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Corinth Prime elemental damage bugged


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The pictures speak for themselves:








To put it in writing:


The 3 mods Primed Charged Shell, Hell's Chamber and Scattering Inferno do not work together. As you can see between pictures 2 & 4 if you remove Scattering Inferno the damage goes up because suddenly Primed Charged Shell works again. Comparing picture 1 & 2 you see adding Hell's Chamber disabled Primed Charged Shell despite the damage going up. You can make the other comparisons yourself.


Note: If you use the loadout of picture 3 and add either of these 3 mods nothing happens: Primed Charged Shell, Charged Shell, Incendiary Coat.


Final note: After taking this to the training dummies it fixed itself. I shot them a few times and saw burn damage. Then I returned to the arsenal and saw the proper damage types heat + corrosive and total 21,003.8 damage.

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Well there's definitely something wrong, but I wouldn't exactly say they speak for themselves...

From what I can gather, It could be some weird interaction between Primed Charged Shell and Config slots, what does it do with regular Charged Shell?

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