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A Chance To Make It Right


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No one really cares much about the story. There are some who do but most just pick a side for the reward on the mission. The rewards for the missions should be the same for both side so that the event is more story oriented.



Ok. Has anyone even seen Quirinus? The Corpus are winning. WINNING. and you know why? Because the damn battle pay reward it a orokin reactor. First of all, anybody who went for it is A GREEDY SELL OUT. (glad I got that out of my system) Second of all, Who wouldn't pick the reactor?! DE, you stupid! If you put a Orokin reactor vs 150000 credits, what do you think people are going to pick?!!? People aren't picking sides there going for the better reward!  DE should know this! This event is a farce so DE can tell there story. That's right I said it. Its fake. Think about it, why would Alad V make this forum post about Quirinus, and the corpus are winning because the prize is an orokin reactor? DE KNOWS everyone will go for the reactor. They know everyone will choose the better reward. Thus, this event, isn't an event. Its story time.



Not exactly true in regards to the story. I've been straight up ignoring the corpus rewards because I myself don't like selling out fellow Tenno. So not everyone ignores the story or lore. I don't atleast.

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Release all pods and you have us all against Grineer.  --- hahah, funny because is true? nah anyway would be nice  that in a moment of zen the DE will alow the scenario to go as of  release of pods to teno and we get kind of 2 new frames allover sudden .... that would be a greath surprise 

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


Many have already chosen their side Alad. The responses here clearly show simply words will not persuade my fellow brothers. However, many are not but greedy fools, fighting for the better pay. There are enough of them to sway the war in your favour. You will need to dig deep in your pockets to buy them from the Grineer, just try to think of the future profits to be gained when victory is yours. After all, we may be the ones that determine victory, but you'd be the man that brought those victories to Mars.....

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Message to all fellow Tenno...Do not let greed cloud your judgement! Yes, they may dangle shiny goods in front of you to follow thier cause, but the bottom line is that our fellow tenno are in trouble under the Corpus! Even if the Grineer get stronger thier strength will not matter with more liberated Tenno on our side.


I for one would rather save other Tenno and deal with Ruk later then to have a squadron of Stalkers on our heels IF this plan of Alad goes through. Think wisely...

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

well your plan works because everybody out there just go for corpus because of the stupid unbalanced rewards

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!




.......Help You...

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Message to all fellow Tenno...Do not let greed cloud your judgement! Yes, they may dangle shiny goods in front of you to follow thier cause, but the bottom line is that our fellow tenno are in trouble under the Corpus! Even if the Grineer get stronger thier strength will not matter with more liberated Tenno on our side.


I for one would rather save other Tenno and deal with Ruk later then to have a squadron of Stalkers on our heels IF this plan of Alad goes through. Think wisely...

The plan was killed at birth , the Grineer will win this one. At the end is nice to have it as novelty, a new Mars>

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Now, Alad, the problem here is that we've got radically different ideas of "right."

"Right" to you is whichever course of action nets you the largest total revenue. "Right" to you is dumping the struggling bodies of other Tenno onto a cold, sterile operating table, vivisecting flesh, tearing off skin, incising muscle, weaponizing sentient innocents who have only just woken up after Millenia of sleep with no recollection.

So "right" to me is standing atop a pile of broken, bisected Corpus bodies, crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentation of their MOAs.

Prepare your ships for boarding.

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You know... the grineer never said that they would release the tenno warframes to us. The would more likely just destroy them since the only reason why they live is to hate the tenno. Also there is no reason why you must complete missions for only 1 faction you only need to do more missions for 1 faction then the other.

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you shall not win us over so easily alad v, consider this revenge for all the suckish weaponry you've created and sold at ridiculous prices to us, the tenno (a.k.a badass halo ninjas on steroids), and as a the solution to a personal grudge involving your experimentation on my fellow tenno and you insulting the grineer (clones of the HUMAN race) by calling them dogs, and even if they were dogs i would still support them, because guess what dogs are mans (and tennos) best friends. CAPISCE'?

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Message to all fellow Tenno...Do not let greed cloud your judgement! Yes, they may dangle shiny goods in front of you to follow thier cause, but the bottom line is that our fellow tenno are in trouble under the Corpus! Even if the Grineer get stronger thier strength will not matter with more liberated Tenno on our side.


I for one would rather save other Tenno and deal with Ruk later then to have a squadron of Stalkers on our heels IF this plan of Alad goes through. Think wisely...


Yes, let us not sacrifice ourselves for the weak. We should help them, submit to them, and be *@##$es to the Dogs. We were awoken to fight the Grineer threat, and we are warriors. The Grineer's defeat will cost us, Tenno will have to sacrifice themselves to see that it happens. If you cannot understand the purpose of sacrifice, then you are no warrior, you are no Tenno!

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you shall not win us over so easily alad v, consider this revenge for all the suckish weaponry you've created and sold at ridiculous prices to us, the tenno (a.k.a badass halo ninjas on steroids), and as a the solution to a personal grudge involving your experimentation on my fellow tenno and you insulting the grineer (clones of the HUMAN race) by calling them dogs, and even if they were dogs i would still support them, because guess what dogs are mans (and tennos) best friends. CAPISCE'?


And yet said "dogs" gladly rip into your flesh, or have you not notice even the infested know what Grineer are?

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