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Reinforcement Beacons on Orb Vallis now rendered incompletely


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This is minor since it doesn't affect gameplay as far as I can tell but the reinforcement beacons in the Orb Vallis since the update are missing parts. The light at the top is still there and so is the base but the pole et al is missing.  You can still destroy them so not a critical thing. Just thought I would mention it. I don't recall seeing anything in the notes about them being changed but if they were my apologies, reading comprehension was never my strong suit.

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and they can even be spawned mid- air now..


if they are bugged like this, some of them even seem to have a bigger hitbox.. so it's more likely to destoy them, even if you don't want to :(

some of the beacons act like normal ones at first, but when they're fully grown, they "shrink" so only the base is visible like in previous screenshots

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I've encountered this with almost every spawn of a beacon. It seems like what's happening is that the deployment has been inverted - When the beacons are first deployed they are fully extended and then collapse down into the tiny box (with a hitbox to match). This has been broken since the Arcana update.

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