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A Chance To Make It Right


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Tenno, Corpus will take an allie from us, But grineer will be less harmful; I do trust Alad V, and this might lead us to an Alliance, But only if we help the Corpus, Alad never tried to kill us, and he doesn't have his settlement on our systems, unlike Sargas Ruk.

Grineer will betray us, With more power, what did you expect? I cant believe that you're all going for the objects, instead of the good choices; Tenno, you were not supposed to fail our mission, And with the corpus on our side, Grineers will be less powerful and we will exterminate them easily, Thats my point of view, just think about it, Tenno.


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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

Alad, Help us track down Darvo, and you've got a deal.- John IIX

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you will suffer as me and my fellow Tenno (grineer) massacre all of the corpus and the not so honorable board as you are forced to watch. then and only then will we kill you, but it shall not be an easy death I will promise you that.

Edited by mac101099
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Innocents are not your concern Alan V.
You waged war to keep something not yours;
You broke the balance to gain power;
You traded life for profit and knowledge.
You pushed the tenno to take sides and now we act.

You are the fault of all this.

Your bribery and sweet words will not change the situation,

Now you reap what you sow, the fruit of your hostage plan...
This are the results of the Zanuka project.

Abbandon immediately every tenno experiment or search and give us the coordinate to the tenno cryopod.

Only that is the way to restore the balance.

Ps. Yes, we are smart.
We know you are not concerned for lives. We will investigate more the planet you want back.


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Tenno, Corpus will take an allie from us, But grineer will be less harmful; I do trust Alad V, and this might lead us to an Alliance, But only if we help the Corpus, Alad never tried to kill us, and he doesn't have his settlement on our systems, unlike Sargas Ruk.

Grineer will betray us, With more power, what did you expect? I cant believe that you're all going for the objects, instead of the good choices; Tenno, you were not supposed to fail our mission, And with the corpus on our side, Grineers will be less powerful and we will exterminate them easily, Thats my point of view, just think about it, Tenno.



wrong, alad kidnapped our fellow tenno, we dont negociate with this scum, corpus dies first, grineer later...

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Every since i was liberated from one of your prototype facilities i have wondered what i was ment for
I could be convinced to "come back to you" if you were to offer me...oh i don't know some catalysts and maybe a sneak peek at this Zanuka Project of yours?

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It is a joke not a suggestion.

Edited by Verschal
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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

Give me all of corpus's secret weapon stacks and blueprints and i will consider helping the corpus cause...if not...then all corpus shall perish!

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the corpus are actually giving us one of their arsenal, i know the grineer are also but can't you guys see that sargas ruk is persuading us tenno to join his side, alad V wants us to join him to kick the grinneer scum out of mars 

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Whilst they may be willing to give their lives to save the innocent people of Mars I believe we can not in good conscience allow our brethren to fall into your hands. Alad  you knowingly provoked the Grinner trading the lives of Millions your people for the opportunity to complete project Zanuka.


Should you be successful I believe that it could usher in an even darker future for the people of our solar, the prospect of our brothers and sister being force to Server as your weapons and used to further your entirely greed driven ambitions, is not something we can allow.


The Specter of A Corpus Army Supported by enslaved and defiled tenno, led by one who is willing to allow millions to die to feed their own ego is too much of a threat to ignore, and sadly if this means that we must support the lesser of the evils in the grenier empire for a short time, then that is what we must do and only hope that we live long enough to redeem ourselves for doing so

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Price is everything Alad, pay us well and you'll have victory assured. You're a business man, you must know how this works. Everyone has a price, especially when it's our bloody job anyway. The Grineer are dogs to be slaughtered, as are you. However, you haven't stepped far enough out of your place to be crushed like the ant you are. The grineer have. The balance will be kept, no matter the cost.


Unfortunately, my fellow tenno don't always follow to the code. It has been a long time...and the right...incentive can sway the non-tradionalists to your side. You'd best make it fast though, the Board (I assume Corpus has a board of directors) will have your hide if you lose mars. Reach deep, into your own pockets if need be. While you still have them

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the corpus are actually giving us one of their arsenal, i know the grineer are also but can't you guys see that sargas ruk is persuading us tenno to join his side, alad V wants us to join him to kick the grinneer scum out of mars

Alad V is a danger for the system, they have more  technology, we can beat the grineer if the grow up in the solar system, but only we do it if we have our tennos with us, and think about it, if they capture our brothers, they will have our power against us

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This whole event is getting pretty tired.


ONE mission over and over and now the devs try to pribe players into creating a back and forth, because they have failed to create any convincing reason why players themself should do so, since in the end only the rewards matter and they change these according to the flow of the current events.

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I cannot imagine that things will end well for anyone but the Grineer should they win. The Corpus should be supported despite their holding many of our Tenno brothers and sisters captive and their past of experimentation among other crimes against us. Sargas Ruk does not only want Mars but all Corpus territory. If Mars is taken then it will be a stepping stone for the Grineer to eliminate the Corpus entirely. Then what would be stopping the Grineer from launching more dedicated attacks on us, strenghtened by their acquisition of Corpus manufacturing facilites and advanced technologies?

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