to survive, they looted houses, stole the remaining livelihood, kill and did almost everything their religion forbids them to do so.


Unable to shoot someone in A WAR is BS. 



Just like Binary Rifles, Covenant Plasma weapons, or any number of sci-fi weapons for that matter. Your point? (and depending on the exact mechanics behind it, antimatter drop could very well be more plausible than many Covie 'plasma' (and I use the term loosely) weapons. If the large transparent sphere we see is actually a vacuum ball with a microscopic quantity of antimatter inside, directed and held in place by forcefields, then it could easily work as presented. Only science-breaking aspect of it would be the forcefield itself, which is more than I can say for the descriptions of many Covenant guns)


Plasma Exists in our Universe which can be contained similar to our Antimatter produced by Humans. 


However, if Nova's Antimatter is being held by Forcefields. Its either a Magnetic Matter or another type of Anti-Matter. Which ever is, the Antimatter still Explodes. Warframe's Antimatter is nothing but Cool and Awesome but lacks foothold.


We don't see the specifics of what goes on during most of the big fight scene, or what happened before it. Could be that he already chewed through most of the ammo on the way there. (The Sobek, despite its large magazine, can deplete itself in quite a short amount of time)


If the Ammo was depleted. Sobek's booming echo can alert the Whole ship about their presence. You once questioned why the sound of a Spartan's Shotgun on a certain Trailer was never heard off-screen. Plus, suppressing Mods on Shotguns are still not available in Warframe. 


Then we conclude that Rhino, despite of his Physique does not tend to his weapons like a Real Soldier would.


Orokin space magic. Gotta love it. XD (not only are they coming in at a high angle, they're visibly curving. Does he have some sort of auto target-seeking mod on his Soma? Homing bullets?)


 Told you. Space Magic.


Stalker's probably still around to pester us, lol. You know, now that I think of it, the Stalker's ability to cancel Warframe powers seems suspiciously similar to the way Tenno powers don't seem to work right on other Tenno when used in Conclaves...


So you're telling the Stalker is a late bloomer? 

How do you know that? They could have been helping each other recover offscreen or using their powers. Both have support powers that aren't exactly flashy or loud, and one of them could have been injured in the blast or by having a giant robot land on their windpipe. (or been previously injured in the fight and had the blast tip them over the edge to the point they needed a revive from the other) Or perhaps something else entirely.


Trinity perhaps was disabled for a short notice but Rhino and Volt stood up moments after the said blast. Banshee is not an exception, she lacks Armor and Shields but so does Volt. 


She was just a Leech on theTrailer trying to level up her Paris.


We only see the window for a split second after Mag breaks it, then the camera cuts to a position where you can't see the window at all and stays like that throughout the rest of the trailer. Given that, yanno, they're in an atmosphere already, you don't really expect to see air billowing out into the vacuum of space like in the normal lockdown conditions we see in-game. Only reason to lock things down is if the outside atmosphere is toxic, and with Orokin terraforming, all bets are off. (seriously, they turned Venus into an ice world, towed a bunch of planets and moons outside their normal orbits, turned Phobos from an icy moon to a scorching desert, and somehow gave it an atmosphere as well despite Phobos being far too small to hold onto one, perhaps by artificially increasing its gravity. It'd also explain why you don't moonwalk there either. XD Conversely, in the Jupiter cutscene here, everything behaves as though it's in a normal 1-G environment despite Jupiter's surface gravity being more than two and a half times that of earth's. Now, that may be a result of Corpus antigrav tech negating the extra pull, or it could be yet more evidence of Orokin terraforming shenanigans. We don't know. The trailer also ends before the typical Corpus lockdown response would have a chance to kick in, and as stated before we're never shown a view of the window past the moment Mag breaks it)

I don't recall seeing what lies below that window. For all we know he lands on an outstretched balcony after a 30-foot drop, or a jutting girder.


On the first seconds of the Trailer. Clouds and Gusts are moving towards the direction of the Sun in such obvious manner. 

Lockdowns are automatically issued in every Ship we've got into but not on a Ship where a Corpus Head does his business. Hmmmm.


Plus its not a reason to enforce Windows with 20th Century Household Glass. They could have at least tried Bulletproof Glass so we cant shoot through it, or the newly discovered Metallic Glass that beats Steel. If he does survive the Fall. Hitting on a solid pavement could have damaged him, helium, ammonia, methane and hydrogen sulfide could have poisoned his respiratory systems.


The Trailer was created for the sake of Awesomeness adhering its Gameplay. No Logic, just plain Awesome. DEs shoves our faces with a grim look of, "No Questions Asked. Just play the damn freaking Game so I can earn monehh.". 


HE DIES in the Trailer. pulling the Zanuka Project with him. 


If he lives, then the DE should have something to pull off. 


I don't recall anywhere that states that only the Grineer have cloning tech. I also didn't see Alad V die. First rule of recurring villains: Unless you actually see the body, never assume they're dead. (and even then they'll often find ways to come back, XD. Just look at Vor at the end of the second trailer)


Vor probably has clones. All Grineer bosses probably has their respective army of Clones.

Lich died on his Trailer, yet somehow he is still InGame....nah guess you're right. The Bloody Clown  probably has a jet pack.


edit; Corpus confronting Trinity.

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Plus, there are only few active Halo Supporters in this thread against the hundreds of you. Give us a break. lol


There's a difference between being a supporter of a character and blind devotion. Toztman clearly prefers MC, but admits the Tenno would win easily.



But what I hated about the Trailer is they rip Alad V of his smexy voice! If Alad was a woman, I probably would Jeez on my pants. 

wat. You are a gross person. 

These were all once Fiction and was considered a Miracle. 

You're cherry picking. Science fiction has more blatantly impossible things than it does things that sort of worked in real life.


If Superconducting Fibrication of Neural Dendrites transcends a Spartan a Demigod. Humanity can achieve this Dream in the Real World. 

Hardly. All changing out your Dendrites to a superconducting fibre will do is cause them to stop carriying the chemical signals your brain needs to work. The writers of Halo confused electrochemical with "bio-electricity".

I would have found it easier to except if it was just some form of Ghost in the Shell style Cyberbrain.


But stopping Time through stomping of Foot, planting Black Holes, Wall Running, electricity and Ice that serves as a Shield, punching Souls, Mind Control, Immortality (Quick Thinking Combo) etc. etc. 


This is not Fiction. This is insanity. 


It's not even meant to be realistic. In several interviews they've mentioned that they wanted to make a game about future mythology not some gritty militaristic shooter. They specifically evoked Clarktech and compared it to Evangelion and Dune, both settings with science and mystisism crossing over.


At least MC has a naked chick on his side. The Tenno? Ha! An annoying AI who never stops talking and never reveals anything! Half side of it, we can only portray her face!


She has something down there! She's probably a Dude but we'll never know it.

I'm glad nobody's naked. Not everything needs to be about sex. Yeesh, you reek of desparation. Must be because you apparently assume every woman is a man unless she's naked -_-'

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Guys... let the tread die.


Really, the most powerful of the two is whoever you believe is the strongest since they're entirely fictionnal character.


Kind of like when Superman originally only could "leap over a building" then later happened to know how to fly. Powers as the plot demands.


All basises can be invalidated by a cutscene or a trailer depicting something not usually done ingame and vice-versa. So really, if you believe the Tenno the stronger ones, then they are; if you believe Master Chief to be, then he is.



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Master Chief may be the last Spartan, but he isn't a super soldier.  He's an AUGMENTED soldier.  The Tenno are super-soldiers, specially bred (or spliced), trained, and equipped to be unstoppable.


Furthermore, the Spartan program, which MC hails from, is essentially a failure.  MC is the last Spartan because his comrades didn't have the strength or intelligence to survive.  Being one grade ahead of failure is still a D-, that's not good.  There are THOUSANDS of Tenno left purely by virtue of how well-designed and well-hidden they are.


Then there are the weapons and gear.  MC has more powerful weapons, but the Tenno have smarter weapons.  The Tenno also have sentinels that can grant them stealth, a death ray, etc. etc.


All these factors suggest that MC is VASTLY outmatched by the Tenno, and I haven't even gotten to each warframes' abilities!

just to reply to what you said about the whole spartan II program being a failure. It didn't fail because the spartans themselves were failures, it was because the technology of the halo world at the time limited the amount of spartans that could be produced, and they were going against a whole flippin fleet of covenant. Give me 65 tenno or so and tell me if they could face thousands of grineer without time to recover (because that's what the conditions that they fought under at the battle of reach). 


Tenno would still win, but it's mainly because of their abilities. It's kinda like comparing apples to oranges because the tenno draw their main power from abilities and what not, whereas the chief relies mostly on his wits and skills (and he also has the smarter opponents)

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If it's Master Chief vs Mag/Mag prime, mag will win because he's armor is pure metal *not sure about it being pure* and mag can use her ult to crash MC with he's own suit, while at the same time the pull spam, add that with bullet attractor to make him unable to use weapons and makes him a "bigger" target for laser weapons.

Edited by Darktemplar333
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There's a difference between being a supporter of a character and blind devotion. Toztman clearly prefers MC, but admits the Tenno would win easily.

-There is no such thing as blind devotion. You cannot condemn a Muslim for not believing Christ as a Messiah neither a Christian who denies Mohammed as the Last Prophet. They are all simply faithful or rather being arrogant by denying the other. 


wat. You are a gross person.

I'm glad nobody's naked. Not everything needs to be about sex. Yeesh, you reek of desparation. Must be because you apparently assume every woman is a man unless she's naked -_-'


Sarcasm. Boy I thought that would work out. And yeah. I assume every woman is a man unless she's naked. You've clearly never tried to hang out on a Third World Country Clubs. It will be all too late when you realize you're making out with a chick with a $&*^. 


You're cherry picking. Science fiction has more blatantly impossible things than it does things that sort of worked in real life.

Hardly. All changing out your Dendrites to a superconducting fibre will do is cause them to stop carriying the chemical signals your brain needs to work. The writers of Halo confused electrochemical with "bio-electricity".

I would have found it easier to except if it was just some form of Ghost in the Shell style Cyberbrain.

It's not even meant to be realistic. In several interviews they've mentioned that they wanted to make a game about future mythology not some gritty militaristic shooter. They specifically evoked Clarktech and compared it to Evangelion and Dune, both settings with science and mystisism crossing over.


-Actually No. Theoretical works believes that if they can stimulate a neuron much longer, we are able to understand learning changes with age and long term disorders, shortening synapses, junctions and stimulating neurons to fire much longer and many others are being crafted from the their very Brain.  Heard of the Project Blue Brain? Artificial Neural Networks are once fiction. And they are emerging out of the Virtual World to Reality. We might be living in a World where Major Motoko Kusanagi lives with a different name.


As Totz suggests. You can not put Deathstroke against Superman and expect a Fair Fight. That is because Totz implied a wrong champion to deal with Superman. Futuristic Reality against Futuristic Mythology? No. If our Ancestors can see us now, they'll consider us as Gods. 

Once Myths are now a Reality mate. We have fabricated Theories and Analysis of Time Traveling, Wormholes, string Theories and concluded that Time cannot be halted. 


Necros' Soul Punch, Vauban's Vortex, Rhino's Stomp...etc etc is invalid no matter which angle you try to perceive it.




Guys... let the tread die.



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