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Anybody Wants To Be A Newbie Again :d?


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Sometimes i wonder, how would it be to start fresh. 
Fresh without piled up mods and resources from exploits [bugged days of getting x% boost to drops]. Fighting up without having any gear at all. Trying to level up together with small levels. etc

I don't really want to use optional reset or hold myself back (Holding yourself back on purpose is boring), because i want to be in fresh environment where everybody are newbies again :O 

Soo... How would you feel about if everyone became newbies again? :D
I'm not asking for reset. Just wondering what are player thoughts on this topic. 


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If DE decided to give us another optional reset as long as i got all of my platinum back (doubt it will ever happen) i'd go for it just to have something to do again.

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If everyone was reset, that would sort of suck.As some may not want this forced upon them and probably not willing to have the countless hours and effort they have put in thrown away (Oh and where would I be without those high level clan mates that have helped me when I was a noob ^.^). All though I wouldn't remind to reset myself but I already reset a while ago. ( I take it you cant reset more than once?).

Short version: I think it would rustle a lot of Jimmies




If DE decided to give us another optional reset as long as i got all of my platinum back (doubt it will ever happen) i'd go for it just to have something to do again.


I would like this ^.

Edited by Rathie
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Start a new account and see for yourself.


Some people here claiming it is too hard.  I don't see it.


BUT, it is tedious.  Knowing what is out there, knowing you don't have it, knowing that when you do finally get something like serration it is still going to be a while before it helps much since you don't have the means to level it up.

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How would you feel about if everyone became newbies again? :D

I've put quite a bit of time into this game, got a lot of good mods, weapons and finally am getting things fine tuned. If that was taken from me, I'd very easily dust my hands and stop playing entirely.


If you want that feeling, feel free to make a new account and start over. Just don't do it through recruitment, that's frowned upon heavily.

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*sigh* Optional reset is not the same thing, you start new while everyone else stays the same. 
Completely resetting would make it more interesting because you won't face high levels at all. 
Of course hard reset won't happen :), but too bad they didn't make it closed beta with a wipe. :p 

And i see a lot of people dislike the idea of starting new, i am rather confused, as i am also a high ranked tenno >.> [Mastery rank 10 while barely buying plat which all was spent into inv slots] i would also feel the pain of loss, but i don't know - fresh start sounds interesting. 

Surprised that there is not a single soul like me (sad panda) 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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Sometimes i wonder, how would it be to start fresh. 

Fresh without piled up mods and resources from exploits [bugged days of getting x% boost to drops]. Fighting up without having any gear at all. Trying to level up together with small levels. etc

I don't really want to use optional reset or hold myself back (Holding yourself back on purpose is boring), because i want to be in fresh environment where everybody are newbies again :O 

Soo... How would you feel about if everyone became newbies again? :D

I'm not asking for reset. Just wondering what are player thoughts on this topic. 

While I understand what you mean, a player with 100+ hours(a rather low amount really) would never be a newbie again. Even with low rank weapons, mods and frames he still has the skill and reflexes gained after so many hours so he would be at least a few times more effective at the game when compared to a real newbie with the same gear.


Unfortunately, what this means, is that even if you were to start a fresh, out of the box account, you will not experience that initial excitement over something new and unknown, waiting to be explored.


It will be just another day in Warframe, but this time you'll be thinking "Why on Earth am I having trouble with this lame level 15 heavy instead of steamrolling a battalion of level 100 mooks. I'd rather avoid the frustration of having to deal with leveling all the stuff again. And to be honest it's not even the weapons or the frames, it's the damn mods that make or brake the game. I've probably spent 7-8 million credits on fusing and hell if I am going throught this again :D

Edited by Arbiter_of_Soul
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And lose all of my rare mods and try and do that crud again?





Reading that literally makes my eyes burn.

You are sounding really elitist.

So you spent time getting rare things? You're so self centered that you can't bare to let go of them to have a good gaming experience.... just wow. I have no more words for you.

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In a certain extent, you can get that feel when you start a new frame if you do it right. Sometimes, I just don't use the aura slot until I reach lvl 30 on the new frame, and play with fresh forma-ed weapons. But yeah, I know what you mean, doing the Solar System again, the surprise when you get a mod you don't know etc.

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You are sounding really elitist.

So you spent time getting rare things? You're so self centered that you can't bare to let go of them to have a good gaming experience.... just wow. I have no more words for you.

You missed his point, it's the italics that is hard to read. At least, that's my take on it.

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You are sounding really elitist.

So you spent time getting rare things? You're so self centered that you can't bare to let go of them to have a good gaming experience.... just wow. I have no more words for you.

So letting go of mods that I worked for over 600 hours = good gaming experience? OMG LARFLARF LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.


And for the record the eyes burn thing is literal.


Even making the wind shield wipers on my car go too fast makes my eyes burn.


Your logic is so profound oh my.

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Pft. Hell no. The current new player 'experience' for this game is downright abysmal! Not to mention how hard I've worked to get my builds nearly perfect, my rare mods, etc


I'll never understand why people like to throw all this progress away. Sure it'd breathe new life into this game, but what is that life? A life built on sitting around in Recruiting or running the same node OVER AND OVER again until you can wait half, or three days to claim something you spent the week farming for, and then another week applying Forma several times in a row to fit the better mods on.

Which, you ALSO spent weeks trying to not just FIND to begin with, but get the few margins of credits and fusion cores to level them.


So yeah... No thanks.


(Oh, not to mention those Event weapons?) 

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Eh, I would like to have a reset. Still, there is a problem.

I got several accounts (Nah, nothing to do with referal cheating) and I can easily say that it will be a long road of pain. Drops got messed up all the time. The most stable and good one I saw? Pre-9. You could get any common and uncommon mod, had to tighten your arse a bit to get rares and the only screwed up thing was abnormal alloy plate drops.

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The only good thing about any proposed reset would be the return of platinum as I made 1 or 2 errors of judgement due to lack of knowledge at the time. 

If it were an optional reset it would not alienate half the players who put a higher value on their time spent in game. 

On the other hand if it WAS a total reset for all then I would suggest they supply compensatory platinum based on the amount we've all paid for, at least this would make the whole idea a little more palatable for those at seriously high levels. 

Helping a friend who is new to the game the other day showed me how far I had already got (not that far at all as I'm only level 3 mastery), It was a small revelation to be reminded of how hard the game was when I first started playing. 

We (veterans?) would all have the advantage of prior game knowledge but, do we really want to loose all the rare mods and special items we've spent so much time hunting for? 

It'd be a LOT more attractive if we were given double the platinum we've bought. and were able to keep all items we had achieved in game but reset all item/mod stats to zero.

Edited by SRS13Rastus
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