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So Does Anyone Have Body Building Tips For Skinny Guys?


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You bulk by using as much weight as you possibly can while lifting, no matter what part of you that you are working on. Find out your max Bench/Leg Press/Squat/Whatever, Subtract 5 lbs. Do as many reps as you can, Wait 15 min. Do it again till you can't move. You will be sore as hell...but it works.

You get "Cut" by doing lots of reps with much lighter weights.


Juggle both (not literally) till you get the results you are looking for. For more information....Google that shiznit.

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Wake up. Early. Eat a banana. Do a speed run of two miles, go back home, and drink a protein shake and have a healthy breakfast. Then, do a work out. Start out with low weight and high reps, and week building up the weight if you can easily sustain high reps after a while. Don't go too fast on working out. It will take time.


No more Soda. It is very bad for you.

No more junk food. Want a snack? Find something healthy. Apples, bananas, popcorn (minimal seasonings and butter), etc.

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Right.... im not gonna give a description of myself but your typical gamer wants to get ribb

Ripped* (Could be in terms of tearing the flesh out of you, no. But in metaphor. xD)


Usually, getting some outdoors should give some strength out. Like many say, don't eat junk food (that much), play sports or something to get the mind out of video games (and not Wii. Please.) and, if possible, workout at a local gym.



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Getting massive is overrated. I'm a skinny guy, and exercise because it is good for me.


I run daily and go to the gym for weights 3 times a week. Still skinny but muscular, and have a good 6 pack. 


Healthy > Massive.

You think so?


Why not ask Sargas Ruk? :3


*Insert fatty Sargas here* :D

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eat more and dont half &#! your work outs




even if the weight is light as F***

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Start training any of Martial Arts, profit. I would advise Muay Thai.

I second this.


Getting massive is overrated. I'm a skinny guy, and exercise because it is good for me.


I run daily and go to the gym for weights 3 times a week. Still skinny but muscular, and have a good 6 pack. 


Healthy > Massive.

Yeah, getting massive isn't really going to do a whole lot other than make you look bigger.

If that's your cup of tea, sure.


But, like sixty5 said, you're far better off getting fit/healthy. "Massive" =/= Fit.


If I could recommend anything, I suggest taking up MMA/muay thai/BJJ.

You get insanely fit (with solid training), learn to defend yourself/fight in the ring if you want, and you'll get very strong in the process.

You just won't look "massive".


Just my 0.02

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General fitness is best produced with a mix of aerobics and calisthenics, good nutrition, and lots of sleep.


Pullups, Pushups, Situps, Dips, Squats, Lunges, Bridges/Planks, Dynamic stretching, Running, Cycling, Swimming, Walking, Hiking, etc, etc.



If you REALLY want to do bodybuilding (aka Jay Cutler, Kai Greene style), you would be better off asking your questions and doing research over at the www.bodybuilding.com forums. They have a lot of good information for serious bulking and cutting methods, nutrition, workout plans, etc.





I have a black belt in Karate, red in Taekwondo, blue in Judo, and a lot of cross training in standard kick boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and Akido. I can vouch for martial arts being a very good way to get into a solid athletic shape.


Your first lesson at a good dojo will leave you on the floor gasping for air, and in bed unable to move the next day from being sore. It gets easier from there on, but each lesson will still challenge even the most in-shape of athletes.

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First get a good routine setup by a personal trainer at your gym, it should be THREE separate routines, normally with a 'rest' day in between

Routine 1: Chest/Arms 
Routine 2 : Legs 
Routine 3: Back/Shoulders

Keep it SIMPLE : You do NOT want to do dozens of different exercises, stick with the basics like Bench press, shoulder shrugs, bicep curls, tricep dips, Squats etc,
If You do too MANY exercises you are just gunna be burning off weight and not gaining it!

Next : Good Nutrition, You need a good Whey isolate protein powder
[AVOID like the plague any with any aspartame, sucralose or other toxic artificial sweeteners in them, the only ones you should consider using are Stevia or Xylitol]

Avoid any bad refined carbohydrates : No white flour, no white rice, no pasta, and as little sugar as you can handle
Look into the 'Paleo Diet' I swear by it for overall health and especially for athletes/bodybuilding

Most beginners find it daunting to eat 6 or 8 small meals a day, so just stick to the protein shake straight after your workouts and another one with breakfast, if You are a 'hard gainer' and find it hard to put on weight then go for 3 shakes a day, with each shake containing at least 60 grams of protein. 

Here's a easy to make shake recipe that I swear by, it was given to me by Glenn Jacobs [Kane from the WWF/WWE believe it or not]

Whey Protein Isolate
Glutamine powder

Sounds simple but its an amazing formula, the Glutamine helps repair muscle and stops sore tendons and the dextrose helps transport the protein and glutamine to the cells and aids in it being digested efficiently and properly

Also consider taking a NATURAL testosterone booster like 'Tribulus' for hard gainers its amazing, it really boosts your muscle gains and also puts 'lead in your pencil' if You know what I mean lol

Wish I had time to give ya more tips but I could go on forever,
Go and checkout all the bodybuilding guides and forums online theres dozens of GOOD ones,
also Youtube is great for learning new exercises and routines, just DONT watch that idiot spammer 'Mike Changs 6 pack shortcuts' hes total BS and is basically one long infomercial for his own poor quality products

Good luck and stick with it!  Don't expect results right away, but with a good routine and good nutrition You WILL see results in a months time!
Bodybuilding is something ive done most of my life and it is great fun, amazing for the self esteem and its seriously addictive

Go and pump some Iron!  ZR

Edited by ZetaReticulan
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  • 7 months later...

Body building is done in the kitchen.  You start with a calorie surplus.  If you're 150lbs or less, aim for 2000+ calories.  If you're heavier, then even more.  At LEAST 1g protein per lb bodyweight.


Then you work out.  By working out, I mean executing lifts properly with precise form and flawless execution.  Get on youtube, look up every lift before you ever try it, and never neglect a single body part(especially legs).


Try work out splits.  A lot of people will split their routine into body parts, like monday: chest/triceps, tuesday: back/biceps, wednesday: legs, thursday: shoulders, friday: legs saturday: gaming sunday: gaming.  The exercises you do on those days can be arbitrarily chosen, or you can go for a more sophisticated and exact approach like Jim Stoppani's shortcut to size or Arny's Bible, etc.  You could even just do a program like Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 Strength program and get really strong, building mass as you go along.


The most important thing is to eat, sleep, and lift.  There's a ton of gamers who are fit, and some professional bodybuilders even game heavily.  The more time you have to sleep/sit on your butt doing nothing, the more time your muscles have to recover and grow so you can hit the gym harder next time.


Good luck bro, get swole.

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You bulk by using as much weight as you possibly can while lifting, no matter what part of you that you are working on. Find out your max Bench/Leg Press/Squat/Whatever, Subtract 5 lbs. Do as many reps as you can, Wait 15 min. Do it again till you can't move. You will be sore as hell...but it works.

You get "Cut" by doing lots of reps with much lighter weights.


Juggle both (not literally) till you get the results you are looking for. For more information....Google that shiznit.

True as it is works. Did this freshman year, Got big as Rhino

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Btw make sure you follow through with reps all the way. This will prevent your muscle from turning into a ball. Sounds weird but its tru. Try and flex, if your muscle isnt acros your whole arm visibly, then your not going all the way down or your not getting parallel with them reps.

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True as it is works. Did this freshman year, Got big as Rhino

It works until you get injured.


It's better to lift moderately heavy for a life time than to lift ridiculously heavy for a few months till you get injured and then fat.

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