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Warframe Synergies.


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We already know some Warframes in game affect each other in some ways. Some are great, some are not so great.

Many at times, I tend to think, " What would happen if DE decided to actually implement creative Warframe synergies into the game, to make them much more special?"

This is by all means, a very far stretch, especially with all the things DE is adding in to Warframe, but just imagining the possibility of what frames could do if DE had their creative team whip up many ideas for this. 

I have many own ideas for this topic:

*Disclaimer: A few of these ideas aren't complete, as my creative mind isn't enough for it, but I still wanted to share this with everyone.

1) Ash and Loki: Ash uses Blade Storm, and Loki uses Decoy, in which Ash can activate a special mark upon Loki’s Decoy, which activates Loki’s Decoy to kill Ash’s marked enemies. This in turns makes Loki’s decoy more versatile in battle, and the Decoy can attack up to 5 enemies, and this decreases the amount of energy Ash uses to mark his enemies, more so with Smoke Screen active. When Loki's Decoy deals damage to the marked enemies, each enemy has a chance to transfer extra damage to its next target, dealing true damage for 10 seconds in a range of 5 meters every 2 enemies killed.


2) Banshee and Octavia: Banshee uses Sound Quake, which buffs Octavia’s Amp damage buff and Range, while also boosting the efficiency of Banshee’s Sound Quake by 45%.


3) Zephyr/Inaros/Titania: Titania activates Lantern on an enemy, in which Zephyr can activate Tornado to have Titania’s Lantern’s deal 2x the amount of heat damage, and pull enemies into the Tornadoes and give the Tornadoes heat damage. If Inaros uses Sandstorm on a Lantern at all or when they are in Zephyr’s Tornado, Inaros can create Sand Shadowflies, which provides him Overhealth(the health bar will become green with an added 1000 health). The Sand Shadowflies also can spread and deal damage to enemies around, or help Titania’s Razorflies, when she’s in her Pixie Form. If Zephyr uses Airburst on Titania, whether she be in normal or Razorwing, Titania will gain a movement, fire rate, and melee speed boost. If Titania uses Lantern on Zephyr, Zephyr will gain a heat aura around her that will damage enemies upon contact, which can be boosted with Turbulence, which will redirect all incoming projectiles, dealing bonus heat damage.


4) Atlas and Rhino: If Atlas uses Landslide while colliding with Rhino’s Rhino Charge, they will both cause a radial explosion of 10-20 meters, which will send enemies flying in all directions(bosses may vary). If they both charge side by side, Rhino will move with Atlas using Landslide, combining and amplifying their damage output by 40% and decreasing the energy cost by 30%, and also granting a 50% chance of Rhino and Atlas performing Land Charge, which is a combination of Landslide and Rhino Charge’s combo mechanic, and their damage multipliers.


5) Volt/Ember/Saryn/Frost + Chroma: Whenever two of the elemental Warframes use their basic elemental attack on an enemy, two things can happen: either the enemies can’t handle the damage of the attacks and die, or the enemy can take the secondary elemental proc, and be affected by the proc(Saryn’s kit falls mainly under corrosive, so her element will be under Toxin when used in conjunction), so there is a 50% chance of either happening to provide variety. If Chroma is around, either in a raid, as a specter, or on a mission, his abilities will get buffed with the elemental Warframe(s), and can buff the matching elemental Warframe that’s around with an added 25% ability strength.


6) Oberon and Titania: Oberon spawns Hallowed Ground, and if Titania activates Razorwing or any of her other abilities while upon Hallowed Ground, her casting speed will be increased by 30%. The grass will give extra radiation damage to all lanterns casted upon it, and spawn double the Razorflies, supercharging her with increased damage for her Exalted Weapons, Dex Pixia(Dual Pistols) and Diwata(Heavy Blade), while the Razorflies can also give Oberon and his companion temporary invulnerability for 10 seconds, which gives bonus armor depending on the amount of damage nullified, more so when Renewal is active. If Oberon uses Reckoning on a lantern, it will create 3 more lanterns, but with a range of 10 meters per lantern. 


7) Nidus and Saryn: If Saryn uses Molt, and Nidus casts Virulence upon it, The Molt will explode automatically, sending infested spores that will give Saryn 20% extra damage for the next 3 casts of Spores, and Nidus will gain 3 extra stacks(1/5 extra for every 2 enemies in Larva if it’s around the Molt when active).


8) Revenant and Wisp: When Wisp activates Breach Surge, Revenant can use Reave to spread the Surges farther and do more damage, while giving them both overshields.


9) Ivara and Wukong: Ivara can shoot any of her Quiver Arrows at Wukong, and he can carry the arrow with him while he's in Cloudwalker, allowing more flexibility for Ivara's Kit.

-Noise Arrow: extends the range of the noise by 5-10 meters(doesn't scale with range).

-Sleep Arrow: allows the cloud in Cloud Walker to have the enemies fall asleep if they come in contact with Wukong's cloud.


10) Wukong and Nezha: When Wukong activates Cloudwalker on Nezha, he gives Nezha his Almighty Lance with its own special stance(a weapon that he stole from Nezha long ago), in which he can fight alongside Wukong in a melee-focused battle against the enemy, dealing True damage for a limited time. When Nezha has Firewalker active, he deals fire damage, even more so when Warding Halo is active. 


11) Valkyr and Garuda: When Valkyr activates Hysteria, and Garuda start using her claws for melee near each other, Garuda will gain 20% extra movement and attack speed, while Valkyr takes and multiplies the 5% of leftover damage from Hysteria being deactivated by 200% as an AoE blast, which ignores walls. If Garuda uses Seeking Talons while using this synergy, her ability will not ignore walls.


12) Mesa and Excalibur: When Mesa uses her Regulators and Excalibur uses his Exalted Blade(Regular, Prime, or Umbral), they will both gain a 40% power strength and efficiency increase. If Mesa aims her crosshair at Excalibur, her bullets will ricochet off his Exalted Blade gaining infinite punchthrough. If Excalibur launches his Exalted Slashes at Mesa, she will shoot them, which will split into multiple more slashes, gaining a damage increase. 


13) Protea and Vauban: When Vauban and Protea each utilize their first abilities, Tesla Nervos and Grenade Fan, each one will combine with one another, creating 2 different modules, based more on what Protea uses:


*Module 1: If Protea uses her Tap ability(Shrapnel Vortex) with Tesla Nervos, they will combine to form an electrical storm that will envelop a 30 meter area, scaling in damage each second for 15 seconds. 

*Module 2: If Protea uses her hold ability(Shield Satellite) with Tesla Nervos, lightning strikes will spawn in every 4 seconds of picking up a Shield Satellite. They will deal 50 electricity damage per hit, with 40% status chance, and can refresh the stun per hit.


14) Oberon and Nidus: When Nidus and Oberon cast Virulence and Hallowed Ground upon each other, Nidus makes up to 5 maggots that grow 2.5x bigger than the normal maggots, with a bigger blast radius of 10 meters that deal “True” damage, while also giving Oberon's Hallowed Ground a chance to summon spikes of grass that automatically form up to impale a max of 3 enemies for 8-10 seconds; Oberon can target any extra enemies at the cost of 5 energy each by holding Hallowed Ground on an enemy(Oberon must be on Hallowed Ground to activate that perk).


15) Mag and Nova: When Mag uses Polarize, and Nova uses Antimatter Drop, it will pull all of the shards from 20 meters from Polarize. The shards will fly around it, And if enemies get too close to it, the shards will damage them(the damage will be based on the armor and shields previously stripped off). If damage is pumped into the Antimatter drop, it will create more shards and deal more damage, until the Antimatter Drop explodes.


16) Gara and Mirage: When Mirage casts Hall Of Mirrors within Gara's Spectrorage, She makes refractions of Gara that follow her just as Mirage, based on the amount of Mirrors made, giving Gara a boost of damage. If Gara gives Splinter Storm to Mirage before she releases a Prism, the glass will absorb the Prism around Mirage, and reflect the lasers off her, giving her a boost in damage, even more so if Eclipse is active when she is in light.


17) Ember and Grendel: When Grendel uses Meatball, and Ember throws a fireball at him, he gains the heat status effect, but instead of taking damage, Grendel becomes a literal flaming meatball, allowing him to "deal" heat-based damage to enemies he rolls into with 75% status chance. This also gives Embers passive a boost of range between 5-20 meters max, increasing her ability strength potential.


18) Gauss and Volt[(player mode: Not implemented)]: When Volt activates Speed and Gauss activates Redline at the same time, all enemies in the tileset will move 50% slower, and all non hit-scan weapon projectiles move slower too, giving the perspective of Gauss and Volt moving faster than the human eye, performing actions and abilities in their own perspective.


19) Nekros and Inaros: When Inaros uses Scarab Swarm and throws sand on an enemy, and Nekros uses Soul Punch on that enemy, they both create a plague of Undead Bugs that can spread to create an army of Egyptian warriors that resemble the enemy slain. If Shadows of the Dead is active, they will rise up from the ground and have the ability to throw sand to damage the enemies.


20) Revenant and Nyx: If Nyx uses Absorb, and Revenant uses Reave to come in contact with it, a large mist will span over 25m, causing all enemies in that area to have no visual perception for 10-15 seconds.


21) Nekros and Nidus: If Nidus uses Larva and Nekros uses Desecrate, the larva will spawn extra loot without having to kill the enemies.


22) Umbra and Valkyr: When Valkyr has Hysteria active and Umbra uses Radial Howl(Regular, Prime, or Umbra), Valkyr will gain the exalted Slashs to slice through the air like the Exalted Umbra Blade and decreased energy drain, while Umbra gains the Warcry buff and extra damage.


23) Limbo and Harrow: When Limbo uses Banish on an enemy that is hit with Condemn, the enemy will spread the “Chains of Purgatory”, which can banish surrounding enemies into the Rift(even those hit with condemn beforehand), and keep them chained for double the base duration of Harrow’s Condemn, giving overshields to all allies in a 15 meter range near a chained enemy, based on the amount of enemies hit with Condemn.


24) Banshee and Ivara: When Ivara uses Noise Arrow when Banshee has Silence active, each enemy(continue).


25) Revenant and Umbra: When Umbra uses Radial Howl near Revenant while he has his max amount of Mesmer Skins active, Revenant will gain the opportunity to call upon his former self, the Warden, which will spawn from one of Revenants Mesmer skin, and assist both frames in battle or a limited, 3-use time.


26) Atlas and Grendel: When Atlas uses Tectonic and Grendel uses Meatball, Grendel can collide with the Tectonic wall to become a literal boulder, giving him damage invulnerability for 20 seconds, and negating energy drain for 8-10 seconds. When Atlas deactivates Tectonics to allow the wall to roll, Grendel will shed the rock shell, dealing blast damage in a 15 meters area, simultaneously dropping 500-750 points of Rubble for Atlas to pick up.


27) Ember and Mag: When Mag uses Polarize and Ember uses Fire Blast at the same time, each enemy affected by both abilities with drop 2 fiery shards, that when picked up, will grant 150 armor each up to a capped 1500 armor that will degrade over time(100 armor/3 seconds).

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2 hours ago, (PS4)IAMPRO_16 said:

17) Ember and Grendel: When Grendel uses Meatball, and Ember throws a fireball at him, he gains the heat status effect, but instead of taking damage, Grendel becomes a literal flaming meatball, allowing him to "deal" heat-based damage to enemies he rolls into with 75% status chance. This also gives Embers passive a boost of range between 5-20 meters max, increasing her ability strength potential.

The effect is not insane... but I kind of like Grendel + Nezha Firewalker.

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Yeah, thank you for the in-depth OP.

Unfortunately this is one that's come up so many times before... so many times...

Frame Synergies are not something DE will do, confirmed several times on streams through the years, because they would have to ensure that they were patched, updated and changed every single time they updated any Warframe.

Instead of just designing 4 abilities and dictating whether those affect another frame or not (in a general sense, such as buffing, debuffing, healing and so on), or whether another frame's existing ability can affect these new abilities... They would have to design 4 abilities and then design... Hang on... maths... more 400 possible interactions they could have with the other 40+ Warframes on the roster.

That's why they shut the concept down hard years ago, when there were even less frames available to interact with each other.

Hell... DE can't go a single update without their spaghetti code breaking at least one ability interaction with another frame as it is... I can't imagine the kind of bugs that this idea would create on top of that.

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2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

That's why they shut the concept down hard years ago, when there were even less frames available to interact with each other.

Couldn't they at least make some basics. For example if you touch fire you get heat proc ("lava grounds", nezha's firewalker path, ember's fireblast). If you touch something cold (frost things, frozen grounds) you get cold procs. There is probably 10 - 20 basics stuffs that makes frame interaction with thigns "interesting".
Imagine you roll with Grendel and Hyeaka master set you on fire.... you roll... and set everything on fire.

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1 hour ago, quxier said:

Couldn't they at least make some basics.

You're asking me? This is me just reporting that they have, over time, repeatedly shut down all of these ideas.

I used to take part in these particular threads a lot, theory crafting and so on, right up until DE addressed it and said that 'it's not on the table' (one of their favourite ways of saying no).

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27 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:
1 hour ago, quxier said:


You're asking me? This is me just reporting that they have, over time, repeatedly shut down all of these ideas.

I used to take part in these particular threads a lot, theory crafting and so on, right up until DE addressed it and said that 'it's not on the table' (one of their favourite ways of saying no).

yeah, sort of... never mind then
well... we need more tables! Just kidding.

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7 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Yeah, thank you for the in-depth OP.

Unfortunately this is one that's come up so many times before... so many times...

Frame Synergies are not something DE will do, confirmed several times on streams through the years, because they would have to ensure that they were patched, updated and changed every single time they updated any Warframe.

Instead of just designing 4 abilities and dictating whether those affect another frame or not (in a general sense, such as buffing, debuffing, healing and so on), or whether another frame's existing ability can affect these new abilities... They would have to design 4 abilities and then design... Hang on... maths... more 400 possible interactions they could have with the other 40+ Warframes on the roster.

That's why they shut the concept down hard years ago, when there were even less frames available to interact with each other.

Hell... DE can't go a single update without their spaghetti code breaking at least one ability interaction with another frame as it is... I can't imagine the kind of bugs that this idea would create on top of that.

I truly see your point in this. Personally, I thought it would just be fun to bother start thinking about these, since there's so much in warframe to already do, and I found it pretty fun. 

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