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5 Best Warframes To Keep?



Hey guys, so for warframes I've been playing them and selling them if I don't like them, and now I'm starting to look at a potential end game for my characters and am wondering what is considered to be the best, right now I have:


Ash: plan on replacing don't know what with yet

Banshee: Probably the only warframe I intend to keep

Rhino:plan on replacing with frost prime as a better tank

Loki:He's alright but might replace

Vauban: I've been told by many to keep


I've already leveled and sold: Ember, Mag


So if I could have 5, most likely keeping banshee and vauban, what are the other 3 I should get?

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 Top 5 warframes EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






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i like ash...


is his smokescreen as long in duration or as cost efficient over time as lokis? no


does shuriken suck along with all the other poor scaling damage abilities? yes


does teleport have a annoyingly long animation after cast that can get you killed? yup


is his ultimate as fast as killing large groups of enemies as other warframes ultimates? no


but his smokescreen has a stun, ive seen people make a build to chain cast smokescreen and then in essence chain stun.


his smokescreen can last long enough that he CAN be always invisible as well.


with speed mods teleport can be REALLY nice


shuriken gives you a ranged option when you go melee only


and his ultimate gives him invinceibility. 


ash is one of the better frames to simply go with a well rounded build, wich means ignoring most if not all corrupted mods.  this is mainly because of both smokescreen and his ultimate.  instead of having to rely on spamming one, he can alternate.


big group, thin them with ultimate, use smokescreen...go to melee town, duration almost up, teleport to another group, ultimate again.


it makes it quite fast paced and fun honestly...


tho little utility i admit!

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So far I play Rhino and Ash, Rhino as mostly a solo player i need someone to be able to clear a room that isnt volt and isnt super squishy.


(yes i solo with ash once you up his speed he is nearly un-targetable) Ash is alright with his Blade storm but that only works for five to six guys and fighting the corpus is hell due to the cameras.


Rhino is nice but on the lower levels once you activate his iron skin its little more than annoying when you are getting shot at rather than an actual worry.


All in all soloing is doable but less fun, but someone with a little more (okay a lot more) damage output would be nice and other than ember i cant seem to find a decent add on. Any ideas?

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well, my top 4 is loki mirage hydroid and zephyr, why? because how their abilities suits my play style and the combination they have of defensive, ofensive, croud control and/or other utilities, this are the warframes let me go 40min+ in t4 using only a vigor mod for shields/health... AND VALKYR IF SOMETIMES YOU NEED TO GO GODMODE

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-Your choice


1: If you chose volt or excalibur as the starter frame, keep them. Mag can be acquired later if needed again.


Those 4 will allow you to do 100% of endgame content, all tiers and types of Void missions, Tactical Alerts

rep/xp farms, resource/key/core farms. As in anything you want to, or need to do. After you can do anything you want to you can start thinking about getting those that "suit your playstyle" and so on.


Trick is to make yourself needed and with Irradiating Disarm Loki, Energy Vampire Trinity, Desecrate Nekros and Snow Globe Frost you will be that. Also Loki built for Invisibility is maybe the best choice for playing solo.


Left out Rhino and Rhino Prime because it's one of the best frames to get if new to the game. Easy to get / cheap to buy from /Trade, really good multi-purpose frame, greatly boosted survivability because of Iron Skin even with basic, not high-ranked mods and Roar boosts the damage of low mod-rank weapons. Also worth keeping for endgame, but it's your choice.

Edited by Grethar
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you should have kept mag or get the prime later ...


but my take on it is to farm some junk and sell it to buy a few slots.   Slots are fairly cheap and 5 isn't enough.


My favorites...

mag -- cheap crowd control and 4 strong skills, large shield.  Weakest against nightmare shieldless or high end infested toxins.

rhino -- cheezy, but immortal solo farming or immortal solo leveling of weapons or melee infested bashing ... mostly replaces mag when low health is a liability

nyx ---  mind control & sniper rifle (pick off whatever attacks your new friend) is fun, decent all arounder

nekros -- the faction mods really made him shine.  Free loot skill effectively (costs health which loot skill replaces),  punch-res your allies is really nice, and his army of ghosts scales well with high end enemy.  Mostly a loot run frame, though.

banshee, which you listed

Vauban -- good aoe skill and amusing grenade and other skills. 

trinity --- someone needs to heal the group, sometimes...

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I don't think i could ever limit myself to 10, let alone 5. But to add my suggestions to the pile: Nyx, Trinity, Saryn, Chroma/Excalibur atm. I'd change the positions 3-5 every time i'd try to compile the list again, Nyx and Trin would stay there forever though. I agree you'd best keep your banshee if you like her :) I'd love to see more of them out in missions.

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I will just add to the endless possibilities you have been given already. My personal suggestion is to have as many as you can and not limit yourself to just five. I personally am very aesthetically minded and tend to not run frames that I don't find visually appealing regardless of their potential in the game play area (Mag for example). But since I play with others, sometimes it is nice to have a choice of what you bring to the table. What I do is to build and level those frames I don't particularly like and then set them up as one of the good team builds and just leave them like that. This way, if I join a team that needs something specific, I just go in and grab that frame and its ready to go. 


I then spend my tinkering time on those frames that I truly enjoy playing, changing mods, messing with the numbers, etc. This way you could do this with a standard until you have the prime version and just sell the standard one if you really don't want to keep two. Good luck!

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Frames I find the most use for, and these are completely situational decisions:













Also Value:







To pick just 5:


Banshee -Imobilise enemies, lots finisher bonus, and highlight weak spots for criticals.


Frost P -Defend & protect everything, brings enemies into close range and makes them super slow or snap freeze.


Loki P -Invisability and Radial Disarm, you don't get shot, your team don't get shot, Brings enemies into close range


Nova P -Makes a grown man weep :p Makes the strong weak and everyone dead.


Trinity -Imobilise tougher enemies and make them your source of health and or energy, Suck to death enemies with high stats in a way the conventional weapons can't, and restore health and shields to team while granting short term immunity to damage.


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holy S#&$ man, dig up couple bucks and buy some slotsfounders packages are GREAT deals and then there's this:http://www.bundlestars.com/all-bundles/quickfire-indie-bundle/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=quick

holy S#&$ man, dig up couple bucks and buy some slotsfounders packages are GREAT deals and then there's this:http://www.bundlestars.com/all-bundles/quickfire-indie-bundle/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=quick

If only you could have told me this earlier....

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honestly just buy slots so you can fit in ALL your frames (except of course frames that have a primed version). You can easily make 20 plat by selling corrupted mods. If you're dead set on just keeping your 5 slots I suggest getting:


- Trinity (great support for both healing and energy)

- Frost prime (defense god)

- Loki prime (not only good for stealth but also great CC with radial disarm and speed runs)

- Nova prime (best CC'er in the game in my opinion)

- Valkyr (straight up invulnerability with team buffs)


also frames you should really keep are:

- Booben/vauban (infested king and great CC'er)

- Mirage (damage + cc)

- Rhino prime (Tank) 

- Banshee (just great all round)


Frames that not a must but make the game a whole lot easier:

- nekros (farming)

- hydroid (farming)

- Mesa (best nuker in the game) 

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Warframe 1 - One you like.

Warframe 2 - One you like.

Warframe 3 - One you like.

Warframe 4 - One you like.

Warframe 5 - One you like.


In Warframe, you can make pretty much anything endgame worthy with a bit of a forma, so just pick the ones you find the most fun to play.

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Here's a list of all the Warframes that are totally worthless:




Here's a list of Warframes worth keeping:


1. All of them.


Here is a list of Warframes to sell:


1. Any non-prime Warframe when you own a Prime version.


Here's a list of things to do when you need to make room for a new Warframe:


1. Buy an additional Warframe Slot. They're cheap. Do it!


But, if after all that, you want a Top 5 of Warframes... Here's mine.


1. Ember Prime - Hot as heck, and makes Dark Sector missions an infested BBQ.

2. Rhino Prime - Iron Skin is Love. Iron Skin is Life. So useful on survival missions it hurts not to have.

3. Excalibur (Prime if you got it) - After the rework, one of the best frames out there. Plus, Excalibur Proto Armor skin is amazing.

4. Nova (Prime if you got it) - Press 4 to explode the world. Has lost a bit of it's wonder because you can get to almost anyplace now without the use of Wormhole now that Parkour 2.0 is out, but it's still a super practical frame to have.

5. Frost (Prime if you got it) - A necessary addition for any defense mission. Reworked powers are pretty fun too. Toss baddies away with your Snowglobe.




Hydroid & Nekros - Do you like to Farm for resources? Good news, these frames make farming a breeze. Desecrate everything that's dead, or Greedy Tentacle your opponents in a narrow area. Watch those sweet, sweet rare mods and resources fall from the corpses. Nekros works better with a team, and Hydroid works better in close quarters where maximum numbers of enemies are in minimal amounts of space.


Loki & Loki Prime - Loki Master Race. No further information required.


Valkyr - YOU'RE A KITTY!

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Keep keep keep all of them! Then again, I'm a hoarder when it comes to warframes and weapons and the like. Also, Loki is amazing. He may start out kind of disappointing, but seriously, hang on to him. All warframes have a place somewhere. If you can, get one of the cheaper platinum thingums. It'll be enough to get a few more slots.

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