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Things Wrong With The Event And Suggestions


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we all now how badly skewed the event is right now.


the Grineer keep offering useful items like Mutagen Masses, Fieldrons and other stuff while the Corpus respond with s***ty rewards so there's two options:


save hours farming and building by joining Grineer or pass a golden opportunity and join Corpus only to spend hours farming and building which weren't necessary


another issue is difficulty when compared with rewards

fighting for Corpus is much harder due to the millions of Heavy Gunners, Napalms, Eviscerators, Scorches, Rollers, Scorpions .etc with heavy armour, yet people on the Corpus side get a couple Techs which are extremely weak in comparison the Heavy Gunners and Napalms, and none of the Corpus have armour, so the only decent Corpus unit available is Fusion Moa Drones, and even then they don't do a lot of damage to Grineer. Meanwhile people siding with Grineer are blasting through (literally) all the weak Corpus units with tons of Napalms and Heavy Gunners mowing them down and the fact that Grineer give better rewards than Corpus for easier missions makes this event even more skewed.


No one seems to care about the long term rewards over, all they want is what they can get now (which is Potatoes, Fieldrons, Mutagen Masses .etc). I have a few ideas that may fix these issues


remove the battle pays for each mission, instead have it at once you hit 25 missions for either side, you can choose a mission and sides like normal, however the reward for going Corpus is the Prova Vandal (Prandal?) and the Machete Wraith for the Grineer, however these missions only give the reward to whoever has done 25 missions, the same mechanic applies for the 100 mission mark, so that way we can choose what rewards we want instead of DE choosing for us by badly skewing the event (I don't want a gun that looks like two pieces of feces squashed together... no offense art team, that's just what it looks like in my eyes and some others)


one good thing about the event is that Ruk sounds like a Vogon poet

Edited by Ninjaboy00
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The end-of-event rewards.


The entire game is going to get all Grineer rewards, or the entire game is going to get all Corpus rewards, leaving the rewards of the other team to go to complete waste, never to fall into the hands of a single player.

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Both factions should probably just have the same reward, that way we fight for the faction we want to support and not for who has the bigger wallets.

Also, they should have left clans out of this. Many complaints of clans giving people crap for choosing a different side. Hope it works out for everyone in the end...

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Both factions should probably just have the same reward, that way we fight for the faction we want to support and not for who has the bigger wallets.

Also, they should have left clans out of this. Many complaints of clans giving people crap for choosing a different side. Hope it works out for everyone in the end...


Exactly. Though I always go and fight for the faction I want to support regardless of the rewards, it leaves a sour taste sometimes, knowing that I could have acquired much more shinies working for the other guys.


Also, I am rather interested in the consequences of this conflict: what would be the repercussions of letting either of them win? Is anyone else interested in these kind of matters, or everyone just chooses sides based on the battle payments?

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Exactly. Though I always go and fight for the faction I want to support regardless of the rewards, it leaves a sour taste sometimes, knowing that I could have acquired much more shinies working for the other guys.


Also, I am rather interested in the consequences of this conflict: what would be the repercussions of letting either of them win? Is anyone else interested in these kind of matters, or everyone just chooses sides based on the battle payments?


I'm choosing Corpus because I'd rather the gun that looks like a Halo 4 Boltshot than a turd gun

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I am interested in the Lore and plot, if the outcome will affect this at all.


Seriously, this is a Golden opportunity for DE to really introduce a living changing dynamic World in the game. We have none of that so far.


But if WarZones become a natural part of the game, and if it is atached to Lore and future Storylines, we have a bigger reason to really choose the End Goals.


i dont really care to much about the warpayments, each mission I get tons of rare resources enyway, the payments are a nice bonus. But since I doubt I will reach the 100 mark anyway I choose side based on what I think will happen next, and for that reason I fight for Corpus.


The Grineer really don´t need our help. They just burn everything to ash and go home.

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I'm not sure which is worse: People picking based on short-term rewards, or people picking based on "OMG BROWN IS NOT FLATTERING ON THAT GUN" in a game where we can literally repaint everything we own. o.0


Well, I think the "lumpy gun" - no matter the color - will probably look ugly, but I don't know either gun's stat...



but ya: Give equal rewards - dont give different ones. Have each side match pay, then we'll get some proper side-choosing

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Firstly; The event isn't over yet.

Secondly; All this drama couldn't fit into all the theaters in the world.



Complaints are coming only from the players allied with the corpus, nobody playing for the grineer are complaining.

(seems to be like a staggering amount of posts are whine because unfair because reward or because corpus=easytarget)


I feel like every time I read a post like this there is always some super intentional beating around the bush.

Why can't you just say it like it is.

You think rewards play a factor in what side players choose? Of course.

You think competetive gamers are intentionally allying with the grineer because killing corpus is easier and easier kills=more missions finished=higher top score? Of course.


Well, you're absolutely right. This entire event is orchestrated largely by the designers and heavily influenced by design and reward.

The way I see this is you can pick whatever side you want, corpus is going to lose hands down, no matter what the dev team does now they will be interfering with the event and injecting it with even more bias. The larger clans have already picked their side and there is no turning this around.


If you like the corpus, play for them, if you don't, serve the grineer. There is no reason to throw a hissy fit because people are playing for the grineer for WHAT EVER REASON. The only reason I serve the grineer is because of the machete, the final weapon of either faction does not interest me even remotely.


It's not unfair, it's a game, and a story.


Corpus will go down in history as having met their demise because they didn't have machetes and were generally speaking as cheap as they were weak.

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Well, you're absolutely right. This entire event is orchestrated largely by the designers and heavily influenced by design and reward.

The way I see this is you can pick whatever side you want, corpus is going to lose hands down, no matter what the dev team does now they will be interfering with the event and injecting it with even more bias. The larger clans have already picked their side and there is no turning this around.


If you like the corpus, play for them, if you don't, serve the grineer. There is no reason to throw a hissy fit because people are playing for the grineer for WHAT EVER REASON. The only reason I serve the grineer is because of the machete, the final weapon of either faction does not interest me even remotely.


It's not unfair, it's a game, and a story.


Corpus will go down in history as having met their demise because they didn't have machetes and were generally speaking as cheap as they were weak.


there has to be some way to balance out the event, either by adding OP units to Corpus *coughAladV'sdogcough* or reducing the amount of OP units in the Grineer side


let me explain it like this, a friend offers you some cake and a jar of dirt (Grineer being cake and Corpus being the jar of dirt), what would you pick? The cake is the most obvious answer and if you picked the jar of dirt you're most likely Jack Sparrow or have a weird liking for jars of dirt, there's NO point picking Corpus because of the huge advantages Grineer have

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Well, I chose the Grineer from the beginning, I have like 5× more score for them. What I'm saying is that I gained the notion that we have a real choice here to make, not the illusion of choice, so I feel a bit sour when I see that the events are so heavily influenced by different methods from outside.


Yeah, it's a game. Yeah, it is a story.


But for maybe the first time since I play video games, I tought this is going to be a story shaped by the players.

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But for maybe the first time since I play video games, I tought this is going to be a story shaped by the players.


nope, this event is just DE's own puppet show, where we're the puppets, we don't get any real choice, it's what DE puts as the rewards for either side, and DE already favoured the Grineer from the very first mission so everyone just went straight to Grineer for the better rewards... I guess I'll be stuck with the turd gun then T_T

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I agree. I understand that these events are made to kind make the player feel  that they're impacting the Warframe universe, but these prizes should be more based on individual decisions and merit than on the actions of other players. There are plenty of people that would prefer the Corpus weaponry but just won't receive it this time round. The Balancing between the factions is also skewed. I don't care what the Corpus have done or will do. It just isn't right to force them to put up with Grineer rollers.

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tbh the main problem with this event is when they said your only getting 1 set of the rewards which is then based of the winning side, I don't really care who wins at the end of all this, but they should have made the rewards so that you get the one whose side you were fighting for.


So the winning side gets their slotted weapon for their faction and the losing side gets the blueprint of the weapon for the faction they were on.

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nope, this event is just DE's own puppet show, where we're the puppets, we don't get any real choice, it's what DE puts as the rewards for either side, and DE already favoured the Grineer from the very first mission so everyone just went straight to Grineer for the better rewards... I guess I'll be stuck with the turd gun then T_T

Okay, that's a bit strong imho, I mean come on: after all this is still a game, we are not manipulated into an election fraud or something. :D But yeah, I feel a bit let down or... mislead, but I think that is because I expected too much. :\

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Okay, that's a bit strong imho, I mean come on: after all this is still a game, we are not manipulated into an election fraud or something. :D But yeah, I feel a bit let down or... mislead, but I think that is because I expected too much. :\


I do agree I was a little over the top, but it still got the idea across which is what I wanted

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They are testing us all. Greed is what majority are currently motovated by

if it has Lore impacts, some may regret their choice to back Grineer for loot.


if it has Lore impacts DE would've mentioned it like they have in past events, unless this time they're just testing us to see what we would do if we didn't know what the Lore impact is, I really hope that's the case

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