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Battlefield Prowler - an Ivara augment for a more aggressive playstyle.

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Battlefield Prowler
Prowl augment - Prowl now gives +XX damage reduction (alternatively armor) instead of invisibility, and allows full movement. -0.5s base steal time.

To clarify, this augment would keep Prowl's headshot multiplier and steal while removing its invisibility and the restrictions tied to it (hindered movement, breaking from certain parkour moves, temporarily breaking from noisy weapons, energy loss when taking damage). To compensate for the lost survivability offered by the invincibility, damage reduction (alternatively armor) would be given instead. (Due to Ivara now moving less patiently among enemies, the steal time would preferably see a reduction of 20% its base.)

This augment would allow for a more aggressive, fast-paced playstyle on Ivara, while still keeping her very much a huntress by virtue of the headshot multiplier.

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