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Update 10.8.0


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Currently my biggest enemies are doors - they can't be passed but are opened, they don't open but they are marked green ... lots of door issues !


Hope this will get fixed with U11 as well ;-).

Edited by MaxiTB
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It began to appear after the last patch.



Thank you.




Molecular prime is broken

Banshee's sonar is broken

Vectis damage is broken.


Wow. Nice. Great Job.


Edit: yeah. Almost forgot. That steam on the solar map. 




Just can not find the words..

One big bug and disappointment.

But we have "grand helmets"!

Well, just a complete "amazing"..

If DE chose to skip 10.8.0, I would tell: wow, nice, sweet, thank you and great job.

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The ammount of *@##$ing going on in Warframe is overkill, even for F2P standards. They are offering you FREE access to a game that's in BETA, they are working their asses off to optimize and add stuff almost every two freaking weeks! Show some respect ffs, not every company has Activision's resources to throw around.

I suspect there will be some glitches once U11 comes out. Beware, the S#&$storm.

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Just wanted to take a few sec to drop my 2 cents for whatever if anything that they are worth (may indeed only be worth 2 cents).


Let me start with some praise in saying, this game has so much potential. I have had some fun times with it, and invested about 330 hours thus far. I like/ liked this game so much I was willing to go above and beyond what I am willing to do for many big names in the game-o-sphere and that was invest 150$ in your founders program and even a little more to have some plat to carry me over for a while.


That being said the current builds and rate at which content has been slowly trickling out has made me drop the game like a bad habit. Updates that offer things like purely cosmetic helmets for money is a slap in the face. They have 0 play change factor, all of the previous helms to these disgusting iterations had at least some purpose to own. Don't get me wrong, these new helms look cool, kind of, but to have no in game affectations makes them a complete waste of time for me the player to farm or purchase. Ultimately illustrates the dysfunction of your dev. team, that they would put a for profit item above one that helps make for a richer play experience. 


If your just trying to pump the coffer's full of money, offer a subscription to those that are willing and start designing content that will make the game play differently / better, or at least give more options to experiment with. The previous iterations of helmets did exactly that, some were great, some not so much, but it gave them a reason to exist, beyond fanciful greed.


Though this may be solely my opinion but items that are purely cosmetic should not exist, it's a slap in the face. Other major games have tried things of this nature to massive backlash from its "regular" player base. 


side note: since the necro's release patch all but one of my clan has quit. (a loss of ~7-9 (150$+) founders) It's gotten so bad that our multi-game clan is considering closing the warframe division for good.


I really hope that there is a shift in thought to pull us all back in. Thank you for the "pretty" patches we have gotten, I really hope that purely cosmetic items die a terrible, fiery death on your developer tables and that this will be the LAST we see of them, but I'm doubtful that will be the case.




p.s. after a read through this seems a little "rant-y" and wasn't intended to be that, to me it's more of a plea for those who make the decisions to reconsider the terribly flawed path they are currently embarking upon, you will lose a lot of interest, and a lot of players to boot.

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Just wanted to take a few sec to drop my 2 cents for whatever if anything that they are worth (may indeed only be worth 2 cents).


Let me start with some praise in saying, this game has so much potential. I have had some fun times with it, and invested about 330 hours thus far. I like/ liked this game so much I was willing to go above and beyond what I am willing to do for many big names in the game-o-sphere and that was invest 150$ in your founders program and even a little more to have some plat to carry me over for a while.


That being said the current builds and rate at which content has been slowly trickling out has made me drop the game like a bad habit. Updates that offer things like purely cosmetic helmets for money is a slap in the face. They have 0 play change factor, all of the previous helms to these disgusting iterations had at least some purpose to own. Don't get me wrong, these new helms look cool, kind of, but to have no in game affectations makes them a complete waste of time for me the player to farm or purchase. Ultimately illustrates the dysfunction of your dev. team, that they would put a for profit item above one that helps make for a richer play experience. 


If your just trying to pump the coffer's full of money, offer a subscription to those that are willing and start designing content that will make the game play differently / better, or at least give more options to experiment with. The previous iterations of helmets did exactly that, some were great, some not so much, but it gave them a reason to exist, beyond fanciful greed.


Though this may be solely my opinion but items that are purely cosmetic should not exist, it's a slap in the face. Other major games have tried things of this nature to massive backlash from its "regular" player base. 


side note: since the necro's release patch all but one of my clan has quit. (a loss of ~7-9 (150$+) founders) It's gotten so bad that our multi-game clan is considering closing the warframe division for good.


I really hope that there is a shift in thought to pull us all back in. Thank you for the "pretty" patches we have gotten, I really hope that purely cosmetic items die a terrible, fiery death on your developer tables and that this will be the LAST we see of them, but I'm doubtful that will be the case.




p.s. after a read through this seems a little "rant-y" and wasn't intended to be that, to me it's more of a plea for those who make the decisions to reconsider the terribly flawed path they are currently embarking upon, you will lose a lot of interest, and a lot of players to boot.


I respectfully disagree. I think the cosmetic items are a nice addition to the game. It gives players more choice to customize their warframes. Heck, at one point, I even wished there were cosmetic items that changes the looks of the torso.

Edited by x3Darkie
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Just Sayin... I mean no disrespect at all for the original artist.Just what I saw at first.

but sorry... I'm still going to get it because it is cool. I also like the nekros. Well done DE

I have it on right now :3

Edited by KaraLotus
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Long rant post


Actually I VERY rarely see people complain about purely-cosmetic additions to F2P games, because they're a way to enhance the cash shop without creating a gameplay advantage for people who play. Those who complain are often laughed at unless the updates are constantly just 100% cosmetic... which is not even close the case for Warframe. We get small little updates with bugfixes and balancing, and maybe a new weapon or something to tide us over until the next major update is ready for release. What major games have received major backlash from their regular playerbase for adding a few cosmetics? Don't mention TF2, because that one did more than just add a couple cosmetic-only items every now and then (it also gets regular bugfixes and seasonal events, but you never hear about that now do you). I can't think of any in recent memory... at least not any that were worth playing in the first place.


What's funny is that many people have mentioned they dislike having stats tied to the helmets, partially due to only getting them via Platinum or alert rewards but mostly because if you really don't like the way a helmet looks but really want the stats on it, you end up unhappy either way. With a purely-cosmetic helmet, there's no bonus or penalty attached so you can wear the one you want. That's how it should be in the first place; leave the stat adjustments to mods, maybe transferring the helmet bonuses and whatnot to a "microchip" item that you can equip. 


So long story short, you're complaining for no good reason. If a couple statless helmets released with a number of gameplay-affecting bugfixes while a major update is being worked on is enough to make you quit, we don't want you here. Take you and your most-likely awful clan and go play something else like Mabinogi Heroes or whatever. They aren't going to lose a lot of players because of some freaking cosmetics being added along with a minor patch, though they'll probably lose a small handful of players that will complain about everything anyway and never be happy. Key words being "minor patch." I don't think I can stress that enough - a minor patch to fix some bugs and add some small stuff people have been asking for. It's not a major, milestone-tier update consisting entirely of hats, skins, and emote-animations/taunts, for Christ's sake.

Edited by HereticKitsune
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