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Confession Thread


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 - Sometimes I like to do a solo exterminate mission, finish the objective, but not go to extraction right away. Instead, I spend a lot of the time just freely running around the map stress-free, exploring the tile sets, trying to find alternate routes, and seeing what kinds of structures I can climb on. I usually end up spending 30+ minutes just by free running the map.


I have a lot of fun doing this and I really appreciate the level designers who made these awesome tile sets for us to play on.


I'm finding that the Grineer Desert and New Corpus Facility tiles to be very fun. Looking forward to the upcoming Grineer jungle.

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Hi! Im Accel.  This is my first post.  Confession time! :D


- Volt was my 3rd Warframe ever. (created in July)  Never once used him still. 


- I run T3 Captures for 3 randoms using my Ember Prime on purpose.


- If DE ever has a Prime access to Loki prime, I'll buy it the moment I see it.


- I often run the mission Sharpless trying to "trolol-sell" my fever strike mod to the desperate since I have two.


- I leveled Nova to 30 and never once used MP out of respect for others fun. (Then never used that trash again.)


- I went to Grandmaster primary for the Lato Prime.


All I can think of atm.

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- Ash is my favorite frame, not because hes got the highest ingame health or the damage of his Shurikens or Blade Storm, but because his Blade Storm gives me invulnerability


- I hoard Melee weapons even though the melee system in this game isnt too good. And I revel in going full melee runs


- When I first used Frost (not Prime) I thought his Snowglobe was useless and preferred the Ice Wave


- I gave up my Excalibur because he didnt do enough damage for my liking, despite his untapped mobility skills. I still have yet to get him back.


- I still abuse Mag's Pull on maps I NEED to win.

- Before, when M-Prime stopped you midair, I used to perform a tactic called Nova-bombing when I went sniper on defense maps. Jumping into the pit, M-priming just before I fell and repositioned back on my perch.

- I still enjoy using Nyx, and Abosrb is still my favorite skill to use


- I enjoyed Rhino, but before I ever got more slots, I gave him up for Ash.

- Saryn isnt powerful enough for me

- Trinity outright bored me with her ability set, because I only had guns to do real damage to enemies


- I Still think Valkyr's ult was done right.

- I have NEVER used Bounce as Vauban, because im too busy throwing 7 Vortexes all at once


- I love crashing players with Vortex spam

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- I bought resources several times.


- Almost all of my guns have Catalysts [i don't like calling them pataoeeosds(because i can't spell it correctly)]


- Rank 14, didn't farm for xp in Kappa, Kiste or Cyath for even once, mad Xini fan.


- Spent more than I should have for a hobby, I guess.



I regret nothing.

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- My first warframe was loki.

- I played this game for a week without understanding how to get other weapons.

- My most played frame is ash, although I haven't played him since the first two weeks I played.

- I have 400 hours, and I have only been playing the game for a month.

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Bless me thread, for I have slain thousands. (Had to.)


- I don't consider myself a rusher, but I find myself defaulting to Dual Zoren so I can skip wall-running

- I keep Hate and Dakra for aesthetic purposes- but when I use Hate, it's always on my Nekros

- I wish there was a way to turn off vaulting; it looks cool, but it always sends me plummeting when I try to Zorencopter over gaps

- Were it not for the slide debuff, I would use Despair all the time

- I rarely make new weapons, and usually run missions with capped gear; always annoys me to collect XP login rewards

- Though I have about 40 BPs for it, I've used Forma only three times- and always on melee weapons

- I've only sold one Warframe: the Mag I started with, and only because I Primed her

- I can officially say I crafted every frame I currently own

- I only bought platinum once, on a 75% off Summer Steam sale

- I've only ever spent platinum on Warframe slots and my Day of the Dead DZ skin

- I didn't slot Desecrate until after I capped my Nekros

- Nowadays I run my frames with all of their abilities slotted and capped, even if they aren't "viable"

- I've had my Dethcube for nearly 7 months, but forgot to give him a Reactor until last week

- I play theme songs for most of my Warframes when I run missions (some more bizarre than others)

- I exclusively own elemental frames and casters; the only exception is Loki, and only because I was running 6 females to 4 males

- Even though they're mostly glass cannons, I use Defense slots on my Warframes for stamina boosts; the only exception is my Frost

- I picked up Nova because of Wormhole, and keep her because of Molecular Prime

- I miss my super-jumping Nova- before they "fixed" it, I would only cast MP when I was airborne

- I picked up Nekros because of looks, and (only) keep him because of looks

- I'm not sure if I'll make Ember Prime, since her default polarities are worse for my Ember's build

- I've never trolled anyone with my Mag (when she could Pull allies), Vauban or Loki

- I always try to do the bonus challenge (once I learn what it is), even if all of my gear is capped

- My biggest pet peeve these days, is players running ahead to kill a boss I'm trying to scan before I even get to the boss room

- I always have to make sure I'm higher rank than my buddy I level with (happens after spending all of Update 9 playing Nova)

Edited by Archwizard
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-I like and occassionally use the Bo.

-I have potatoed and formaed my Cronus and never do a mission without it.

-I cant wait to get the Dakra so I can potato and forma it.

-No matter how bad someone is I will run back to save them dispite your complaints.

-If you say my Shade is dumb in a defense mission I will let them break the pod as you die giving you the finger in my stealth.

-If you think you're God's gift to warframe I will throw my bounce pad in your way and laugh as you bounce around the room.

-If you're meleeing enemies and not using your gun at all and die to an poison ancient, I will suddenly not be able to reach your body.

-I will proclaim to be a member of Vauban PD, but have no actual affiliation with them.


And finally, my largest confession and pet peeve:

-If you are a rhino or valkyr, and I am placing Tesla Coils on you, and you decide to walk away before I'm done I will wish great suffering upon everyone you've ever met.


Seriously, 'Thunder Rhino' and 'Thor's Valkyr' are amazing techniques that will ruin enemies for you. Let me help you help us.

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-I like to play loki with maxed out rush. 

-I potato my dual vastos (akvastos) then put several formas on it. 

-I suck at wall running so I repeatly fail lvl 7 to 8 mastery test. I tried several exploits including loki, nova, vakyr, so epic fail, now I'm building excaliber just for his super jump. (still in crafting process) 

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