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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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i call it having the principal engineer of intel as your father and following in his footsteps. the difference is im living it :) possibly your daydream lol

Sure. "the principal eng at intel", your dad, will make sure you dont make our mistakes. I mean, your obvious misogyny and lack of perspective denotes you didn't get a liberal education, which is rare among rich people, but im sure he will make it up some way. :^)

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Good event. The battle pay rewards were generous and made reaching 100 missions feel less like a grind. A shame that I did not have time to participate for a lot of the good rewards before those missions ended. But the large amount of AFKers are really tiresome, getting rare rewards for doing nothing except blocking slots for useful players to use.

Edited by Frendh
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Tier rewards? 100 missions and all that? excuse me but where the f... was that all posted? Did I miss something or was it in the secret thread or the "read every detail update" within a million other crap?


Shouldn't something like that be put somewhere obvious so we can know about it? I am surprised others knew of it and I didn't. And yes, I looked into every post for the event, didn't see anything of the obvious in the likes of :


rewards for supporting a side = tier 1, and the rest of it...


Unless it was some edit on an already posted thread. Either way, I read every important bit more or less (more) and have a life to not need to look in every single thread a million times, read every single reply in it, or look up every patch note. I even popped into the Warframe wiki and read everything on this conflict over there as well, and unless it was edited in later on at the wiki too no such information was present when I looked it up about rewards for completing 100 missions etc.


Seriously people, between everything else we do Warframe (or any other game) is the last thing we want to be searching details for more than we already are for every single grindable weapon and warframe part that we try to collect and so on so forth.


Make such news (which was from what I gather one of the most important parts of the conflict) accessible in an OBVIOUS place, not under a rock in your sisters' backyard. ffs, now I am the one that feels robbed here. Didn't pack up any more missions although I could because I thought there was absolutely no point to counting up to more than 5 on each front.... Crap!


37 for Grineer and 17 for Corpus (needed some stuff they gave away from those Milk-brained fiends as well). All in all, that is more or less all conflicts x5 however much they were, so I was not absent on any one of them. And now I'm apparently missing out on something I would have liked to have. Thanks for nothing I guess.


You know that "News" section on the left in the main menu? If you'd just clicked the line that said "Update 10.5: The Gradivus Dilemma" it would have taken you right to the forum post explaining the entire conflict and the rewards.


Also, I dunno if anyone remembers that thing with those Fomorian ships a couple months back, which ended in just a few days because DE underestimated how quickly Tenno would burn through them all. DE specifically said in response to the outcry that they would make sure future such events lasted long enough for everyone to get to them, and now that they've done so, people are still whining. Jeez, if a whole week of these events wasn't enough, that's just too bad for you.

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i call it having the principal engineer of intel as your father and following in his footsteps. the difference is im living it :) possibly your daydream lol


Shut up. Your teenage is showing.


We've all been there. The difference is that the vast majority of us grew up and realised that grandiose boasting and over-embellishment means you're full of nothing more than hot air and offal. Cut it out, grow up - next you'll be telling us you have terminal cancer and that your grandparents worked for NASA.

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Login reward times are local time, meaning there are over 20 possible 'end of day' times(12am in every time zone) you live in just 1 such possibility, the 'already in place deadline' you are talking about does not exist. You are imposing your own self made routines on this situation and outright ignoring the actual information that was readily available. It's like getting a flat pack table, not reading the instructions and ringing the manufacturer to complain/blame them when you do it incorrectly.

its not 12 am in every time zone. it happens to be 5pm for me in pacific time... soooo your wrong. im normally on warframe from 4-5 pacific time and i have checked multiple times at exactly 5 and guess what.... its 5. unless you can show me some prevailing facts about this instead of speculation im going to stay to my current theory that DE is basing their times (like the event that shutdown at 8am for me this morning) off their east coast time zone, I.E. that capitalized EDT thing you always see. 

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It was posted on the announcement for the event and on the wiki. You obviously didn't look hard enough.



No I did, read what I said and stop replying with useless comments that do not help. It's not enough that I missed out on the items, now I have some dweeb running around telling me I didn't look hard enough.


I looked in all the common places that one SHOULD look and hopped in to every obvious link the site and the game offered on the event. The rest are equivalents to under a rock.


To put it simply, in the case u didn't understand anything from my comment. I didn't say it was NOT written somewhere, I said it was NOT in an obvious and just place to see it. Simple. having to look into things and search around is not putting it in an obvious spot, it is doing the exact opposite. So wtf is this "you didn't look hard enough". I am supposed to look "hard enough" for news too now am I? Like I don't already have other things to do right? No, I am not supposed to look for it at all, that is what I am saying. And yes, I DID look into the wiki page just to see details and it was NOT POSTED WHEN I LOGGED IN, late edits even if they are a few days late are LATE EDITS. Read before you reply with such nonsense.


And no I do not have a problem with you, I am just really irritated that it was something I had to "look for" and blowing off some steam here. It's pretty much the only thing left for me at this point with regards to the event so yeah, it's nothing personal. Equivalent to punching a pillow to make yourself feel better.......


Anyway whatever, next time I'll be sure to "look hard" and visit their sisters backyard for that rock too while I'm at it.


Tenno out.

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I serve no mortal... The Tenno forever shall protect one another! I fought to preserve my brother's freedom from the sinister corpus designs... I fought to crush all under my boot heel! The Tenno shall once again rule, We fight for a brighter tomorrow! Do not think that this one alliance will last Ruk... you will betray us... and when you do. You will meet your fate at the end of our blades.

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its not 12 am in every time zone. it happens to be 5pm for me in pacific time... soooo your wrong. im normally on warframe from 4-5 pacific time and i have checked multiple times at exactly 5 and guess what.... its 5. unless you can show me some prevailing facts about this instead of speculation im going to stay to my current theory that DE is basing their times (like the event that shutdown at 8am for me this morning) off their east coast time zone, I.E. that capitalized EDT thing you always see.

Well maybe it is 5pm pacific time, which would be 1am GMT(my time zone) and as I have never conclusively checked at exactly midnight maybe I was mistaking it for being a local time based thing.

However you are still complaining about DE not sticking to a deadline that only exists for login rewards, not updates and not events, login rewards. Precedent has been set and information was more than readily available across many media that events end at 12pm EDT, that is undeniable, not to mention they actually gave us a couple of extra hours to complete the last nodes.

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