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Yareli Buff Idea


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We all know Yareli in her current state, well... let's say that she's not the best. Her abilities lack the effectiveness and synergies that other Warframes have. So, I'll give an idea on how I would buff her. If you have other ideas you can leave them. Maybe with a bit of luck DE reads this and we demonstrate that listening to the community can be good sometimes.

- Passive: After Yareli moves for at least 1.5 seconds she gets a buff that increases the Critical Chance of her Secondary weapons by 200%.

I shouldn't explain why this passive need no changes.

- Sea Snares: Enemies grabbed by the globules lose 6% of their defenses per second.

Sea Snares isn't a bad ability, it's just a bit underwhelming. With this, enemies would be easier to kill the longer that they're grabbed by this ability, with reaching a 100% defense loss by adding some Duration.

- Merulina: While Aquablades are active, Merulina will get an extra 15% damage redirection. Merulina can be modded with K-Drive mods.

First, adding a little synergy to this ability, making one of the main functions of Merulina better while Aquablades are active. Also, making Merulina moddable would add some spice and variety.

- Aquablades: Buff the damage to 1000 Slash damage, deals extra 500 Slash damage to enemies grabbed by Sea Snares and Riptide. Tapping the ability while active will throw an aquablade to an enemy that's pointed at, making a water explosion that deals a critical hit with a 3x multiplier at the cost of 25 energy.

Buffing the damage is something that has to be done, as the damage that it deals is pityful in the current state. I added synergies with two of her abilities for extra damage, as well as the Merulina synergy. I also think that having a function of throwing Aquablades similarly to a Glaive makes sense, with a higher damage potential. This would make this ability more interesting for Yareli and other Warframes.

- Riptide: Enemies dragged into Riptide will be suspended inside for a duration of 10s, after that Riptide explodes like how currently does. Nearby enemies grabbed by Sea Snares will get sucked inside Riptide, enhancing the damage overtime by 250 Cold damage for each enemy that was grabbed by Sea Snares.

In the current state, Riptide isn't effective as a CC ability due to not having a duration, just ragdolling enemies in a place (and sometimes badly). With this idea, Riptide not only would work better as a CC ability, but would have a potential nuking capability.

Hopefully you like these ideas. And you can leave your own if you want. Let's suggest changes so we can hopefully get a better surfer idol in the near future!

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I like your ideas, I would like to add one more buff onto Merulina, a buff that prevents enemies knocking Yareli off while she is on Merulina. Right now, especially during Grineer missions, a random heavy gunner can knock you off from Merulina and it is quite annoying to remount as it wastes a few seconds of "funness".

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I'd like to submit my thoughts on a Yareli upgrade. Mine are slightly more minor and adds synergy.

(1): Maybe--increase in speed of bubble movement; Maybe--Get dragged behind Merulina, after a fly-by (immune to Merulina for 5seconds) (just loose ones or all?); Maybe--splash damage on kill
(2): Maybe--reload speed increase, due to limited weapon availablity; Energy refund on proper dismount (Energy surplus?)
(3): Range stat - On Foot: range is at fixed distance; On Merulina (not K-drive): moves in and out from Yareli (melee) (more blades?); More of a vertical component, mainly due to ramps (mines should be removed via pistol)
(4): Why is there no Duration stat? Just having Duration would make this an awesome ability; While on Merulina, +5 Base Range

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7 hours ago, NaCeel said:

I like your ideas, I would like to add one more buff onto Merulina, a buff that prevents enemies knocking Yareli off while she is on Merulina. Right now, especially during Grineer missions, a random heavy gunner can knock you off from Merulina and it is quite annoying to remount as it wastes a few seconds of "funness".

That should be in all K-Drives, not just Merulina.

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Il y a 1 heure, KroosDesuYo a dit :

Thanks! Actually makes merulina not annoying to use.

Which secondary do you use with to need for knockback immunity? Or is it just to avoid being kicked from Merulina while moving?

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Newly tested:

As of 7/19/2021, enemies including Heavy Gunner, Arson Eximus fire wall, Staticor can no longer knock you off from Merulina even if no knockdown resistance mods are equipped. Arson Eximus fire wall will simply knock you back but not dismounting you from Merulina.

This might due to bugged coding where they tried to make Primed Sure Footed work (please don't report this bug, this is a nice change), or it was a small hidden change.

Feel free to test more and add to this, thanks!

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