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A Chance To Make It Right


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Dear Alad V,


I write to you as Warlord of "Silence by Force", where we cherrish Tenno culture and history.

Some Tenno have shown their true colors for money and succes. However there are more that stand behind reason, honor and dignity.

We are ready to strike a deal however, seeing the grineer upmarch your demands are out dated, so as Tenno we have our own deal to strike.

Due to corpus being technological advanced our demands would be these as follows;


1. The weapons in the deal will still count.

2. Due to corpus enginering the grineer weapons should be easily reproduced. A blueprint of said weapon would surfice.

3. Project Zanuka will be delayed and 75% of the Tenno currently in your grasp will be handed over at the end of this strungle.


For Tenno beliefs these are reasonable demands. This because we believe every war has sacrifises even if they are our own. We can't expect to safe everyone but we will still come for the rest at the end.

This is not a treat.. this is a givin.


We look forward to hearing from you;


Current representative:


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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


Whilst I continue to join your people and their battles, know that you will never persuade me. I fight for the greater good, and the Bastard Grineer are not of this.

For within this world lies another threat that you have failed to take into account. And soon, we will consume all and become that which even your great Orokins could not match.


Death may not yet come for thee, Alad V, but it will come soon.

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Dear Alad V,


I write to you as Warlord of "Silence by Force", where we cherrish Tenno culture and history.

Some Tenno have shown their true colors for money and succes. However there are more that stand behind reason, honor and dignity.

We are ready to strike a deal however, seeing the grineer upmarch your demands are out dated, so as Tenno we have our own deal to strike.

Due to corpus being technological advanced our demands would be these as follows;


1. The weapons in the deal will still count.

2. Due to corpus enginering the grineer weapons should be easily reproduced. A blueprint of said weapon would surfice.

3. Project Zanuka will be delayed and 75% of the Tenno currently in your grasp will be handed over at the end of this strungle.


For Tenno beliefs these are reasonable demands. This because we believe every war has sacrifises even if they are our own. We can't expect to safe everyone but we will still come for the rest at the end.

This is not a treat.. this is a givin.


We look forward to hearing from you;


Current representative:


75% ?????????

They can have their weapons for all I care..........we want our brethren back

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Grineer Supremacy.

Unless you give me Vauban Systems.

Do not let yourself be persuaded so easily, fellow Grinenno.

The Lotus herself wil give us that.





75% ?????????

They can have their weapons for all I care..........we want our brethren back


I agree with this fellow Tenno.

Either each and every single Tenno pod in your possession is handed over to their kin, or you will feel the unrelenting rage of my Flux "Laser pointer" Rifle.

You can keep your weapons. As you can see, I can acquire them even without your approval.

Edited by TmDevice
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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


Oh Alad.. Qurinus is "yours".  


As you can see our Tenno forces can easily sway this war.  Many of our generals have attempted to bargain with you for the lives of our bretheren, but let me be frank..  As I have sided with the Grineer, I have hacked systems and downloaded Galleon schematics in order to pinpoint vulnerable points to place explosives on sabotage runs.  I have absconded with several of their weapon prototypes for reverse engineering, and traced resource trade routes for potential "tampering" missions.


The fact is Alad, the Grineer have hunted us to the point of extinction and we will place a knife in each and every one of their backs.  So, be weary with your little "project" because the choices that you make in this war will decide just how deeply we Tenno will knife you.


And believe me, we have many, many knives..


- Loki, Alpha Team Operative

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Of course an agreement could be reached. the question is what will the cost for you be and are you willing to pay it.


I am one of many but I believe that the voices of every tenno are in agreement when I say that we only help the Grineer because you hold our brothers and sisters 


We do not like the grineer any more then we like you release the pods and this stops being a personal matter and all your tenno related problems vanish.  


The corpus are supposedly smart I am still waiting for you to prove me right.  

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Can't believe that this pathetic moaning of Alad V  worked ... All Tenno who are part of Alad V success is ridiculous prostitutes. Especially those one's who helped Grineers to capture this node before ... All your greedy milk is belong to Grineer's!

Edited by Keetsune
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You know because I kinda like your name Alad, I'll make you a deal: you give my and my friends a bunch of potatoes and formas, say 50 of each, and then we fight for you. Oh and then afterwards we'll probably come and steal our friends in their pods from you, if you don't mind. And if you do mind, well, too bad. We have a deal?

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what balance than let millions of innocent people been slaved by grineers? do you think in other thing than Corpus and Grineers?

Are you insane what do you think will happen when both sides are equal? even more innocent will die! Is it not better to get the Tenno from Alad and with more people we must only face what ? The Grineer , we can deal with them later, Tenno will never be slaves to anyone.

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Or we can just side with Corpus, learn their base load out, learn their technology. Then later do our Tenno thing, sneak in and rescue our brothers.


Still better than help Grineer take over Corpus, then get the hostages killed in cross fire.

Rescue? Rescue what ? Do you try to rescue the Stalker ? The things that Alad will do to them ... They'll no longer be ...Tenno.

P.S: They will probably want to eat our faces ...

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Ok. Has anyone even seen Quirinus? The Corpus are winning. WINNING. and you know why? Because the damn battle pay reward it a orokin reactor. First of all, anybody who went for it is A GREEDY SELL OUT. (glad I got that out of my system) Second of all, Who wouldn't pick the reactor?! DE, you stupid! If you put a Orokin reactor vs 150000 credits, what do you think people are going to pick?!!? People aren't picking sides there going for the better reward!  DE should know this! This event is a farce so DE can tell there story. That's right I said it. Its fake. Think about it, why would Alad V make this forum post about Quirinus, and the corpus are winning because the prize is an orokin reactor? DE KNOWS everyone will go for the reactor. They know everyone will choose the better reward. Thus, this event, isn't an event. Its story time.

I'm no sellout screw the reactors or catalysts I can get some later! Now is not the time for greed , its decision time Will you save your own or will you keep the balance ?

IMO Take the Grineer side free our Tenno then with all our might what can stop us ? A few more Grineer HA! I dont think so.

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I kill both the Grineer and the Corpus. Unless you kick out serious rewards and make it so we HAVE to pick only one side, ONLY THEN I shall side with the corpus more often.

Lets be honest AladV - The Grineer kick Corpus &#! without Tenno help. You are traders and merchants, they are professional soldiers.

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