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Bring back the melee trails!


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I swear, ever since De removed almost every weapon trail, something about them feels off, just running around with that effect, was soo cool (especially while swining your sword/hammer/etc etc), so, why did De removed this beautiful effect? at least they could have kept the option to turn it on and off.....(and no, it wasn't a due to the channeling, it was a standard effect.)


some people say that this option is going to come back with the last part of melee 3.0 (yes, incase you didn't noticed or you don't remember, right now we have melee 2.9), but... it's almost a year and half and we are still waiting and De still didn't say anything...

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What? Every weapon has swinging trails, and if you enable it in your graphics options, you can have the trails appear even while not swinging or even while unequipped.

The only real downgrade that happened with weapon trails was stuff like the War/Broken War and other weapons losing any unique trails they had. That was a real shame, the War trail was really goddamn nice.

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2 hours ago, so_many_watermelons said:

What? Every weapon has swinging trails, and if you enable it in your graphics options, you can have the trails appear even while not swinging or even while unequipped.

The only real downgrade that happened with weapon trails was stuff like the War/Broken War and other weapons losing any unique trails they had. That was a real shame, the War trail was really goddamn nice.

wait what? i have everything on! i swear, any melee i used, it doesn't have any trail.

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