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Extremus- the heavy metal warframe


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the last of the metal gods, extremus uses his intense music to manipulate and control the battle field

Passive: when paired with octavia both frames gain extra health and armor



shields: 150

energy: 150


Ability 1- headbang- extremeus plays an epic riff, causing nearby enemies to drop their weapons and repeatedly bang their heads. enemies caught by this ability will not attack until the ability ends.(duration 20sec. range20m.)

Ability 2-death scream- extremus screams, knocking enemys back and stripping their armor. enemies that are caught in headbang or moshpit lose all their armor and recieve extra damage(500 slash damage, debuff -50% armor, duraton 10 sec. range 15m)

Ability3 mostpit- extemus' epic stage presence hypnotizes nearby enemies. causing them to group together and repeatedly knock each other over. casting death scream increases the range of this ability  and refreshes its duration (duration30sec. range, 20m)

Ability4 shred- extremus pulls out his custom electric shawzin and plays an epic solo, ( the player can design their own solo or use existing ones) increasing the stats of all his other abilities, ememies affected by mostpit will release aoe deathscreams which increase in damage the better the player plays,  hitting the wrong notes will reset the bonus, hitting the right notes multiplies the bonus. 

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Perhaps you could have it have a stack system like Nidus, where the more he rocks out the stronger his abilities get, if you want him to be more of an offense-based frame.

An alternate suggestion for his ultimate ability is a powerful AOE attack, not unlike Eddie Riggs's Bring It on Home solo from Brutal Legend.

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