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Smeeta affinity procs are terminal again or My Cat is an Idiot


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My cat is an idiot.

So in the last 25 minutes of active game play my cat has proc'ed :

Shields 3-4 times when I was at full shields, 

Energy 4 times when I was at full energy.

Crit chance at least 3 times with 0 enemies present.

What it hasn't proc'ed is affinity while I have 3 steel essence on the floor awaiting pickup.

He DID proc double affinity when it had absolutely 0 real value whatsoever.

This is becoming a ridiculous pattern sometimes lasting an hour at a time but almost NEVER less than 20 minutes, (unless affinity has 0 value) which is ,according to the wiki,  the maximum "reasonable" time a specific proc is expected to occur in most instances. More than 10 of these this week suggests an issue. 


a) cat A.I. is broken

B) I have a penalty of some kind working with a slowdown Mechanic.

C) There is a bug causing the cat to exceed the normal time for an affinity proc.

I am placing this in the bug report section as I would like to believe it is the latter rather than player abuse.

Sadly as my cat continuously runs up and attacks enemies blowing my stealth modifiers while wearing absolutely 0 attack mods, a broken a.i. or intentional nerf or slow down mechanic looks more indicative. 

My current relic upgrade rate as of the last week also looks bleak suggesting bad news.

Please debug, un-nerf, or "un-a.i." bug" my cat.

As a final note I am reporting a perceived bug, and very much not looking for any community feedback with the exception of supporting correlating reports

If you believe that this silly over-weighted mess is "R.n.g." Then please keep it to yourself. Opinions are neither requested or desired, and any attempt to discredit my intention of reporting a bug will be received as and reported as abuse. Of course any D.E. developer who wishes to refute a bug circumstance or penalty circumstance is welcome to chime in. I want to work with you in resolving the way this is handled as it created a foul mood among players in the upper mastery ranks and takes away from the game play experience.

If it is NOT a bug, not a penalty, then it is most definitely an a.i. issue that punishes hose who wish to enjoy their min max output, and any player who risks stable damage increases or health increases at a viable option to double loot should have that cat proc guaranteed at certain instances, such as acolyte appearance or kuva flood. If not completed or the player dies, that's on them.

But seriously, my dog in real life is smarter.

Just Sayin'  

Update: So after my O.P. my Smeeta appeared to have two brain cells for five minutes. He's gone to being drunk again. average Affinity/loot procs are hovering at 20 on the lean size with times growing as high as an hour between. When they DO proc they are almost always at the worst times. I did have one exceptional run which averaged out to 1 steel essence per minute, but it was a unicorn. It's how each and every run should go if I am

a) skilled enough to kill the acolytes at range and prevent auto pickup.

b) take the unreliable damage nerf of carrying a smeeta without the health fail safe.

c) take the survival nerf of not carrying Wyrm

d) am treated like the MR30 that I am who has paid their dues in time. (4000+ hours 850 log in days)

Please fix my broken cat, as it's looking personal now and that is WAY uncool.

I mention the above as I am seeing other VERY trolley "rng" behavior, like having rivens transmuted twice to have the same original weapon be unveiled. (I wouldn't have transmuted it if I wanted it,) This should NEVER happen. I'm going for a Cedo not another convectrix which I don't even have, nor want to use. 200-250k kuva spent with 0 viable rolls, and No I DON'T want yet another Tombfinger.  (4 in a row is NOT random)

If I work for something it should amount to progress. There is no end game because here is no truly grind-able end game progression; especially for max M.R. players, and that needs to change.


Cat is drunk again, 5 reload procs with a full magazine, 1 shield proc with an over-shield, 1 energy w full energy, 1 crit chance and 0 enemies present in all counts. Number of affinity procs = 0 in 40 minutes(4 times the wiki expected and almost twice the real world rng error + - variable

Number of times my cat ran ahead and blew my stealth on a sleeping 0 threat enemy with 0 attack mods. 5

This is sheer punishment. If my cat does proc affinity in the next 10 or so, and if this is Truly rng, then it would be a double if not triple to ratio stats.

Somehow I seriously doubt this will happen. *no, no it didn't


Cat's been boozing again. This time long waits in excess between absurdly trolley procs.  Please edit the animal a.i. 

April 10th- Cat sobered up immediately for about a half a day, but never seemed to proc affinity when it REALLY mattered. Now the little (harsh explicit language !) has hit the bottle again, and is killing the party by wrecking my stealth bonuses for no reason (like attacking sleeping enemies that pose zero threat)  You guys REALLY need to adjust the cat to a: Ignore all sleeping enemies.  B: Remove pack leader from the agitation cycle on invisi-frames. and finally if affinity does not proc in twice the standard rng cycle, the cat's behavior needs an "if-then" statement to allow a force proc with a use of a Cetus flare.  This action may only be done once every twenty minutes without a random affinity proc, and cannot be used to gain an overlay or double affinity stacked proc. However if the cat procs on it's own after, this would work well to offer equal opportunity.

Otherwise I'm going to start looking at this as potentially intentional excessive slowdown mechanics.  I mean 2x or even 3x statistical probability excesses per day?  But only for certain player groups 0_o  fishy.

It's also costing you massive amounts in sales and hurting your bottom dollar. C'mom guys think !  When you chase your high mastery ranks away, you push away the sherpas. These guys are hoarding plat which does not get removed from circulation when you chase them away.

I'm the only 30 I know who isn't all about the plat game, and consistently I see them with better sortie rewards, better proc timings,  better riven unveils and overall better rolls.  You know that's backward right? Because I only plat drive to fund he game for myself.  So I have wanted for awhile to buy plat to support, but this cat issue disappears consistently for 12-24 hours per post then resurfaces. Every time.

Over the next 28 days (the statistical number to establish a habit or verify a response) I'm going to pop my flare when my cat has a 20 minute delay and see what happens.

Improve the game, you'll make happier players and happy players spend money!

Oh and lastly. Disappearing loot after an exploiter run while waiting for an affinity proc is abusive.

Just Sayin'

4/16/21: During exploiter run cat proc'ed affinity 5 times when there were absolutely 0 toroids or drops on the ground. When over at least 15 minutes plus with no proc. 

Guys, in a world of "random" we need a bit of stability. As a terminally ill individual I would like to remind you that wasting my time is perceived as a physical attack.  So now it's not just a bug, you're picking on the mortally impaired, and right after I melted 200 plat on a bonus.  (not really. It's a matter of perception and I'm trying to make a point.)  I understand you probably don't like me very much at this point, but here's the thing; when a customer has this perception, they will likely not spend their money with you. They will also talk to other players who observe repetitive abusive behavior (or what could be perceived as such) and ALSO not spend their money as well. ( I have seen over 20 people flat out leave the game after watching how this happen to me. As I currently sit with 1 smeeta proc every 3 minutes (chance every 27 seconds my backside)

As a person with 20+ years of computing hardware and support assistance experience,  trust me when I say you never want your customers to have this perception.

Please fix cat a.i. and stop the punishment. Deep down inside I really like you guys and can tell you how to quadruple your profits, but step one is to stop the slowdowns. Direct contact would be nice too.

Same time update. So ya' know affinity proc 30 seconds after last update, and next round useless proc on spawn but um, now  my cat is literally floating frozen in the air fully bugged out.  Not good. Especially as I had to kill myself to reset him and when he finally did proc affinity the double loot event bonus had ended.  Kudos thouhgh that my loot didn't time out. Thanks for that.

!So look at this silliness :  


4/18/21 10:21 a.m.: Started a mission and it looked really good at the beginning ...kind of. Double affinity proc right at the start, and I actually needed nano spores, so that was cool. Affinity proc on two acolyte spawns right when they showed. Awesome!  Then my cat started huffing glue. 45 minutes in after three more acolyte spawns I have taken the time to completely clear the board. (Remember I legitimately want nano spores) and with three steel essence on the ground my cat has now proc'ed reload five times in a row with 0 enemies present. as well as shield.

Current mission time is 1:20 but we can deduct 10 for bathroom trips, coffee and writing this.

So what does this mean?

If I can legally do so, I'll post a Penn and Teller episode explaining the incredible stat odd's on why this should be almost impossible, but it in short order terms; after the first, the statistical odds are beginning to pile up and without doing the math we're hitting in the millions in probability.

There is nothing "random" about a repeating useless perk dropped to excess.

Do I really honestly think you guys are "out to get players?" Of course not, and while I have been a little harsh on this, it's to prove a point that not addressing this issue is leaving many players feeling angry and neglected.  Not addressing it also affects your new content as it severely reduced intrinsics for new players when the cat does this.  Intentional or not it's a repeating data loop and not addressing it look bad.

As a final note, understand if riven rolls weren't also so trolley in nature requiring hundreds of thousands in kuva if not millions to hit something end game viable on average, then none of this would matter so much.  It's like a double tax.

Stay tuned for my upcoming article "Trouble in Riven City" as I have thoughts on how to fix that.

Update 4/18/21 12:48 P.M.: So after my last post I un-paused to proc energy at full, crit with 0 enemies an 3 more reload. Average time between procs was 120 seconds, the same amount of time as Cetus flares.  Eventually the gave me a rapid failure warning for end of mission, forcing me to pick up essence.

Next mission has 35 minutes active game time, and while my Smeeta has been charming there have still been 0 affinity procs in over an hour of active game play.

So this is the "unofficial response" eh? o.k. I think I see what's going to need to happen next.  And you wonder why as a company your reputation as being vindictive toward players is rapidly growing. *sigh*.  I'm not saying it is, but the number of times I have to repeat the words "looks sketchy" or "looks bad" is another tick in the rng "cycle." Because almost near impossible stat odds 5-7 times a day in the ratio as winning the lottery is well....it's a problem.

WOW guys has my cat picked up it's proc timing since my last post, about fifteen I would guess...all useless. shield with overshield active, crit w/no enemies. Energy at full energy, reload w full mag and ammo etc. etc. etc. Affinity? 0.

He did manage to pick up a steel essence at 14 meters when I have his pickup range set to 9.5, so ya' know. "looks worse."

just sayin'


May 8th 2021: So for about a week or so my cat's been useful, I mean he even seemed to grow a few braincells.

The two days ago I think he attended a frat party and got into some catnip laced with something as he:

Runs forward to attack enemies which pose 0 threat ruining my stealth modifiers.

Procs affinity ONLY (and I mean in two instances a millisecond) after I have exceeded the normal acceptable times for pickup by 2x-3x, and then collected consumables.

Procs affinity during exploiter encounters during battle instances 2-3 times when I need damage, and there is absolutely 0 collectables on the ground, ensuring  0 chance of a proc with lazulites on the ground.

In addition on 1 exploiter as well as two arbitrations I have had rewards vanish.  In the arbitrations when the vitus disappears of course the cat then procs. This makes waiting out the proc a punishment of course.  Vitus, toroids, and other high end drops should never disappear.


All of this after for the first time in 3 years I spent real world money on a Nidus pack? That I didn't really need...just to be supportive.

I mean, sure it wasn't much, but it really is bad timing.


Either the cat's ai needs work or there is a serious hidden penalty going on, and secrets make for a bad image.  Could also be an enumeration issue.

I think the slowdown mechanic you have in place that all vets are aware of and most won't talk about is excessive though. It needs to be level, and my cat needs to be smarter.

Please enhance this aspect of the game. Absurd frustration isn't fun.

May 11 2021: after my last post cat was AMAZING, of course riven rolls were not which totally goes to my entire point, but today...

double affinity proc at the beginning with no reason whatsoever, 3 steel essence on the ground AND I'm pretty sure the cat picked out of range on a fourth. I need to review the video but I'm at a mission time of 40 minutes which means again 2x excess to the acceptable drop times.

So here's'the thing.  I'm not going to update this anymore as it isn't having an effect. I've logged enough to show there's a problem. I really needed to see a 28 day pattern to know we don't have a fly by night fix.  May need to look at another avenue of resolution if this doesn't matter.



While I didn't think I'd be updating this now that you've decided to implement a timer for essence pickup, it would be REALLY cool if you fixed the smeata no affinity proc issue first as I am currently on FOUR HOURS without one.  Not cool.

Before you initiate a static nerf you should fix your buffs. People will be leaving in droves.


Player abuse does not make for good revenue, and while I recognize the vast number of you are young with limited lifelong business experience, I can assure you that recurring incoming revenue does not happen without trust.

On a side note please return riven slivers to my loot pool from steel path eximuses.  My friends report 2-6 per mission, I get 2-6 PER WEEK and still have to run reqs to farm. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Xzelian said:

What it hasn't proc'ed is affinity while I have 3 steel essence on the floor awaiting pickup.

He DID proc double affinity when it had absolutely 0 real value whatsoever.

I'm beginning to think you might have messed up your post here. Affinity has nothing to do with steel essence.

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

I'm beginning to think you might have messed up your post here. Affinity has nothing to do with steel essence.

When a Smeeta procs "affinity" all loot picked up from the ground is doubled with the exception of rare mods and certain other key items.

Steel essence is one which doubles.

My post was very clear and accurate for it's intended recipient, which was the developers of this game.

I messed up nothing.

The problem lies in the reader who doesn't know enough about the game to understand, let alone voice an "opinion" which I specifically stated was neither requested or wanted.

So as you are not on the PS4 platform, was your post intended to troll or was it accidentally antagonistic while making a post to simply feel like you were somehow involved?

I see this from young people addicted to posting who think forums should operate like insta-gram and feel the need to chime in for the soothing effect.

As I mentioned, any inflammatory response will be reported as abuse, as mentioned in the o.p.  If you literally don't understand then I'll grant it as a one off, although I have the feeling you are simply trying to be antagonistic, as well as standing in the way of resolving an issue I have literally spent at least a year monitoring. (although previously with kuva flood windows)

I didn't post a bug report to start a flame war, and refuse to allow it to escalate or be discredited and hurt the community.  Most everyone in my peer group mr's28-30 (30 in my case) agree this needs to be addressed. We're all feeling pretty kicked right now and many have flat out left because they feel high MRs get walked on.

I'm trying to fix that. Please stay out of the way.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Xzelian said:

When a Smeeta procs "affinity" all loot picked up from the ground is doubled with the exception of rare mods and certain other key items.

Steel essence is one which doubles.

My post was very clear and accurate for it's intended recipient, which was the developers of this game.

I messed up nothing.

The problem lies in the reader who doesn't know enough about the game to understand, let alone voice an "opinion" which I specifically stated was neither requested or wanted.

So as you are not on the PS4 platform, was your post intended to troll or was it accidentally antagonistic while making a post to simply feel like you were somehow involved?

I see this from young people addicted to posting who think forums should operate like insta-gram and feel the need to chime in for the soothing effect.

As I mentioned, any inflammatory response will be reported as abuse, as mentioned in the o.p.  If you literally don't understand then I'll grant it as a one off, although I have the feeling you are simply trying to be antagonistic, as well as standing in the way of resolving an issue I have literally spent at least a year monitoring. (although previously with kuva flood windows)

I didn't post a bug report to start a flame war, and refuse to allow it to escalate or be discredited and hurt the community.  Most everyone in my peer group mr's28-30 (30 in my case) agree this needs to be addressed. We're all feeling pretty kicked right now and many have flat out left because they feel high MRs get walked on.

I'm trying to fix that. Please stay out of the way.

You did mess up, you are meaning a RESOURCE proc, not AFFINITY. Steel Essence will double when it procs that.

Edit: Seems like you don't understand smeeta procs then, if you're that confused about this.

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il y a 34 minutes, (XBOX)Rez090 a dit :

You did mess up, you are meaning a RESOURCE proc, not AFFINITY. Steel Essence will double when it procs that.

Edit: Seems like you don't understand smeeta procs then, if you're that confused about this.


According to the wiki (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Charm).... 

Doubled Pickups and Affinity Any pickups collected or affinity earned are doubled. 120s

The Double Pickups and Affinity buff affects regular pickup resources, rare planetary resources, and also special resources such as Void Traces, Kuva, Steel Essence and Cryotic.

  • As with regular resources, these special resources need to be received within the buff's duration to gain the effect.
  • With the buff active, Affinity gained from Affinity Pickups are multiplied by 4x, since the 2x multipliers affect both the pickup itself and the doubling of its Affinity.


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On 2021-03-18 at 4:18 AM, Linalawl said:


According to the wiki (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Charm).... 


Thank you for the clarification from the appropriate source, and admit I should have done that myself.

Really it comes back to the same though sadly that at mr30 and over 4000 hours .logged I'm fairly certain the devs need no explanation.

I've filed the abuse report against Rez as I stated I would, and hopefully we can all get on to make our kavats smarter.

edit: One final note as to why I refer to this proc as simply" affinity," rather than it's full description.

When a smeeta procs there is only one symbol it hows regardless of the buff. Often this is confusing to new and veteran players alike, as we don't always know which proc it is if the timer is at a current mark of 35 seconds or less remaining.

We've begged DE for years to make a specific doubler/affinity symbol (and yes this is me begging yet again)

The way to tell is to enter operator mode and return to frame, after which the labels for each standing proc will cycle from right to left with a given name label.  The simple label given by DE for the loot doubler and affinity proc is simply"affinity"

So anyone with generally a few thousand hours logged simply says "affinity" out of habit, because ya' know that's what DE decided to label it.

Just thought I'd make that clear for anyone such as Rez who doesn't understand Kavat procs.


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