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New Ign Article On "how Free Is Warframe".


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It's a pretty accurate assessment of what a new player might get out of the game, a lot of the meatier and more fun content (derelicts + void) require a bit of a grind to get to so it's no wonder that new players might burn out quicker if they're just looking for a f2p casual shooter they play for several hours per week.

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Meh, that actually seemed like a reasonable review of Warframe's in-game vs. real world currency. I've never bought any weapons or warframes with Platinum because I've never felt obligated to do so (plus lets face it, what else is there to do besides farm frames and weapons?) but adversely the grind to weapons from scratch is a bit rough on new players who have no idea what they're doing (you wouldn't believe how much I sunk into trying to make twin vipers when I first started).


All in all, both markets are a tad bit pricy , but they could be worse.

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omg guys.. its no "Massively Multiplayer Online" ...

its is an COOP game.. since the max count of players on a map is ... 4
like in alienswarm..lol

and RPG? you dont roleplay in tthis game... further more there are no NPCS to click on to conversate with them...

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Well, I didn't like the article, mainly because it doesn't answer the main question.


I don't think the reviewer spent the correct amount of time to actually come to a point where a free player would be forced to buy platinum


If you are curious about other Warframes, for sure, you can buy another Warframe, however, for the 15 first hours or so, the starter Warframe is more than enough as you're still discovering about everything and that's enough to keep you focus with the one you have. This has been the case for 99% of players I've talked to


You'll buy platinum if you want to customize your frame, pure cosmetic: fancy colors, fashionable scarves, change your helmet, which I don't think is said in the article


But picture you want to play free:



Then, at some point, when you start having good mods and you'll see that you need potatoes to boost your gears. You can get potatoes without Platinum but it's kinda complicated for newbies.


>> You need to buy potato with Platinum. 


But your starter platinum is sufficient, and your warframe should be strong enough to reach the later levels in the game, so you play some more with your boosted gears


However, after 15h you should be around level 20 and start having enough to craft weapons, if you're curious about it of course


When you reach level 30 (I think after 20-30 hours) then you start having enough components to actually craft a warframe


So, after level 30, you might feel limited in term of slots and may want to buy platinum. If you went up to level 30, then it means that you liked the game.



This is the real cost of Warframe, and something that is nowhere to be found in the article.


If you don't spend platinum on cosmetic and you're OK to stick with the starter frames, you can play 30+ hours without paying a dime



My feeling is that the reviewver didn't spend more than 15h in the game and SURELY not enough hours to come to a point where a free player is FORCED to buy platinum.

Edited by dubignou81
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and RPG? you dont roleplay in tthis game... further more there are no NPCS to click on to conversate with them...

No NPCs? Pfft, check out D&D. DM plays the NPCs instead of them being there. Hence, you can roleplay in this game with a little work. Which curiously enough means anything and everything can be considered an RPG with enough effort, except games that actively crush any possibility of that...which wouldn't get far, as someone will find a way to do so anyway.

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I actually found the article really decent - it had some valid points, and also valid critiques. To me, that is indeed an accurate representation of a new player's experience. I remember feeling how the grind to buy and build my Latron was immense when I first started, but the more I played the less grindy it seemed (not to say that it isn't still a farmfest though).


Still, I'd give Warframe a much higher rating, definitely higher than COD Ghosts. I have no idea how that uninspired and repackaged title got an 8.8 rating. For all its touting, the campaign was awfully written. It had good concepts and wonderful themes that it never built upon and left to die. Singularly repulsive character development and scriptwriting. Even BF4's campaign felt better, and everyone knows how S#&$ BF campaigns are. 

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