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If you where a corpus/grineer head engineer


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A lot of the answers in this thread probably would be very effective at killing Tenno. The problem is that A:  they're very good at killing your own guys too and B: the Tenno WANT you to be focusing on them, because every day you spend trying to fight the hyperactive, near-immortal guerilla terrorists is a day not spent harrassing civilians. Spending all your time upgrading facilities to be less efficient and more dangerous but very Tenno-resistant is paradoxically doing their job for them. It's not like it'll stop them, either, the Tenno are a technologically superior faction and steal any innovations you make anyway.

No, the ideal way is to stop the Tenno from finding stuff to start with. Start sending loads of dummy communications with annoying encryption. Type one key to the right on the keyboard so words start being like jrrp. o#, ,ddomh eoyj upi. Effective? Probably not, it'd probably be really easy to break once you know what's up. But it's quick to make and wastes the Lotus and the Tenno's time for every successful data-gathering mission done to decode dozens encrypted food recipes encrypted in slightly different ways every time. Bonus points if important plans are actually embedded into those food recipes through codes. Invest in stealth tech where possible as well. If a project is important enough to necessitate that it doesn't get taken offline, it has dummy facilities with the actual location being communicated by complete grunts.  Progress is slow, sure, but the best defence is to ensure the Tenno never go there.

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