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A Chance To Make It Right


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Support the Grineer and save maybe a few Tenno, support Corpus save thousands. Hmmm. Which do you think is better? I do not see the benefit of allying myself with the Grineer, since all they'll do is hunt us down once they get what we want. The Corpus do not hunt us, at least not as viciously as the Grineer. The Grineer rewards are worthless anyway. Those who ally with the Grineer are traitors.

I'd slay thousands to save my family and I would never leave a brother or sister to die on the slab of a mad scientist. The choice is easy for me, and have always been.

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So I assume most of you prefer the Filthy Grineer ?

Those "Humans" Who messed up theyr Body's so badly that they can't live a normal live anymore ?

Those Creatures Who prefer to enslave everything in pure dictatorship under the Grineer ?

Those beening who had theyr change more than one time and destroyed they own Race throug cloneing ?


You rather eleminate the Corpus who prefer Diplomacy and trading than fighting.

So i assume you prefer to be slaves then.

So you prefer to be ruled by violent dictator's.

so you support a race which is simply frightend to come down from theyr thron.


I have to say for myself that i dont wannt to be enslaved.

i dont want to get inprisoned by violent dictaors


And i most don want to help a race who desroyed they own kind with such ease,

to simply get more "Mass".


The Corpus are not perfect but i see muss less negatives on they'r side.

ATraitor or not Partnership is buisness and lies under the rules of Diplomacy.


Fot that i rather be on Alad V's side than on those stinking Grineer's.


Last but not least you realy think we Tenno let the Corpus betray us and get away with that ?

IF the do they WILL read the consequences but not now and not yet.

Edited by PyroSeyren
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It greatly saddens me that so many of our fellow warriors choose to save a handful of our brothers and sisters over the thousands to hundreds of thousands living in each colony. The militant forces knowen as the Grineer, spread might through terror and genocide they, are truly cold blooded Murders! We as honourable warriors cannot advocate and must choose not to aid in this spread in, any fashion, any shape or, any form! The very essence of our honour is on the line! We will save the innocents now and we will save our brothers and sisters later. Our fight is not with his people, but with Alad himself and we will take the fight to him ALONE, once his colonies are safe! But the Grineer as a whole despise everything that is not their view of perfection, and rather eradicate it all to farther promote their xenophobic ways and mind set.


My brothers and sisters I implore you!!

Show them, we are not merely mercenaries that take anything the highest bidder has to offer!

Show them, we have honour!

Show them, the spread of evil through out this system, will be hauled with our BLOOD that is the line!

Show them, what it means to be TENNO!

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Oh, AladV.  Why do you continue to instigate the fell hand of Tenno?  Why do you attempt to order us so haughtily and reward us so reluctantly?  While trafficking our brethren in front of us!  Can't you see that it is... unprofitable?

As long as you stain the air with your bold-faced smugness, so much will we happily wipe the grin from your face.


You Corpus grow plentiful as lichen on the rocks of space.  Kindly find another debris field to cower under.


We drive to War.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


Its not you who we help, but your grunts.

When you decide to fight along side us ... things might be different. 

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It is our best interests to maintain balance through the system, so I feel it must be our duty to aid the Corpus even against the dire odds we supporters face. The Corpus must at least offer information concerning their plans with our brothers and sisters in arms and offer an additional incentive to those more concerned with war profiteering (perhaps if you offered something of significance for continued/ transfered loyalty to your cause regardless of the outcome of the conflict), then you may see a few more tenno turn their guns on their former Grineer allies.

Regardless of these suggestions, the continued antagonization concerning the fates of our fellows to your supporters is probably one of the worst moves you could have done, as you incite uncertainty within the judgements of those who would fight and DIE to maintain order. Cease this and we may be more resolved in our actions, despite the grievous consequences it may have upon our fellow tenno.

You have less than a day to reignite our confidence in supporting you. Failure will result in your summary execution. And even if the Grineer grow in power we will still rise to the occasion to address it regardless of what follows the end of this dilemma.   

Edited by Meinulfr
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It greatly saddens me that so many of our fellow warriors choose to save a handful of our brothers and sisters over the thousands to hundreds of thousands living in each colony. The militant forces knowen as the Grineer, spread might through terror and genocide they, are truly cold blooded Murders! We as honourable warriors cannot advocate and must choose not to aid in this spread in, any fashion, any shape or, any form! The very essence of our honour is on the line! We will save the innocents now and we will save our brothers and sisters later. Our fight is not with his people, but with Alad himself and we will take the fight to him ALONE, once his colonies are safe! But the Grineer as a whole despise everything that is not their view of perfection, and rather eradicate it all to farther promote their xenophobic ways and mind set.


My brothers and sisters I implore you!!

Show them, we are not merely mercenaries that take anything the highest bidder has to offer!

Show them, we have honour!

Show them, the spread of evil through out this system, will be hauled with our BLOOD that is the line!

Show them, what it means to be TENNO!


Spoken like a true Warrior

We Tenno shall not forget for what purpose our return is meant to, to bring Balance in the System back.


Both sides will be put in their places but at first we need to take the Grineer down.

For to long they have Tyranned the Planets and they spread out further ervery day, until they have enslaved them all.

The time of the Grineer has come and it is our very duty to put them down from their thron, on wich they clutch with such fear to lose it.

Our Brothers and Sisters will be saved with our aid and the Corpus will be reminded,

not to betray the very ones who have freed them from the Conquere's grip.

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Spoken like a true Warrior

We Tenno shall not forget for what purpose our return is meant to, to bring Balance in the System back.


Both sides will be put in their places but at first we need to take the Grineer down.

For to long they have Tyranned the Planets and they spread out further ervery day, until they have enslaved them all.

The time of the Grineer has come and it is our very duty to put them down from their thron, on wich they clutch with such fear to lose it.

Our Brothers and Sisters will be saved with our aid and the Corpus will be reminded,

not to betray the very ones who have freed them from the Conquere's grip.

for the machete

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Support the Grineer and save maybe a few Tenno, support Corpus save thousands. Hmmm. Which do you think is better? I do not see the benefit of allying myself with the Grineer, since all they'll do is hunt us down once they get what we want. The Corpus do not hunt us, at least not as viciously as the Grineer. The Grineer rewards are worthless anyway. Those who ally with the Grineer are traitors.

I don't see any Tenno living in the Corpus settlements on Mars.

Actually I have no idea who lives there.


F*** 'em. There are very few of us, and every single one counts. Sacrifice the faceless millions for a handful of Tenno? No loyal Tenno would even blink at such a decision.

Edited by Nenesse
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I see that many of my brothers and sisters are quite poetic. Fitting, with the spew I've been hearing from both Alad and Ruk.


Excluding those blighted Infested, there's only a few kinds of people in this system: Grineer soldiers, Corpus members, and us Tenno. There's a lot less Tenno than anything else. But as each of us have seen since waking up, each of us are worth a hundred, if not a thousand of the other guys. I've never seen a Grineer that wasn't flash cloned to the age of adulthood, or a Corpus that wasn't totally fanatical to their precious profit or Orokin tech.


So if the Grineer get a planet, then we've got a galaxy of force to strike back at them with. Once this is over, they'll be no more of a threat to us than before. In fact, I'm itching to slice up that arrogant bastard, Ruk.


However, Alad V is much worse. I've heard him speak of his "grand plans", this Zanuka project, whatever it is. Yet all we know, is that it requires a whole lot of Tenno, not to mention their Warframes.


If Alad V can get his grubby claws on our brethren still in cryosleep, it'll further his plans. A lot. Then what happens when he manages to crack open those tubes, filled with our people, and advanced technology, all to complete is little pet project.


Remember that galaxy I mentioned? He'll have another one coming straight to collide with us.


So let's put up with the "Dog" Ruk, for now. We'll just put him down if we really have to. I'm not afraid of him, or his armies. Because we Tenno have to stick together. We don't exist to wipe out races or keep balance, or any fool's errand like that. We need to keep ourselves and each other safe. The Zanuka project could very well ruin us.


And if you care about the shiny toys these bastards are putting on display for us, just remember that our arsenals already have quite a bit of firepower, ready to turn to bear on both of these "threats".


       A brother to all Tenno.

Edited by nintega
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So I assume most of you prefer the Filthy Grineer ?

Those "Humans" Who messed up theyr Body's so badly that they can't live a normal live anymore ?

Those Creatures Who prefer to enslave everything in pure dictatorship under the Grineer ?

Those beening who had theyr change more than one time and destroyed they own Race throug cloneing ?


You rather eleminate the Corpus who prefer Diplomacy and trading than fighting.

So i assume you prefer to be slaves then.

So you prefer to be ruled by violent dictator's.

so you support a race which is simply frightend to come down from theyr thron.


I have to say for myself that i dont wannt to be enslaved.

i dont want to get inprisoned by violent dictaors


And i most don want to help a race who desroyed they own kind with such ease,

to simply get more "Mass".


The Corpus are not perfect but i see muss less negatives on they'r side.

ATraitor or not Partnership is buisness and lies under the rules of Diplomacy.


Fot that i rather be on Alad V's side than on those stinking Grineer's.


Last but not least you realy think we Tenno let the Corpus betray us and get away with that ?

IF the do they WILL read the consequences but not now and not yet.

So you're siding with the man who knowingly broke his business partnership? Because he made that partnership under the 'rules of diplomacy'?

Alad and Ruk had a deal, Alad broke it. Don't kid yourself, the corpus only make deals to serve themselves, and break them whenever a better, even if conflicting, profit comes along. They don't create partnerships, they create opportunities to stab you in the back. They're not diplomats at all, or merchants, they're thieves.

Also, the grineer were a clone army who became free and did not want see themselves erased from the world. The mechanical augmentations are to stop themselves from decaying and dying young, they're necessary to sustain their lives. They never could live a normal life before the augments. 

They enslave everything because they are afraid of everything. 

You're treating them as if they're a race of clones started by themselves, which is impossible. 


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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

The dispute between you and your enemies'm not concerned. but I can help you, whom does the price for it. but it makes us not to ally, you pay me, just so I can help you.

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We Tenno are meant for balance and justice.

Do not fall weary towards Grineer, they only want destruction and chaos. Corpus only wants profit and our protection.

Corpus all we know may only want to protect themselves against the Grineer.

To sacrifice a few brothers and sisters, means we can save thousands of colonies.

To our dying brethrens, your sacrifice was not in vain.

Be remembered as a Hero protecting thousands or help Grineer kill/enslave more.


Choice is clear...

Fight for Justice. Die with Honor.

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It is a shame but the grineer are winning so far ,which means I will side with them . I hope you ,AladV can understand why  this choice was made .

The corpus will lose the battle , but will they lose the war ,well hahaha that's for you to find out .

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By crippling you we cripple the Grineer. For there is nothing should be feared more than industrial might. With your eventual defeat in this conflict you will be weakened and while the Grineer try to plunder we will press onward and wipe you off the map. With you gone so is your knowledge and the Grineer lose  access to any Orikin tech you might have. The death of the Corpus shall be the first domino in the death of the Grineer.

Edited by Maddog31
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 Alad V, I'm supporting your Corpus Rebellion on Mars the entire way. It's about time the Grineer Empire had a few cut backs. If you happen to have any Thermal-Fusion Reactors lying around nearby.... I could quickly turn the tides of this war for you.


 A few stealth-bombing operations would prove effective against the Grineer's flying tin-cans. Honesty, it looks like they've just barely discovered space flight, hahaha!


 Just make sure your superiors have their backs turned on this one. The cost for those Reactors isn't cheap, and they'd only view it as lost profit, but imagine the spoils of War you'll receive at ending the Grineer hold over the Corpus. You'll make even more profit without having to pay tribute anymore! 


 Hit me up with what I need. And we can get this war settled in a jiff. Battle plans are already on the way.


                                           -Tactical Explosives Negotiation Night Operator, T.E.N.N.O

Edited by FoxRabbit
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