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So About That "daring Comeback"...


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From the very start to the very end outcome of this event is in players hands. Don't use battle pays for excuses - Grineer supporters were able to sacrificed some good rewards. If Corpus can't come back it's just because they don't have enough support but hey, it's easier to blame DE.

BTW it's actually quite logical that heavily militaristic fraction crush merchants.

Edited by xGryphus
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From the very start to the very end outcome of this event is in players hands. Don't use battle pays for excuses - Grineer supporters were able to sacrificed some good rewards. If Corpus can't come back it's just because they don't have enough support but hey, it's easier to blame DE.

BTW it's actually quite logical that heavily militaristic fraction crush merchants.

You just make me shake my head in disappointment.

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The first battle was favored toward Grineer, obviously the entire event is rigged!


Except for when the Corpus had obviously better rewards and still lost.  It's a conspiracy!



From my understanding, those two clans were going to go Grineer from the start.



Shhhh, don't remind people of that.  They might actually think the Grineer won because more people supported them.

Edited by Alkirin
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Yet even tho they had the backing of Warbros and Broframe they still lost it. Tells you how much "want" are in the true greedy.


Well yeah. When you give such lopsided rewards you expect everyone to do that mission for the corpus. Yet in spite of that the corpus only took the node after an extremely long and drawn out fight.

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Well yeah. When you give such lopsided rewards you expect everyone to do that mission for the corpus. Yet in spite of that the corpus only took the node after an extremely long and drawn out fight.

From my understanding I herd DE increased what is required to cap a node during certain times.


*inseret clever dinosaur meme*

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From my understanding I herd DE increased what is required to cap a node during certain times.


*inseret clever dinosaur meme*


I didn't hear that but it wouldn't surprise me. However, I would speculate that the corpus are the ones who benefited from any such handicaps because they've been on the back foot since the beginning. 

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I didn't hear that but it wouldn't surprise me. However, I would speculate that the corpus are the ones who benefited from any such handicaps because they've been on the back foot since the beginning. 


i prefer getting the event rewards that i was hoping to get. not some ugly lookin fruit gun & butter knife.

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well there s no reason to do more than 100 missions for Corpus side...  + battle pay are not so interesting for veterans and clans... 

I blame the end of event rewards ... (Corpus supporters should  win corpus BP)


Who will do 500 useless Corpus battles to gain Grineer BP ? seriously?

I ve done 101 Corpus battle, and it was quite boring cause litlle hope to win ..*


It s a one sided event... Sacrifice...yea ... finaly i feel dumb, i loose 2x potato and more important = 2 weapon slots for helping Corpus ...

it s total non sense ... we should have go 100% grineer it would have been the same   

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Meanwhile, I prefer the machete wraith over the prandal. Why should your wants be prioritized over my wants?


And why your is prioritized over ours? + potato and weapon slot bonus? hey..

You ll win your weapon pimped and Corpus loosers your Grinners Blueprints ..

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And why your is prioritized over ours? + potato and weapon slot bonus? hey..

You ll win your weapon pimped and Corpus loosers your Grinners Blueprints ..

Mine's prioritized over yours because I chose the winning side, it seems. 

More directly, I'd say it's because I did my part to ensure grineer dominance. If the corpus players spent more time playing and less time whining about how unfair the event is, perhaps I'd be stuck with a prandal and detron BP. 

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Meanwhile, I prefer the machete wraith over the prandal. Why should your wants be prioritized over my wants?



its called equality, and getting the grubby old blueprints of grineer weaponry for the corpus side is infact not equal.


not to mention the foulplay in this event, regarding the Devs "little push for the grineer" & not to mention people were glitching through the maps to get more runs in.

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I didn't hear that but it wouldn't surprise me. However, I would speculate that the corpus are the ones who benefited from any such handicaps because they've been on the back foot since the beginning. 

Of course Corpus would, So would Grineer. They handicap was to slow down the event since its so post to go for a whole week. Well semi week.

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I think DE Steve didn't realize that all the bigger clans would have gone for the Grineer army due to their early dominance.

The bigger clans don't even matter.


If the big clans did matter then Corpus never would have won a single zone.


it's the rewards.

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Sour loser?


I don't mind losing.


I mind things being unfair.

Then why you conveniently forget about the fact that the winning side will be determined by the dominance over planet - Corpus already had upper hand by possessing all nodes on planet at start. Also, so far Grinner battle pays included one Reactor while Corpus - two.

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its called equality, and getting the grubby old blueprints of grineer weaponry for the corpus side is infact not equal.


not to mention the foulplay in this event, regarding the Devs "little push for the grineer" & not to mention people were glitching through the maps to get more runs in.


Ah yeah, "foul play". Which side has offered the most potatos to date? Which side started with the entire system under their control? Hint: It isn't the grineer. 


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Ah yeah, "foul play". Which side has offered the most potatos to date? Which side started with the entire system under their control? Hint: It isn't the grineer. 

Both sides had = Potatos.........., Yeah I find it funny they invade Grineer even tho the pods are near Sedna. Hint:


"Lotus Voice": Its the Grineer who rule Sedna.


Tell me whats wrong about this ?

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