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De Is Creating Toxicity With This Event!


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By making tier 3 rewards soley dependant on overall community support, DE is alienating a good portion of their community.

No one wants to fight through 100 missions to NOT get the items/bps they desire.  By doing the event this way they are guaranteeing that they generate toxicity amongst their player base. No one wants to put forth that much effort when they see so far that there is obviously no chance they will get what they want. The first night of the event i hit 40 missions for the corpus but i have stopped there. Due to the fact that as far as the community is aware we have no way of obtaining the one we want due to how it looks like there is no way corpus will win. Currently we are 3-1 grineer.

DE please update this to the losing faction gets bps of the faction they SUPPORTED.


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DE please update this to the losing faction gets bps of the faction they SUPPORTED.

This. I mean I am kinda bummed I'll get stuck with the grineer version because I'd much rather have the corpus gun... but hey, free stuff is free stuff.

p.s. I also disagree with toxicity... At least no more than usual.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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It's mostly been this way because of the rewards. If Grineer's first reward were not a potato things would be a bit more balanced. Once people saw that Grineer were winning the first one, more jumped on the bandwagon because they saw the win. Potato vs. 100k credits? Was a pretty easy choice for most, though I sided with the less favored Corpus. If rewards were a bit balanced, say potato bp vs ~10-15 plat (just under the cost for a potato) things may have been different. But that's DE's prerogative and their event. I will continue the fight for freedom, cuz 'murica.

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This. I mean I am kinda bummed I'll get stuck with the grineer version because I'd much rather have the corpus gun... but hey, free stuff is free stuff.

p.s. I also disagree with toxcitiy... At least no more than usual.


"Toxicity". I disagree, but to each their own. I think the idea for the event is cool. We're getting a lot of free stuff. I'm "ok" with the reward system, but like most people have said - it would be nice if we got the BP for the faction we supported instead of the winning faction. 

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Though I'm looking forward to my fully potatoed Grineer manufactured hand cannon I have to support the dirty Corpus lover in this. Why not get the players supporting the losing faction the BPs of the stuff they were actually fighting for. It's still dimished returns cause they don't get it all potatoed up, but at least they get what they wanted.

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Yea I think it's stupid....the T3 reward is basically forcing the BP of a gun on the players that actually did not want this gun...but wanted the other one.... with rewards on the first day being seemingly biased toward Grineer (which is what most care about) I hope that this will switch around more often so the Corpus actually get the chance to win.


I don't want a lame copycat version of the Seer...I already have the Seer...why would I want it again just with a single piece removed....way uncool :p

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i prefer to think this...

the best bit of speculation that i have seen is that this event might turn out like the frost prime one did.

in other words, we will get both weps, but we will get one of them now, and be able to farm the other later.


again, baseless speculation, but given DEs past, it could happen... and come on, its nice to dream.


please DE, make it this...

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I'd expect Alchemistjkt to be right.  The Vandal/Wraith gear might be one time only, but the hand cannons will probably enter the regular gear pool eventually, unless DE says otherwise.


Beyond the rewards though, my main reward so far was FUN.  Holy cow is this mission type fun!

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If it would be like the Frost Prime event than the winners would get a BP that is part of a grind they still have to do with the BP beeing the easiest and most common drop. Ie, the people who won the Frost Prime BPs won basically nothing.

Case in point, RNG doesn't want me to get system drops ever and I've still got no prime even though I aquired the BP during that event. :P

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I am not sure if this is the case but what if the reward gun is the same for both, and they just made two skinns so the winning side decides what skin they use...

I don't think they would design it and then not use it. So ether we can get it later or it dose not really exist.

Edited by xaythor
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i dont see any toxicity your talking of. if your not lazy and really want one of those guns then you will play and fight for it. if not then you dont deserve it. De isnt creating any of the ill will your feeling. u just want what you dont think you will get. things could swing either way, and i bet some people are only playing for the battle pay and switching sides so corpus can still win.

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"Toxicity". I disagree, but to each their own. I think the idea for the event is cool. We're getting a lot of free stuff. I'm "ok" with the reward system, but like most people have said - it would be nice if we got the BP for the faction we supported instead of the winning faction. 

1.) Really, you had to grammar nazi?

2.) So you think this event fosters toxicity? I don't.

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lol there is no toxicity at all, jesus christ what kind of basements in your mothers house do some people live in if they get toxic over something like this 


best advice: get a life and get over it and just enjoy the goddamn event and the goddamn game, who the hell cares as long as u have fun

secondary advice: we all know acrid will still be better than all the sidearms and galatine/dual ichor will still be better than the melees so its pointless either way


and dont worry MoaBros, corpus will win 

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lol there is no toxicity at all, jesus christ what kind of basements in your mothers house do some people live in if they get toxic over something like this 


best advice: get a life and get over it and just enjoy the goddamn event and the goddamn game, who the hell cares as long as u have fun

secondary advice: we all know acrid will still be better than all the sidearms and galatine/dual ichor will still be better than the melees so its pointless either way


and dont worry MoaBros, corpus will win 

Irony, thy name is High a Bu 5 uh

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Holy S#&$, spoiled kids these days....


DE makes a lot of effort to design a nice, exciting and interesting event with great rewards and some guys whine, whine, whine.


Oh, the event is not logical, oh, I dont get what I DESIRE (which is a nice use of words, explains a lot about character), oh noes, DE pushes the win with rewards...



Can you just shut up, enjoy the game and be happy about the rewards you get in the very end? Thanks you

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