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Confession Thread


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-I use Ash because I like to be stealthy.

-I use Paris and Kunai for the same reason

-Admittedly, Kunai and hikou become flying blades of instantaneous death once they are potato'd.

-I really want the Sanctuary mod

-If someone doesn't say hi in chat, I don't revive them. What happened to teamwork!?!

-I got most of my weapon blueprints from daily awards.

-Yes, I use Loki as well as Ash. (For the Stellth!!!!1!!!)

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~ I Love NOVA
~ I Like Mag

~ I enjoy Saryn

~ I Still use and Love my Kbolto

~ I farmed Nekros and Mag Prime in one day , the same day i defeated stalker and got HATE BP

~ I HATE Nekros and Ember
~ I dislike Banshee
~ i Polarized my Vectis 4 Times on the same day i claimed it from Foundry.

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- I think Vauban's Bounce is legitimately useful.

- For tier 3 survival rewards, I farm Hymeno, Eris rather than Palus, Pluto because it's easier for me to stay there for a long time while still counting as T3.

- While the majority of my XP and kills are awarded to Rhino, my favorite frame is a tie between Vauban and Nekros. 

- My favorite secondaries are the Dual Vastos.

- I enjoy the Paris (and wish the Dread had a major buff)

- I despise the Latron but love the Latron Prime

- I sold my IAH Promo Braton once I maxed it so I could free up the weapon slot.

- I think the true black color for the warframes and weapons is too glossy and lack-luster to justify buying the Smoke pack for it.

- I sometimes throw teslas on people just so I have constant zapping noise.

- As good as the hikou and kunai are, they are not my favorite weapons in the game.

- I thought Slash Dash was amazing when I first starting playing. I was eventually corrected through experience.

- When I first started playing and obtaining fusion cores, I sold them because I didn't think they were useful. This has also been corrected by experience. 

- I potato'd (and sold) my aklatos.

- I don't like Saryn as far as aesthetics are concerned. 

- I don't like Loki, despite my love of stealth gameplay. 

- I don't think Rhino is OP (especially for high level missions. I'd rather see a Trinity in end-game missions with a blessing build.)

- I'd rather be spending my plat on potatos than slots, but I need slots more.

- I don't like the Acrid because it looks more like a glorified squirt gun than a legitimate poison dart launcher.

- I don't like the organic look of most Grineer weapons. 

- I use Carrier because I'm lazy. 

- I make terrible terrible puns while in-game. Such as for Frost players: "Stay Frosty."

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I sold my tater'ed IAHGames Braton.


I bought Volt and Loki with plat. (This wasn't so bad, actually.)


I bought Nanospores and Salvage with plat. (I now wish I had a time machine to go back in time and kick my former self in the &#!. I coulda bought 3 taters for that much plat.)

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- The Dread is the best bow in the game.


- I'm quite fond of burst-fire weapons like the Burston, Sicarus and Kraken.


- Single (not dual) Vasto and Twin Gremlins are my all-time favorite sidearms.


- Loki is my most-used frame, never get bored of playing him.


- Super Jump is one of the best mobility skills.


- Playing as Frost/Frost Prime is a dreadful bore.


- I bought Volt with platinum, which I think is a bargain.


- Carrier is the best sentinel, because I'm lazy.


- I don't like the glossy blacks from the Smoke palette, and I always go for a matte black on my frames.


- I don't sell any of my weapons, not even the craptastic ones (Ceramic Dagger, Heat Dagger, Ankyros, etc.)


- I turned off all chat windows except for clan chat a long time ago.


- Most of my clanmates can't tell if I'm fooling around/trolling during a mission. *cackles*


- I've given away the gaming gear I got for winning local Warframe tournaments to friends.


- Off Topic and Fan Art (yuikami fanboy here) are my favorite sections on the forums.

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I let the pod go down on wave 20 of a T3 defense mission today.


Why? Three morons I found in recruiting didn't think that Banshee was good enough for T3, and the only viable options for T3 void defense are Rhino, Frost, Vauban and Nova.


Over the course of the game I accumulated about 15-20 revives, dealt most of the damage, AND kept enemies CC'd since the Frost was utterly incompetent.


I would have let it all slide, had one of said morons told me that the game would have gone a lot better had I picked a different framee, after lasting a grand total of 6 seconds after the start of wave 20. 


I proceeded to go hide by some enemies with Shade and watch the dinglefritzes waste both their revives and time.



And if any of the read this, I have one thing to say, Banshee does it better.

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- I really dont like that Mike/Marcutio, YouTube guy. Played with him once. Really hate that self worshipping ****. 


- I don't really like him either, but he did contribute a large amount of vids on Warframe which is good.


- I secretly hope that Mogamu will overtake his subscriber count since day one (600 more!).


- Bow weapons are bad. If I had the ability to Orbital strike people who try to argue they are viable I'd do it. I'd even do an evil laugh too.


- If Bows were a joke, Ballistica was the punchline. Least fun I've had with a weapon in this game.


- I think bows are fantastic, but I do agree that the Ballistica really suck.


- I claim to be a bow person, but I'm recently using the Vectis as my main and seldom change. :X


- Dera is probably my one of my favourite automatic rifles despite the laser damage and the less impressive specs as compared to say the Braton Prime. It just feels right to me.


- I much prefer the Hikou over the Kunai despite protest from most of my friends.


- Puncture is my favourite utility. It's almost a must-have for me.


- I have watched Prime Time once, and i'm surprised by how badly Rebecca and Megan modded their guns. A three point lethal torrent?? I thought they could just press a button and... Tah-dah!


- I think I know how to make Stalker appearance more likely and have the evidence to support it, but I have not share it anywhere nor with anyone.

Edited by Krysis_V
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-Almost everyone here are consumer sheep (massive amounts of blinding ignorance) and I hate a new human everyday due to Warframe.  Thus fuels my trolling ability.

-This thread help me realize people don't know the difference between confession and boasting.

-Noone wants to admit it but most people who are Ranked 10 and above can't play this game for #@$@. 

-This game really isn't even an official game yet.  It hasn't shelled out of it's press 1-4WASD/Mouse Click/Farm.   Majority of games contain those main attributes.  But it's the developers/creators job to help us forget we are "1-4WASD/Mouse Click/Farm" for 5 hours straight.  I just hope they find that magic.  


Look at Mario in terms of simpleness and lore.

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1. How do you even compete at this.

2. Where do you live that has Warframe tournaments

3. Do they know this is a coop game?


1. Duo defense tournament format, 2-man squad, get to the highest wave you can in Casta (Ceres), you have one shot. I've won twice, me being a Nyx with a clanmate as a Frost Prime). 1st win, got to wave 33 before a bugged Ballista made it impossible to continue, 2nd was wave 35 claim and exit.


2. Click on my profile.


3. Yes, the DE staff in my country knows this of course.

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I let myself get mobbed by high level enemies next to elevators and switch teleport the squishiest frame as soon as the elevator takes off. 

(As Loki)


Before Vortex was changed, I'd go Xini and see several Toxics near one or more of my buddies... (4 or more) and casually...tossed it.

He learned Rhino was far from impervious. Over... and over.


I also used to side-track during pub runs and fill the entire Extraction zone with bounce pads.


If there's a player I dislike or who runs past me when I get downed right in front of them (if we're in relative safety and it's just the one 'Oh S#&$' technician or Ancient that cheap-shots you) I go out of my way to engineer their deaths. Pulling toxics or larger enemies in front of them, letting them charge alone into unfathomable odds when they thought I was backing them up, or standing over them as Trinity as their red bar depletes... 




*EDIT* I stare at Nova/Ember/Saryn's butts everytime I see them. Especially if I'm playing them.

Edited by Hastur609
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-When ppl in mobile def run out of XP range, I join them and let the terminal die


Same here! :D It's amusing when the one who played defense hero then calls everyone else awful players (strung with curse words of course).


-I've forma'd Volt about 9 times and get bored quickly when playing any other 'Frame.


-I don't care for Prime weapons because of aesthetics - the gold doesn't match my color schemes.


-I use Overload constantly sometimes, waiting for someone to complain. Hasn't happened. I use Molecular Prime a couple times and everyone loses their minds.


-Every Warframe I own I purchased with platinum. Too lazy to grind...

Edited by digitalRat
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-I love the paris prime, have it formad once, and plan to do more

-I brought a mod pack(Kill me if you so desire, I want to)

-If people go defense hero, I join them. Even impede their return if I go Loki. Or Nova.

-If I'm nova, and I'm at the end first, I will block up the doorway with wormholes.

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I enjoy using Ash

I plan on rebuilding every frame where I used up the mod(s) that comes with the frame on fusion

I only increase the rank of mods if I add the exact amount of energy required to increase the mod

I've not sold a single weapon yet

I build everything twice, so I have one copy in my inventory and one copy of it in the foundry

I use my Vauban frame in alerts that have Vauban parts as a reward just to show off

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