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Please make health bars for allies and foes different


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Everyone's health bar (above the head) is the same, whether friend or foe.

There are a lot of effects in this game; many weapons and abilities cause screen-filling explosions of color and light.  The health bar is sometimes the only way to tell if someone or some thing is in a mass of particle effects and explosions.

Additionally, things are just hard to see, sometimes.  Small silhouettes in the distance, a mass of figures in a muddle, dark shapes on dark backgrounds.  The speed of this game does not allow for processing fine visuals details. The health bar is a quick and reliable indicator that something is, well, something. 

Additionally additionally, this game allows for summoning friendly units that look exactly like enemy units.  There is zero visual indicator that the summoned unit is in any way different from an enemy.  I have spent far too long far too many times shooting at a shield osprey and wondering why it isn't taking any damage.  And this could be due to a number of reasons:  Am I lagging or disconnecting?  Is there another enemy preventing the damage? Do I have terrible aim?  Oh, wait, it's friendly.

All of this contributes to visual confusion, and will often end up with someone trying to shoot their friend.  If this game had friendly fire, I would have quit long, long ago.

You can turn off enemy health bars, but enemy health bars convey far more useful information than friendly health bars (in most situations), and it would be far more useful to be able to turn of friendly health bars instead (or as well).

However, if the health bars of friends and foes were different shapes, different sizes, or with a border (it's easy to pick an eximus health bar out of a crowd),  or in any way different from each other, it would solve all of these problems.  Heck, you could even sell health bar skins.  You're welcome.

(Alternatively, an aura around friendly players at all times would also solve these problems, but that would probably interfere with cosmetics? Be confused with enemy auras? I don't know. It works in Overwatch, but that's because you only have two different auras to worry about.)

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7 minutes ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Just make summoned allies do the Nekros Prime Shadows effect

Sometimes I even shoot at Nekros shadows -_-
There's a lot of different auras effects enemies can have, and that Nekros effect can be changed with player's energy color so it's never consistent. Now that I've played the game a bunch, I'm better able to sort them out, but I'll almost certainly shoot at a nekros shadow thing for a few seconds before I realize what's up.  Actually, the thing that usually tips me off is their rapidly ticking health.

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