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Concept: A Four armed Melee frame with anger management issues


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A melee specialised Frame

The Reason

After watching the recent videos created by a certain Loki Main on the new frames released this past year to get me back in the swing of things. I realised that there is not a melee weapon frame in the game. There are Frames that have special melee exalted weapons like Excalibur, Wukong and Valkyrie but I can’t seem to find any that significantly improve general melee weapons unlike Guns which have frames that do specific buffs to them like Harrow with his critical bonuses.

So to fill the gap I came up with a frame that focuses on melee damage rather than guns.


The frame: basic idea

The concept is for a frame in the style of a savage/Viking berserker. To make them unique they can carry and use two different melee weapons at the same time dual wield. In order to make this work, the frame will need to have two melee weapon slots and an overriding dual wield combat style if both slots have a weapon in them. If they have one melee equipped, it will just use that weapons normal default stance or a special stance if one is equipped.


The combat style/no stances

The two-weapon style would have to be relatively simple or even crude so they can use any combination of melee weapons. For example, Skana and Broken War combined would work with the normal dual wield stances but break with their abilities and a Heat knife and Fragor wouldn’t look right if you used a Knife dual wield stance. It would be very funny but very broken. But with a simple style it would work even though players would have to learn if you have two weapons that are completely different like a hammer and knife, The ranges and damages are going to be very different so they will have to adapt given how the frame would swing the hammer with its high range and plough though the enemy then the knifes swing with its low range probably won’t hit anything. But the combinations can be left to the users own choices. (Gimmick or sensible) so overall they need a unique melee style just for them that will work with there abilities which I will get to in a minute.

Also, if their power attacks swing both weapons at the same time (double swing), each weapon will do there own damages rather than combining damages. For example, Skana and Broken War combination dual swing and slam attacks will hit the enemy basically twice. Once with Skana and all of its damages and effects then with Broken War and all of its damages and effects.

You must keep each weapons damage stats separate and not combine them because it would become very broken and overpowered if you combined both weapons critical and status chances together.

So best to keep them separate on double swing and slam attacks.


The arm problem

There is one problem with dual wielding any two weapons and its that there are all ready dual sets in the game so if they had two melee weapon slots and you used dual Skana and a different weapon how would it work with only two arms because you technically have three weapons.

There are two solutions to this problem:

1)      If a dual weapon set is in one of the slots it won’t allow you to add another melee weapon which would be sensible but boring.

2)      The frame won’t be allowed to even use existing dual sets which would be bad because that would mean it would be the only frame in the game that cannot use a weapon.

3)      Or they would have to have four arms so they can use any weapon combination in the game, even two dual sets.


So basically there going to have four arms so they can there gimmick and use all the melee weapons.

To explain how the arms will work I will use the weapon combinations of two one handed swords as set 1 and a hammer with the knife as set 2 for this example.

Set 1 arm configuration will be that the top two left and right arms holding a sword each will stick out and the lower left and right arms will be crossed because they are not needed to hold the swords and this keeps them out of the way so they are not flailing around.

Set 2 arm configuration will be a little different. Both their right arms will be used to hold the hammer but only the top left arm would hold the knife so the bottom left arm would be the only arm folded in the cross position because they don’t need two arms to hold one Knife and it keep the arm safe from “being cut off” or flailing and clipping through the frame.


The theme/style of the frame

In order to match there simple and crude combat style their aesthetic could look similar to Viking berserkers or as long as it suits their theme of “Don’t need brains just brawn. Ha ha your tickles don’t hurt me they just make me mad, smash smash” like all good melee warriors. Which now leads me to their passive and abilities.


Passive and Abilities

Passive will be +20% to all melee stats but -30% to all guns stats to balance and keep with the theme “why need know how gun work just smash”


1)      They can leap to an area and do a powerful ground slam that the player is indicated by a glowy spot that they move, similar to Hydroids rain summoning ability where you hold it to decide where to use it then release to use. It should have a decent max range that can be increased by mods and the slam radius should be larger than a normal slam. Also, the leap should be a more lateral leap than a vertical so it can be used in most of Warframes indoor environments.

2)      They can throw their melee weapon at enemies which will keep traveling in a straight line through enemy until it hits a wall for energy cost, this can be done twice. Then you use the ability a third time to call them back for a smaller energy cost which will cause the weapons to come back to you and hit any enemy in the return flight path and pass-through walls or you could go to the weapon to manually pick it up for free. Also, if you accidentally throw it off a cliff or it gets stuck in the environment it will magically resporn/teleport back to your frame after 30 second. This ability will basically be like Thor’s hammer from myth and Marvel.

3)      They can use a buff that gives them and their allies a 1% damage resistance for each enemy in small radius around them (7m without mods). If there are 10 enemies in the radios the resistance will be ten percent but if an enemy leaves the radius or dies then the resistance will go down. The small radios would allow for the percentage to not need to be capped but if the player wants to use the ability effectively, they will need to dive into hordes of enemies. This ability will pair nicely with their 4th ability.

4)      For their crowd control ability, they can use a taunt that can cause all effected enemies to prioritize the frame as a primary destroy target. For example, if the player is in a defence mission, they can use the ability to shift the enemy’s attention to them and off the objective or if you’re in a mission with friends and there in frames that cannot take damage you can use the ability to make the enemy just want to kill you instead. Because this crowd control ability won’t actually kill or disable the enemy like other CC abilities it should have a larger radius (40-50 meters before mods) and not be affected by walls. And to make the user want to use the ability given how there now enemy number 1, all affected enemies should take a hefty chunk more damage from the player only (to help them with the now inbound horde that wants only them dead).

Ability 1 and 2 should be based on their melee weapons heavy attack stats plus any heavy attack modifier mods (like true steel), with an extra ability modifier like x1.2% damage for ability 1 and x1.4% for ability two.



Special passive/uncontrolled 5th ability: RAGE

This special ability won’t be one that the player can decide when to use but one that will activate when their frames Rage meter is filled automatically. This meter will fill when the frame takes damage, kills with melee weapons and if allies kill enemies affected by Taunt in order to keep the gimmick of a prideful warrior. When the Rage meter is filled and automatically activated, the frame will force the player to use there melee weapons only. This Rage state should last for about 20 seconds.

When in rage state the frames power strength, melee damage and defence should be boosted quite a bit and there abilities energy cost should be zero during the 20 seconds.



This frame would be a double-edged sword. They will be very good for aggressive melee combat but if the player is a gun main, the massive -30% to all gun stats will make using guns very difficult given how it means all stats, reload/damage/critical/status/magazine capacity even projectile speed or if they don’t bring a melee weapon full stop, they won’t be able to use two of the frames abilities or make use of the rage passive. It probably would just force them to use fists.

Basically, they will be a four-armed Viking berserker frame that resolves most of there problems with brute force.

When it comes to the frames health, armour, shield as long as they are on the more tanky side of the spectrum, I will be happy with what the developers decide given how it is there game after all and the same with any stats and numbers I didn’t mention.

At the end of the day, they could add a kavet launcher into the game.


PS. Good game keep up the good work 😊

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30 minutes ago, (XBOX)MOOOSE X5000 said:

I realised that there is not a melee weapon frame in the game. There are Frames that have special melee exalted weapons like Excalibur, Wukong and Valkyrie but I can’t seem to find any that significantly improve general melee weapons unlike Guns which have frames that do specific buffs to them like Harrow with his critical bonuses.

Valkyr and Excalibur both have melee buffs (Excalibur's passive and Furious Javelins, Valkyr's Warcry), abilities that open enemies to finishers (Radial Blind and Paralysis), gap closers (Slash Dash and Ripline), and Valkyr has an armor buff to encourage getting right up in your target's face. We have melee frames; you can't say that we don't.

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I can tell you one thing for sure:

You would not enjoy the grind involved in getting this warframe.

(Because they'd want higher than normal plat sales of it to make up for it being more expensive to implement due to needing a new animation rig.)

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I feel like it'd be simpler just to let them four/dual wield any single melee weapon instead of needing two melees for it to work, with four one-handed melee weapons and two dual-handed melee weapons. They'd only need to develop around 4 stances instead of like 10 to accommodate for all the weapon combos you can use

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