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A Chance To Make It Right


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I think there are two problems>

the first is LORE>


either SUPPORT ALAD V, LOOSE fellow TENNO to a backstabbing Mastermind on their TOP that turns them against you,


or support a PACK of DUMB CLONED DOGS that can be outsmarted and save the TENNO to strengthen our Forces in Longterm

My choice is clear as a witty loki :)


second problem is REWARDS>


Everyone gets the same! no matter what side you support you get the winners gun and meele....

so if i join the conflict in a progressed state i side with the WINNERS  >which are the grineer so far< to get it

potatoed and save the weaponslot.

~give everyone the WEAPONS of the FRACTION they SUPPORTED! >supercharged if win as bp when they loose<



thx and cool event (make that as pvp and i never quit playin :)

Edited by mulambo123
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Give me some corpus weapons , or some Good credits . You know ( good warriors came whit big prices ) .

Ruk pays me in components and credits . So am making you the same offert . I`d like to join corpus and throw the grineer back to they`re caves . But they pay big cash ,and I like that .

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Grineer Supremacy.

Unless you give me Vauban Systems.


Welcome to the Corpus side. Alad V is offering the Vauban Systems on Tharsis right now. As for the 23 up votes you've received, I hope to be fighting along side you as well as them in our great blue corridors.


For the fight, I have 2 Grineer missions completed, one from curiosity, and the other because they swapped the sides in the UI and I didn't realize I clicked on the Grins. On the flip side, there's over 100 corpus missions completed from me. I know where I stand. Sleeping Tenno may be one thing, but I can't justify slaving an entire race with the Grins just to save a few Tenno. I'm all for leave no man behind, but they will be fine. They are Tenno!

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

Alad, Crescent Moon will continue to help you defeat the Grineer dogs, We just don't want to see our fellow Tenno eviscerated by your "experiments"... We will continue to fight for Corpus rights if you treat our sleeping Tenno with the respect they deserve.                

-CM Officer Mr.Harper

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

The Grineer have done terrible things.

And the Corpus are going to.. With the cryopods.

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AladV, Respectfully I see your point. But unless you choose to betray us by harming fellow Tenno we will rise against. 

I see that if the Grineer found the cache of cryopods containing fellow Tenno that they would of done the same as you do now. I just ask for technology that your have developed with corpus and a fail safe guarantee that you will give back the cryopods with Tenno in them. Keep note as long as this "alliance" is in effect I will keep an eye on you, and even the slightest move against us will force us to make you a feast for the infested.



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Enemy of my enemy is my friend, Alad...But not for long.. I fight for your side not for your shiny "presents", but because i know who is my mortal enemy, and who tried to capture me in cryopod, before Lotus have opened it.

Edited by Elven_Elder
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I do not want money nor items, my only wish is to serve the Tenno cause. Currently the grineer empire has a greater power than the Corpus, and thats why I am currently fighting at your side, but with the aquisition of Tenno pods the tides may turn. I believe none of the factions should dominate the other, only this way balance can be achieved, yet I also cannot bear to defend a side that has kidnaped my own kind. If you refuse to deliver my kin to their rightfull place I have no choice but to retrieve them by force. We Tenno are quick and powerfull, with only four of us we can take over an entire ship of any faction and destroy an entire army in a matter of minutes, it would be wise of you to be carefull, Not all Tenno are mercenaries...There are some who would give their life and soul for the cause...And those, AladV, are the ones you should fear the most, for one of the reasons they do not long for power is because they already have it, and WE will be sure to use it.


                                                                                        -A Tenno patriot and nothing else-

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