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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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I agree to a certain point. 100 was a bit much, not to mention the battles after that trying to maintain a positive war footing for the Grineer. 50 would have been more reasonable with a greater variety of battles to make it more interesting. The new format of working with/against a faction was exciting. I hope to see more of these in the future with maybe not such a high number of battles as a requirement.

My opinion would be that 100 would be ok. But for a purely cosmetic item. Then have weapons at 25 and maybe 50.

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100 was not much at all. I did every mission except for the Gradivus one cause yeah the event started kinda when I least expected and lost the chance but aside from that from all of the missions x5 you'd get to 100 quite easily. I ended up having an extra of 20 missions cause I was thinking the event wouldn't host so many battles.

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sigh... and I was literally 2 missions away from the tier 2 rewards...

is there any way to extend it even a little? It gets rather difficult to run 100+ missions while in school. I hope these tier 3 weapons won't be event exclusives. I wouldn't mind finding them on some random boss in a few weeks :)


well this sucks wish there was more missions i only ggot 62 done. its kinda hard to get 100 done when im in school half the friken time >:(



Are you serious? It takes 2 hours to get to 25 missions, which would've given you the tier 2 rewards. 2 hours, out of 7 days. To add, it would've taken about 8 1/2 hours to get 100 missions. Out of 7 days. I've done the math, and have posted said math in 3 or 4 threads now.


I was able to do this event even with my own busy schedule. My father, who works full time and overtime on the weekends as well as having gigs with his Blues band over the course of multiple nights a week could've done this event.


If you started late, then *shrugs* that sucks for you, but don't blame the event. Ugh, getting sick of complaints like this.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I have intercepted a message from the Corpus board to Alad V. They have grown tired of bankrolling Alad V's war effort and have withdrawn their funding. This has left Alad with no other option than retreat. Sargas Ruk is already readying his victory speech. This battle is over.


You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.


The Lotus



Se lets kill them both :D

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Because of this conflict, we have learned many things.  We have learned that while the Grineer are both powerful and unrelenting, they are also clumsy and slow.  We have also learned that while the Corpus are efficient and cunning, they are also petty and short-sighted.


It is like I have told my clan:  The Grineer are like a hammer, powerful yet unwieldly, easy to side-step.  The Corpus however are like an assassin's knives in the dark.  They aim for the heart but are glad for any wounds caused.  


The primary goal from the beginning was the rescue of our brethren.  The clans who have forsaken honour for wealth and greed have forgotten themselves and the tennents of our society.  That alone has caused the greatest sorrow in this for me.


The Corpus had the audacity to come to our doors and invite ruin, spite and murder.  They have paid with their holdings, their dignity and their lives.  


Our honour demanded no less.


Lotus, we stand ready to bring ruin upon the barbarian hordes and techno-mongrels once more.  


-Lediard, Warlord of Quantum Entanglement

Edited by Lediard
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The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.




I cannot express enough how thankful I am for this statement by the Lotus.

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My clan is proud to have participated in the rescue of our brothers and sisters. And since we had the chance we fought both sides to prevent the Grenieer conquered the entire area.

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