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Make Nekros Useful


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Right, right. No, I wasn't advocating against specialization, just arguing that Nekros may in fact lack it, or that he doesn't excel in any one particular area. I don't consider "survival missions" to be a excuse. No frame should be completely regulated to one specific mission type, when other frames can excel over the entirety of the game, within their specified roles.

Nekros is specialized, extremely specialized infact. It's not namely survival or defence misions, they are merely mission types where he shines the brightest. He was built to provide support and to keep others and yourself fighting. He provides extra ammo (even with ammo mutation mods this skill is useful as desecrate will drop all types of ammo) Cover against lets say on an assassination mission as it seems nekros being the master in survival missions don't seem to be your thing, the dead nanobot clone thingies draw aggro drawing the bosses attention towards them,redusing the damage he'd deal to you or you teammates due to his need to whack some nanobot thingies who will dissapear soon anyway. Now terrify is to avoid enemy horde from jumping on your group, soul punch to gater some weak minions quick and to push back a nasty critter like  Ancient Disruptor who tends to enjoy sucking out our energy (Damn succubuses!) now wouldn't it be supportive to soul punch the bastard who was rushing towards an unsuspecting nova and avoid losing her casting support? Nekros is like the center piece supporting the machinery that grinds the enemy to dust, he's like the ducktape of warframe keeping allies in top shape untill the next gas stadion, the pleasnt looking farmer who shares his corpsy corps among the poor and needy, the viscous little puppeteer who uses his enemys as his meat shield minions (also note that the meat shields will fire back at the enemy.. if the ai is willing and you've sacrificed enought greed milk.)


To put it shortly, as Tirnity is a healer or a medic Nekros is a support that is more like the engineer in some fps games who give out ammo packs for teammates and keeps the engines purring.

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Nekros is specialized, extremely specialized infact. It's not namely survival or defence misions, they are merely mission types where he shines the brightest. He was built to provide support and to keep others and yourself fighting. He provides extra ammo (even with ammo mutation mods this skill is useful as desecrate will drop all types of ammo) Cover against lets say on an assassination mission as it seems nekros being the master in survival missions don't seem to be your thing, the dead nanobot clone thingies draw aggro drawing the bosses attention towards them,redusing the damage he'd deal to you or you teammates due to his need to whack some nanobot thingies who will dissapear soon anyway. Now terrify is to avoid enemy horde from jumping on your group, soul punch to gater some weak minions quick and to push back a nasty critter like  Ancient Disruptor who tends to enjoy sucking out our energy (Damn succubuses!) now wouldn't it be supportive to soul punch the bastard who was rushing towards an unsuspecting nova and avoid losing her casting support? Nekros is like the center piece supporting the machinery that grinds the enemy to dust, he's like the ducktape of warframe keeping allies in top shape untill the next gas stadion, the pleasnt looking farmer who shares his corpsy corps among the poor and needy, the viscous little puppeteer who uses his enemys as his meat shield minions (also note that the meat shields will fire back at the enemy.. if the ai is willing and you've sacrificed enought greed milk.)


To put it shortly, as Tirnity is a healer or a medic Nekros is a support that is more like the engineer in some fps games who give out ammo packs for teammates and keeps the engines purring.


I'll try and post my thoughts on each point you've brought up.

I'm not arguing against the usefulness of an ability like Desecrate, so I'll leave that be. I'd rather it have an equal chance to spawn energy orbs as well as health orbs, but that's nitpicking.

There are plenty of strategies for dealing with bosses. A Loki can completely shutdown Raptor, and avoid boss agro entirely with invisibility. A Rhino can continuously stun lock many bosses with ease. A Trinity's Energy Vampire can deal out massive damage destroying some bosses within seconds. Most boss fights can be finished in a matter of seconds with the right loudout, never mind whatever frame you may be using.  The ability of SoTD to inconsistently draw agro simply doesn't hold up in boss fights. This isn't to say that it can't be effective elsewhere, but as far as SoTD's usefulness as crowd control, there are other abilities that are not Ultimates that can be just as effective, if not more.

Terrify as crowd control is also lacking. You're forced to either track down and kill affected enemies before recasting, or to wait for the effect to wear off. With the large numbers of enemies that the game can throw at you, the enemies that are sent running are quickly replaced with more. If I'm needing an area denial ability, I'd look to Bastille or even Stomp long before I do Terrify.

Soul Punch can be used to outright kill single targets at lower levels, and briefly remove single targets are higher levels. It's secondary projectile effect could stand to be tweaked and reworked to be more effective. The requirement that you have an enemies nameplate be visible before casting is also annoying (even more so with lag,) but I'd say it's inline with other low cost single target abilities.

Edited by Charismo
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  • 3 months later...

Desecrate is a viable ability now, but my problem with it is that is has absolutely nothing to do with the necromancer theme. I wouldnt be opposed if there was a sentinel doing it every 5-10 seconds. Making an extra loot ability in general is a bad idea imo.


Soul punch needs an AoE that is better controllable, first skills in this game need to be viable, it takes longer to soulpunch an enemy than shooting 3-8 guys with my weapon, why the hell would I use something like this?


SotD sucks as it is, nobody spends 100 energy and 4 seconds of casting time for a bullet shield that stands in the way and blocks my bullets flying to the enemies, clones need to deal at least 250% damage and need no timer, but a life loss per second, terrify or desecrate should be traded with a life siphon that damages enemies in a cone, healing all allies for a % of damage dealt.


Terrify is Nekros' best combat cc, but the cooldown cripples it completely.


---> Nekros would be necromancer with an army he can sustain, instead of an extra loot frame, also he gets defensive and offensive utility if the AI of the clones would be better.

Edited by Genoscythe
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Why does Nekros need a change?


Base Stats: Very balanced for a caster-type frame. His energy only caps at 300, but that's fine.


Soul Punch:  Hard CC with moderate dmg. Usually singer target, for those powerful heavy types, like Napalms, or Techs. Many times, I have saved either myself from having our energy drained from an Ancient Disruptor because I Soul Punched him.


Terrify: Probably his skill that raises the biggest concern with Nekros. Again, a hard CC with armour reduction. Yes, the enemies run away, but so what? Shoot them. It's a fantastic skill for Defense, Mobile Defense, and personal survivability. However, I DO agree that the cost is a bit high. Maybe lower it to say, 60?


Desecrate: Why say no to more mods, resources, ammo, energy and health? Oh, and O2 in Survival.


Shadows of the Dead: One of the very VERY few skills that currently scale with enemy level. It gives the enemy more targets to hoot at, and not us, thus increasing our survivability. Not to mention the shadows do a fair amount of dmg. Yes, the AI is not the best at the moment, but that will come with time.


The only thing I believe Nekros needs is a few number tweaks. He's a SUPPORT frame, not a dmg frame.

I enjoy using him in any mission type, whether Spy, Defense, Sabotage, Survival, doesn't matter. I make it work. If I don't use Shadows of the Dead, so be it. It wasn't needed.


Although, I won't say no to Desecrate adding to the Shadows of the Dead count, but that might be a little OP



Edited by Jin_Lightning
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