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Railjck .. yeah someone plays it ... suggestion of a change in scope/vision


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I am currently in the veil

flying around slowly, looking at space

with Animal Crossing New Hroizons OST as background


it got me thinking, wouldn't Railjack benefit from a "Rebel Galaxy" level design.


lemme explain

currently WF has deceptively large spaces with 3 max points of interest.

Rebel galaxy instead has an entire system with 10+ locations really there.


Instead of star chart, treat each planet as an open world.


bounties can be loaded and reloaded endlessly until extraction, a huge deal tennos that just bash and criticize the open world forget.


ooooooooh... there's that music again .... so good, i'll never play anim. cross. tho ;-;

ehm, ehm ... as i was saying


It would in my opinion be more smart to go the "open-world"/"open-space" route with railjack, eith evwnts spawningvin as neede.


stsrchart can remain BUT it needs some trimming down ... too many identical missions.


take care 🐢


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First railjack is recent enough there is more of us than you think 

Second railjack with its current star chart and the ability to start a new mission with out returning to the orbiter is a prrtty good design as a foundation 

Third it was in the original concept to have railjack in open worlds so i have hopes for this to come but i don't think it should be a priority atm

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on the other hand, if the structure remains the same, mission diversity needs to be a thing 


i've already wrote a suggestion on an endurance run somewhere


the other mission needed are these



a ship slowly goes from point a to b, or a to b does an animation and then go to extraction.

tenno need to fly close and defend.

Grineer/corpus bombers that are just ships rigged to explode might function as space "demolists".


"Assault at castle railjack-stein"

Board a massive ship wheter grineer or sentient or anything and rig it to explode. A timed extraction to clear thw blast zone like all those movies and games would be pretty fun.



a settlement has been taken by an hostile force

this would play out like this

> arrive in space and defeat ships

> land on planet (tiles)

> defend from both space and land, tennos can move between areas


This last one expecially, would fake having acces to planet tileset and space by using the already developed system of railjack in use currently, just without the view-portal and loading the normal tile with its assets.


10 minutes ago, TheFlameFlash said:

Second railjack with its current star chart and the ability to start a new mission with out returning to the orbiter is a prrtty good design as a foundation

yeah, i agree.

I remember hearing de_steve saying railjack needs to respect the already present starchart system of WF ... willingly or not, we were then able to chain missions without it being an "open world" as we know it.


Still, if they manage to handle the streaming correctly like in all other open worlds, the loading can be discarded entirely and the jumping between location can be pretty quick like Rebel Galaxy and "mainly" visual.


Currently the stuttering loading kinda takes away from the immersion.


It would be amazing if we could fly to the objective ourselves.


(sorry the spelling, my phone has tiny keys)

i can do emojis tho, look!


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15 hours ago, Doraz_ said:

bounties can be loaded and reloaded endlessly until extraction, a huge deal tennos that just bash and criticize the open world forget.

That's not a huge deal at all unless you're somehow allergic to loading screens. In fact, I find very little value in running the same static map over and over again with different objectives. One of Warframe's major strengths is procedural map design. Railjack maps are fairly simple due to being open space, but they still differ from mission to mission. I'd much rather be able to seamlessly jump between mission maps (already without encountering a loading screen) than run multiple missions on the same map. Free Roam maps are a development dead end in Warframe, as far as I'm concerned. They offer exploration in a game that doesn't really support it, they consist of predominantly dead space that nobody ever visits and they offer no unique gameplay that can't be had within a procedurally-generated map.

If you want to improve Railjack, add more game modes to it, let us park our Railjack and embark on longer EVA missions, be they Archwing or on foot and expand the available environments to include atmospheric flight. As far as I'm concerned, Railjack needs a counterpart to every existing Star Chart mission.

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On 2020-10-01 at 3:27 PM, Steel_Rook said:

That's not a huge deal at all unless you're somehow allergic to loading screens. In fact, I find very little value in running the same static map over and over again with different objectives. One of Warframe's major strengths is procedural map design. Railjack maps are fairly simple due to being open space, but they still differ from mission to mission. I'd much rather be able to seamlessly jump between mission maps (already without encountering a loading screen) than run multiple missions on the same map. Free Roam maps are a development dead end in Warframe, as far as I'm concerned. They offer exploration in a game that doesn't really support it, they consist of predominantly dead space that nobody ever visits and they offer no unique gameplay that can't be had within a procedurally-generated map.

If you want to improve Railjack, add more game modes to it, let us park our Railjack and embark on longer EVA missions, be they Archwing or on foot and expand the available environments to include atmospheric flight. As far as I'm concerned, Railjack needs a counterpart to every existing Star Chart mission.

Mainly i want the loading to not feel like i'm am assisting someone giving birth 0_0


Plus, i really think exploration with the controls DE conjured up, floaty and forgiving collision-wise, can be really ejoyable.

I'm thinking again of Battle of Procyon, save someone from a nebula, find parts of weapon scattered around the map and infiltrating a big sentient ship without being spotted, with the structure pulsating all around you.


I meant Open World the same way Rebel Galaxy did it, not like skyrim xD

Programming wise, I am well aware WF can't support tile streaming ( not being server based/dedicated )  but instead i want an "Open Area" feel.

In reality, it should be what our current open wolrds are designed already ... they are not truly "open world".


Concluding, given the current state of Railjack, it's very un-necessary the loading between mission ... being so long and intensive.

You are loading the SAME EXACT mission, with the same exact scripts and situation .... i'm afraid they went with the easy way, but I think there's a lot of optimization that can be done.

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what ever their future plan is for this game mode, I do not care. What I care is if they will ever deliver what they showed in tennocom reveal of railjack. The Giant massive space battle where shots are coming everywhere with the true chaotic sense of battlesfield. Bullet flying around, enemy ship approaching in and out, boarding Party as a constant threat, and enemy Battleship charging up their deadly main cannon. But now we have the easily spoon fed enemy.

I played the mode few times recently and find the drop to be god like awful. In 20 runs I did, I did not get a single zetki weapon to drop. it used to drop every-run like free candy, and I feel sorry for anyone who enjoy railjack to miss the days that zetki weapons rain from the sky. The grind is a serious bad. It's like DE outright remove all endless mission and force everyone to farm enemies in extermination missions. I guess railjack is the archwing 2.0 where player treat it the same.

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