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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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I do think, for the sake of further argument: peeps should decide who would win based on an equal footing assumption. If it's a squad of Tenno, it should be a squad of Spartans.

And, as a fun spin off, what about Isaac Clarke from dead space? Vs MC? Vs Tenno?

A squad of Spartans still lose. Master Chief is generally considered the best of them, yes? It's arguable that he could take a win one on one at all, so I don't see how squad v. squad would help. Especially if Nyx is involved.

Issac Clark has some neat guns and powers, but he's far too slow and squishy to take any Tenno 1v1. I doubt he could take Master Chief unless he gets the drop on him and spams his Telekinesis on him.

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Tenno would obviously win.


it's obviously the difference in the abilities of frames and also some modded weapons and there he's dead, there's no way you can compare tenno to MC by any way. Even without sentinel, Tenno can handle him solo either way. it will take more than just shields to take the damage.


Mod+abilities= MC out lol. ( bringing sentinel only would add more advantage obvious but anyways the win is warframe either way).


Besides before taking us on, surely he can't even handle any one of the faction from the three, so obviously, it's best he overcomes them first before coming to us, after all we are masters of universe ^^,( also don't forget stalkers, if MC did take out boss by luck, surely stalker will show up and he will just KO MC easily with slash dash enough in next second of breath, or even with weapons enough ).

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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We've kept this thread civil the whole time. Until rainbowfarts sneaks in. 




-Well,dear sire,I hereby agree that yes,I was uncivil no reason whatsoever,you had no part and only me rambling because you were a very good at the argument


With that out of the way:


As Remitevji said, let's keep it civil everyone.

Apologies, let's just say that I wasn't...too pleased with sudden "trolling"(must be Poe's law at play) and I shouldn't have gotten that angry.

Will learn to be a bit calmer with things like this and I hope if we cross paths(or forums) again,it wouldn't be under circumstances like this one.


Back on topic:


Some forget that the only difference between MC and other Spartans(well most) is luck and intellect(isn't too impressive,even among them),which in hypothetical thought, is equal to Deus ex Machina.

Edited by Kefaljohn
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The master chief has only 100hp/shield and no abilities

I bet all warframes will beat him.

Alad V will simple kill the chief. ^^

The salad?

Nah,he just needs a  fork,a spoon and proper dressings(preferably oil, Vinegar and/or Soy sauce for some)

The spoon and fork to take out whatever he can,and the dressings to apply to his eyes


Zanuka on the other hand...

Edited by Kefaljohn
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this is very amusing, i love both the Warframes and Haloverse immensly but give credit to the Chief lets see his exploits first and compare


  • Fought off an entire Covenant armada, almost single-handedly in the first game.
  • Rescued Captain Keyes when he was captured
  • Fought off the Flood, and prevented it from escaping from the Alpha Halo Ring.
  • Took down the Scarab that was ravaging New Mombasa
  • Assassinated Regret
  • Fought off the Flood (again)
  • Wiped out an entire army of Covenant that invaded Crow's Nest, giving most of the marines in the base time to evacuate.
  • Fought off the Flood when it invaded Earth
  • Entered High Charity, fought his way through an army of Flood, including Pure Forms, and rescued Cortana
  • Killed 343 Guilty Spark
  • Flips Mammoth/Scorpion Tanks effortlessly
  • Stated that it would take 1000 spartan III to defeat a Spartan II...he also BEAT UP 118 off them before being caught...thats 118 Supersoldiers beat n down Rhino style

so now we kno a few off his things now lets see his key traits that make him the beast he is...


Master Tactician,adaptable,highly conditioned,immense strength,insane reflexes,HES @(*()$ LUCKY


Now where i find it funny is when most people say 1v1 he would not stand a chance...wrong even the greatest one that would come to mind would be a walk in the park...yes sadly rhino you would be a dead weight for the Tenno...

there is no way rhino would be able to beat the chief using brute force...Fists/melee weapons forget it chief has it hands down if he can flip a tank like its a damn joke rhino is gunna meet his maker...weapons...they use mostly brunt force...rhino's signature Fragor would be sliced in 2 by the energy sword or chief would just grab it


wich frame would be able to stand a chance 1v1? trinity/mag/saryn but again they would have to use stealth and NOT be detected chief would easily dispatch them if they would be detected before being in Effective range.


i am not fanboyin chief i am giving him his dues and im not having frames fight him on johns terms...nope John will fight in the Frames universe by having him enter it via story...he can easily be cryo'ed and unfrozen thousands of years later ready to fight again...humans need a savior and chief will rise again wipe the universe off anything trying to harm mankind...sry grineer...sry corpus...and yeah infection ur just another alien life form chief is gunna eradicate

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Hi, i'm new to the Warframe Universe, I've just begun playing and it is immense fun and I've read most if not all of the posts and have played all of the Halo games, except Wars.

Gameplay wise, I think the Tenno would win. Comparing the gameplay styles of the two games, Warframe is much more fast paced and their weaponry and shielding alone is much more than the MJOLNIR Mark VI armour capabilities, I don't know much about classes about Warframe so I will be shying away from their abilities but their combat knowledge alone gives them an equal playing ground. A new Tenno would not stand against MC, even with superior shielding and weaponry, MC can be able to defeat a new Tenno in 1 v 1 combat.

as far as I've seen none of the comments have mentioned the new promethean weapons, and if they have then I must have missed it but Promethean Weaponry is just ridiculous in the way it just 'digitizes' everything, a scattershot at close range or better yet an Incineration Cannon would be able to take an unshielded Tenno down, with shields, it might take 5-6 more hits or less but either way the Tenno will go down. At a melee fight the beginning Skana is pretty slow in gameplay and MC could parry or block it most of the time, but considering the way it just cuts through armour it would be wise to dodge it anyway.

Now that is a new Tenno, fresh out of Cryostasis and using the readymade Lato, Braton and Skana at hand. MC could probably take down at max two or three if he is extremely lucky, (He is supposed to have absurd amount of luck but I doubt that will factor in here) But more at the same time will be no competition, if he were to take down one at a time and showing the supposed infinite stamina that the games give him he could keep taking them down until he runs out of ammo or makes a mistake, one mistake would be all it would take. An experienced Tenno on the other hand, even without mods would be hard to beat, I'd say one or two if that aforementioned luck factors. Modded Tenno would have no challenge in defeating MC, and Tenno with powers have a far higher advantage.

Lore wise, we know nothing about Tenno as repeatedly stated above and MC has a whole repetoire of feats and achievments to show. He did not take down an entire Covenant Armada single-handedly, though he did help significantly, if you say he did it by himself then I assume the Warships and vehicles the UNSC have at their disposal have absolutely no use whatsoever.

The AI was a bit good in Halo, the way they would actually be taken aback if you ambushed them and when you eliminate the higher classes the lower classes will flee, although the way they 'brace' themselves when you are about to run them over with a frigging tank makes me laugh everytime.

MC is a prime example of being manipulated, he would have literally fired the Halo ring and killed all sentient life, friend and foe alike if he did not have Cortana, It's like the Lotus telling the Tenno what to do except they don't have a secondary voice to tell them otherwise. The Lore also have made him survive re-entry to planets and being able to survive absurd amounts of heat and pressure but is nonetheless killed by Incendiary grenades, flamethrowers, being run over by vehicles and sometimes even jumping down from heights can lead to a suicide.

He is capable of holding his own against Covies but to say it like he did it without help is just stupid, I cannot express how glad I was to see a vehicle or weapon drop out of Pelicans in the game or to see some Marines that can help man the guns or drive in vehicles or the frequent assists UNSC forces and Covenant forces alike during the campaign, while the Tenno only need themselves as they are shown to be able fight through ships and hack systems by themselves and only need other Tenno when the current Tenno are too under-leveled (If that is a word) To fight against current opponents or to open Co-op doors or for Defense and Survival missions or, most likely case, a boss battle, which most bosses in the game can easily annihilate Chief.

Overall, a single Tenno can spar with Chief depending on his level, but no matter the Tenno, Chief cannot defeat more than three of the most under-trained Tenno in Warframe even with all the powers of the game available to him. Including Overshields, Active Camoflauges and entire Halo Arsenal (Excluding Vehicles and weapons such as the Mac Gun)

Edited by Damadarchius
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this is very amusing, i love both the Warframes and Haloverse immensly but give credit to the Chief lets see his exploits first and compare


  • Fought off an entire Covenant armada, almost single-handedly in the first game.
  • Rescued Captain Keyes when he was captured
  • Fought off the Flood, and prevented it from escaping from the Alpha Halo Ring.
  • Took down the Scarab that was ravaging New Mombasa
  • Assassinated Regret
  • Fought off the Flood (again)
  • Wiped out an entire army of Covenant that invaded Crow's Nest, giving most of the marines in the base time to evacuate.
  • Fought off the Flood when it invaded Earth
  • Entered High Charity, fought his way through an army of Flood, including Pure Forms, and rescued Cortana
  • Killed 343 Guilty Spark
  • Flips Mammoth/Scorpion Tanks effortlessly
  • Stated that it would take 1000 spartan III to defeat a Spartan II...he also BEAT UP 118 off them before being caught...thats 118 Supersoldiers beat n down Rhino style

so now we kno a few off his things now lets see his key traits that make him the beast he is...


Master Tactician,adaptable,highly conditioned,immense strength,insane reflexes,HES @(*()$ LUCKY


Now where i find it funny is when most people say 1v1 he would not stand a chance...wrong even the greatest one that would come to mind would be a walk in the park...yes sadly rhino you would be a dead weight for the Tenno...

there is no way rhino would be able to beat the chief using brute force...Fists/melee weapons forget it chief has it hands down if he can flip a tank like its a damn joke rhino is gunna meet his maker...weapons...they use mostly brunt force...rhino's signature Fragor would be sliced in 2 by the energy sword or chief would just grab it


wich frame would be able to stand a chance 1v1? trinity/mag/saryn but again they would have to use stealth and NOT be detected chief would easily dispatch them if they would be detected before being in Effective range.


i am not fanboyin chief i am giving him his dues and im not having frames fight him on johns terms...nope John will fight in the Frames universe by having him enter it via story...he can easily be cryo'ed and unfrozen thousands of years later ready to fight again...humans need a savior and chief will rise again wipe the universe off anything trying to harm mankind...sry grineer...sry corpus...and yeah infection ur just another alien life form chief is gunna eradicate

I might be wrong,but aren't most of these attributed to luck,since it's what it's pointed out,in-universe mind you,that makes him an exceptional Spartan?

Hell,we didn't witness any instance(besides the one training incident) where he showed us his brilliant tactical mind actually mattered.

No seriously,I don't remember his wits alone taking him through all that,considering there are smarter and stronger beings in the Haloverse.

Most of the time following other people's plans and orders,rather than his own(well,according to the short wiki search I did :P)


Also,mind telling me how he resists rhino stomp/dash,slash dash/radial blind,freeze,mind controll/chaos,decoy/radial disarm/switch teleport off a cliff,soul punch,world of fire/fireball,Grappling hook,M.prime/nova star(or whatever it's called),bastile/vortex,shock/electric shield/overload,bladestorm and Sonic waves which can cause quakes to everyone near them and flip them off the ground,regardless of  mechanical augments?

Bullets do just fine against him,why not these?

As for the Spartan  III thing,a>b>c logic much?


The last 20 something pages brought it up and explained.So I'm just bringing up questions(or trying) that mostly deconstruct the argument by themselves.

So good luck trying to surpass 20 pages worth of arguments and scientific factoids thrown left and right,also hypothesis doesn't play with the dice,it follows the most possible outcome with the facts it has

Edited by Kefaljohn
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  • Flips Mammoth/Scorpion Tanks effortlessly

With game mechanics. You know what else can flip Warthogs/Scorpions/etc ingame? ODSTs and completely unaugmented UNSC marines. Unless you're going to argue that baseline humans in Halo are all genetically-modified ubermensch and that MC's augmentations are all completely redundant in comparison, that example falls flat on its face.


Master Chief's actual lifting strength according to lore is in the area of 2-3 tons IIRC, which, as I've demonstrated time and time again is nothing special by the standards of a Warframe's physical strength. Hell, Rhino's feat of ripping Zanuka in half and then tossing the pieces 8-10 meters away is a lot more impressive than anything we see Chief or any other Spartan do. (even more impressive than the disproven in-game feat of him flipping a 66-ton tank to be honest. Moving 66 tons of metal is one thing. Tearing a horse-sized mass of metal apart is another thing altogether)

Edited by Senteth
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With game mechanics. You know what else can flip Warthogs/Scorpions ingame? ODSTs and completely unaugmented UNSC marines. Unless you're going to argue that baseline humans in Halo are all genetically-modified ubermensch and that MC's augmentations are all completely redundant in comparison, that example falls flat on its face.


Master Chief's actual lifting strength according to lore is in the area of 2-3 tons IIRC, which, as I've demonstrated time and time again is nothing special by the standards of a Warframe's physical strength. Hell, Rhino's feat of ripping Zanuka in half and then tossing the pieces 8-10 meters away is a lot more impressive than anything we see Chief or any other Spartan do. (even more impressive than the disproven in-game feat of him flipping a 66-ton tank to be honest. Moving 66 tons of metal is one thing. Tearing a horse-sized mass of metal apart is another thing altogether)

Personally,it looks closer to the size of a Lynx or Dog,IMO

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Personally,it looks closer to the size of a Lynx or Dog,IMO

*checks video of Zanuka boss fight* Huh, I remembered it being a little larger. Quite a bit bigger than a Lynx though, and only somewhat smaller than a horse. (doesn't have the height of one, but seems to have a similarly-sized body overall. A medium-sized tiger might be a more appropriate comparison, or one of the larger breeds of dog)

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Personally,it looks closer to the size of a Lynx or Dog,IMO

You don't know what a Lynx looks like do you?


Or do you think the people in Warframe are two feet tall?

I admit it isn't quit as massive as a horse, but it's nearly 5 feet tall at the shoulder and at least 9 feet long.

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You don't know what a Lynx looks like do you?


Or do you think the people in Warframe are two feet tall?

I admit it isn't quit as massive as a horse, but it's nearly 5 feet tall at the shoulder and at least 9 feet long.

I said it's closer to a lynx or dog than a horse in size,not that it is at the size of a sphynx

And yes,I did underestimate their size,can't remember the last time I've seen one anywhere,so apologies for the miscalculation

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Sorry for going off on you, but I generally look something up before trying to use it in an argument. You're on the internet, nearly infinite free information is literally at your finger tips.

Meh,there's much MUCH worse things as a reaction to my mistake,so yeah,I'm not offended or annoyed,it's a simple correction for a simple(if not stupid)  mistake.

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I do feel like MC's main argument is in his lore, while the Tenno have the gameplay advantage. Cute lynx. zanuka is a bit hard to gauge on size. It might be as big as a human, and is likely more massive, but the thing won't hold still long enough for me.

Sideline question, mass effect's Shepard vs MC, vs Tenno?

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What's surprising is there are still topics to argue with. If Rhino effortlessly ripped Zanuka in Half and MC flipped a Tank then we can conclude that both possess an immense strength to damage one another. 


I thought we moved on to Stalker vs MC? 

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MC's greatest achievment in game seems to be lifting a tank, none of the cutscenes promotes any greater feats of strength from him and I have not read the books, plus in ODST, you can flip a tank as well as carry a Machine Gun, which was described to be only be able to be ripped from its stand by a Spartan and to move as effortlessly as they do, yet the Rookie, the ODST you play as can easily carry the Machine Gun, rip it out and even flip a Tank. The only real difference to Gameplay is that you are much easier to kill as you have no shield and you cannot survive high falls. Not as high as the ones Chief can survive in game anyway.

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I thought we moved on to Stalker vs MC?

What's the point? There isn't even an argument to be had. At least MC can maybe pull a win against a normal Tenno on a fluke, but how the hek would he handle the guy who effortlessly trashes whole squads of the guys he can't handle 1v1?

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