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Lotus wants to move in with you


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I threw this idea out in another subforum, but that was only because at the time I didn't know there was a Fan Concepts section.

The idea:
The Lotus needs a place to stay, and she's taken an interest in your dojo. She knows it will put your clan at risk, but she's desperate; she'll do her best to make it worthwhile for you.

How it works:

  • If your dojo fits a certain criteria, you are the Founding Warlord, and all Warlords in your clan have the "Accept Lotus" box checked in their clan settings, then you'll receive an invitation.
  • The invitation will include 2 blueprints: The Lotus Chamber; and a Landing Craft Launch Bay. When you build them, then you can create 1 of each of these rooms in your dojo.
  • The Lotus will move into her chamber, and become an interactable NPC that any clan member with the "Roommate" role can visit.
  • The chamber must be placed a certain distance from the bay (Lotus' experiments need quiet), which might serve as an objective and extraction point.


  • When running missions from the dojo, Assasination targets might follow you home, causing Extermination missions in your dojo.
  • Sisters/Liches that reach LVL5 and are enraged will imprison Lotus in a testing pod in her chamber, starting a Rescue mission.
  • The Man in the Wall will pose as The Lotus on random missions, giving you mission objectives that can fail your mission.
  • Railjack missions have a unique assassination squad that might target you. They are clones of you and your clan members. Battles resemble solar rail duels.


  • Gear item that asks Lotus to repeat her last transmission. (Can expose the Man in the Wall's imposter objective)
  • Visiting The Lotus brings up a shop that can exchange select materials. (Get rare w/ common, or common w/ rare) Updates daily.
  • Completing dojo missions, exposing imposter objectives, and using The Lotus shop will strengthen her abilities. (Help finding caches, more revives, stronger life support, etc.)
  • Lotus gets a new outfit: Casual. Normally The Lotus works very hard to appear dignified, but as a roommate, she trusts you enough to let you see her in a t-shirt and flannel pants.
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
Changed Lotus's to Lotus' because English
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14 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

\(#^o^#)/  you can stay in my room Space Mommy.  😈 :>


6 minutes ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

LOL. This is when you realize you've just opened a can of worms.

"Lotus wants to move in with you" 

And this doesn't make you think of anything?¿? ‾‾\( '∪' )/‾‾

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4 hours ago, Mazifet said:

so how would natah work?

The plan (open for discussion of course) would be for her to hang out in the Lotus Chamber in the dojo. You could walk up and talk to her, which would bring up a shop. I'm imagining something like a faction NPC that shows standing, and has a "browse wares" option.

I didn't know what theme would be best for a "Space Mom" shop, but the one I'm suggesting in the proposal would be a materials exchange (mainly because I really think that's needed). Essentially, every day there would be a few types of materials that she needs for her experiments, and she'd be willing to exchange a different material (minus a fee). It would usually be common needed in exchange for rare, or vice-versa. The fee she levies would go toward your standing with her.

The standing can also be obtained when you complete the other missions/interruptions that can randomly occur when you do have her as a roommate. (Outlined above)

As far as what the standing points do, I haven't really nailed down perfect examples, but I think it would be great if you could spend them like you do so for Cephalon Simaris. Because the Lotus helps during missions, I'm thinking there should be something like widgets that can enhance her help during missions. For example, you could get the "Lotus Perception" widget (lvl1) that narrows down cache locations on sabotage missions to within 150m. (Every additional widget reduces it down by 10m) Or as another example, the "Lotus Evasion" widget could show eximus units on the map. (Maybe the first level just shows them as dots, lvl2 is an arrow, and lvl3 is a colored arrow corresponding to their type)

She helps out in one way or another on pretty much everything, so there's obviously a lot of room for how to enhance her. Apart from widgets, maybe additional outfit options for her? And when you've leveled her to max, then perhaps you could hire her as part of your Railjack crew and choose her as your on-call.


As a side note, unlike most NPC's that just sit in one location. I'd love to see her actually using the room you made for her. If her room had several stations, like stasis pods (where she might be imprisoned in the rescue missions), a chemistry table, a computer console, dining area, etc. Then it would be neat if she had a routine that used everything. (Standing with a tablet making observations on a dormant infested in the stasis pod, sitting at a swivel stool mixing chemicals, playing Frame Fighter at her computer until you get close enough for her to notice and quickly change over to a spreadsheet, etc.) AND (obviously) she should have whatever appearance configuration you've set from your orbiter.

(Just popped in my head) Spoiler-ish, the subject of farmers come up with Natah's past, so it would be cool if she had a little hydroponic area where she could tend to a tomato-like plant.

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Decorations would have to be turned off inside her room, sort of like the obstacle course.


Oh and also (I'm just dreaming at this point) it would be really cool if she would wander around the dojo as a whole. So many of the rooms seem so pointless and empty (probably because my clan members never play). It would be nice if at least some NPC's got to enjoy them. And she could have an intercom in her room if you wanted to see her, which brings up a little message saying something like:

"Sorry, I'm in the Ventkids' bash Lab, I can head over there if you need to see me."

Which would give you the options to say "Yes, please." or "No, I'll come to you." And even though it wouldn't tell you directly, you'd actually get a few standing points if you went to her instead of asked her to stop what she's doing. (Like a hidden test of how courteous you treat fictional characters)


Now that I'm saying this, I'm starting to imagine how nice it would be if there were more NPC's in the dojo... but I'll pick my battles.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This sounds like a lot of work for the voice actors, but I just wanted to throw this idea into the mix:

When you come home (to the dojo), it would be quite immersive if Lotus had context-specific things to say to you, like:

  • "That 'lone Tenno operative' wanted to pass along a thank you. You kept the enemy distracted for the better part of an hour."
  • "Thank you for rescuing that captive in the last mission. It strengthens our influence in this system when people know they can help us without having to worry about our enemies retaliating.
  • "I'm worried that you drew too much attention in that last mission. I heard disturbing reports that the Stalker may be after you now."
  • "You ended up walking right past a cache. I heard the high pitched whirring over your comms. Sorry I didn't say anything at the time. I was... involved in something else."
  • "That Kavat you consigned to me was such a doll. I found a good home, but honestly I took my time getting the documents finalized. I already miss it."
  • "This is just between us, but I can't stand Maroo. I swear she's copying my look. But you think the bottom half of my face is better than hers, right?"
  • "CLEM!? How did I do?"
  • "Ordis shared a joke with me the other day. It was like: 'grrrrfrrrrlllzzzzip.' Haha! He's right, cosmic background radiation is a riot!"
  • "You have a lot of tellurium. Why are you looking at me like that!? I'm not snooping through your inventory! It's not my fault it smells so delicious."
  • "Sometimes I envy mimics. I mean haven't you ever wanted to know what it would feel like to become a brick? Or a window? Or furniture? ...Well I have."

I'm starting with 10, but obviously there's a lot about your adventures that she could weigh in on. Anyone else have something they want to hear the Lotus say?

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More came to me over the course of the day:

  • "New Loka and I don't really agree on much, but we all seem to really love Kavats. And here I thought only lonely old spinsters liked them! ...Wait..."
  • "The Perrin Sequence has my favorite icon. I'm a sucker for triangles."
  • "Steel Meridian said some awful things about you, but they say really wonderful things about me. I'm very conflicted, but I am sorry for not standing up for you."
  • "Do you want to hear a joke from Red Veil? Me too. I've been waiting for decades."
  • "Ever wonder how the Arbiters of Hexis get their hands on corrupted clones? I asked once, and they said they buy them from the Tenno. Is that true?"
  • "Cephalon Suda must never know who my father is. If she ever asks about my background, just tell her I'm a farm girl who doesn't like to talk about my past."
  • "Teshin's still alive, you know. He sent me a postcard. Has he not contacted you ever since the... oh... I didn't mean to make this awkward."
  • "If the Unum ever wants your help, could you do me a favor and leave me out of it. I just... I still haven't forgiven her for what she said all those centuries ago."
  • "You've seen Eudico's face!? She's blond, right? She's got to be. Don't tell me either way, okay? Just let me have my dream."
  • "Wow, the Entrati have a pretty dysfunctional family, don't they? Did I just see you mouth something about a pot and a kettle?"
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More Lotus lines I want to hear:

  • "I'm really starting to regret using an automatic door for this room."
  • "In case you're wondering why Corpus and Grineer pilots all speak Tenno, it's because I've spent centuries making it the official language of space stations."
  • "Sometimes you defeat the heavy unit before I get done warning you about it. I keep going though because I want you to worry that I may be talking about a second one."
  • "I'm Nora Night... you didn't even flinch!? I could be, you know! You could have at least played along."
  • "Sentients and Cephalons hate being compared to each other. I'm not saying you ever have, but just keep that in mind."
  • "I'm a bit worried about the Ventkids in our Dojo. They never leave that room. Maybe we could make a race track or something for them...."
  • "Have you ever noticed any weird transmissions when you're on your way back to the Orbiter? Weird, right"
  • "Ordis tells me that you sometimes just stare at the Codex area as if there's someone there. Are you... feeling okay?"
  • "Who invented the melee stance mods? I tried one the other day and ended up doing a back-handstand into the wall. No, I won't show you, and try not to imagine it."
  • "The infested usually avoid immune people, like what we learned during the Mycona incident. And yet... the infested will prioritize you above all targets. Strange..."
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I'm just going to keep brainstorming these lines until I get to 100. (If anyone wants to help me get there, I will not deny them that opportunity)

  • "So in the last mission I said: 'The odds were against us.' But I want you to know I wasn't doubting your ability! I'm just amazed how durable their terminals were."
  • "The other day I heard an enemy on the comms say something hugely inappropriate about me. I was so angry I ended up saying to the operative: 'Change of plans, ignore your original objective, leave nothing alive!' Haha! I guess even I lose my cool now and then."
  • "If you hadn't helped me, I might have ended up like the eidolon that wanders the plains. I shudder to think of myself as nothing more than livestock being hunted for materials every night."
  • "Those are some great looking shards! A woman would be very lucky to find someone willing to give them such a beautiful and powerful gift. No! I'm not saying I want... I'm not saying to give it to me or anything!"
  • "Want to know what the Tau System is like? Let's just say the Old War did not begin without a good reason."
  • "Of the three Tenno I could have awoke back at that temple, I'm glad I chose the one operating the Mag Warframe. The downtrodden and oppressed believe that all their hate and bitterness manifested you; an angel of death who pulls the wicked into a storm of their own bullets."
  • "Of the three Tenno I could have awoke back at that temple, I'm glad I chose the one operating the Volt Warframe. Our allies have always felt outpaced and outgunned, but you've proven to be a source of power who gives even the weakest member or the resistance a way to stand up to who's in charge."
  • "Of the three Tenno I could have awoke back at that temple, I'm glad I chose the one operating the Excalibur Warframe. Tyrants held this system down with a thick iron curtain, confident it would never be divided. And then came you, a warrior suited to the frontiers of space, but with a mystique only heard of in the ancient tales of ninja."
  • "I noticed you use the Mag Warframe a lot. Just between us girls, are there any other frames that you're 'attracted' to? GET IT!? Hahaha! No but seriously, I'm starving for gossip. Have you heard anything juicy? And it can't be about Yareli; too easy."
  • "Cephalon Cy writes my poetry. At first I didn't even open the messages, but he's wearing me down! You've got to help me. Go take some Railjack missions or something. I am NOT going to entertain any more thoughts about a cephalon."
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Another sleepless night, another 10 Lotus lines. OH and @[DE]*, I couldn't help but overhear that you need to push back the Duviri Paradox. You know what would strengthen fan loyalty, be easy to implement before March, provide several new avenues of gameplay, AND enhance the canonical versatility of the primary lore without any risk of writing yourself into a dead end?


This. This thread. I mean you already have the models, mechanics, and flags; you'd only need to design two Dojo rooms, build some UI's (probably mostly inherited from existing faction menus), insert some additional event triggers, and get the voice actors in for a few days. (I don't presume to know how hard it would actually be; please take it as a compliment that I think your code is clean enough to add an unplanned new aspect to the game within a few months)

And speaking of those voice actor[ress] (Miss Ford in particular), here are 10 more ideas for context-based chit-chat the NPC could say when you visit her in the Dojo:

  • "Ever since you woke up I've noticed you actually say things during the missions. Are you talking to me when you do that? I can never tell."
  • "I know you'd love to be that lone Tenno operative who collects supplies in peace while a squad distracts the enemy. But the truth is you're just too good at your role. I mean, how hard is it really to run around opening lockers and breaking crates? It's sort of an entry level task that is frankly just beneath you now."
  • "What do we do with all those capture targets? Go take a look at the chemistry table over there."
  • "If we can teleport the capture target, then why can't we teleport you? I'm a bit insulted that you don't think I've already thought of that."
  • "Oh, you wanted to know what happens to specters who survive their one mission with you. They pretty much all just live normal lives after. I guess being created in a forge and brought out only in a life-threatening situation is a very dramatic start to life, so they look for the opposite when it's over."
  • "I hope you didn't look inside the pod during that last defense mission. That... thing tends to memorize faces."
  • "Your helminth gains more appetite when it eats sentient materials. I see that as a compliment."
  • "Darvo keeps trying to sell me crewman's boots. He thinks that by just painting flowers on it I'm going to buy it. I probably will though; buying a new look is always worth it."
  • "Those defectors you helped escape said they'd feel like defecting all over again if they got to see you in action once more. I told them that they can't double-defect."
  • "Little Duck is so nice! She always is respectful and patient when asking to relay through my comms to talk with you. Maroo on the other hand is just an ungrateful sa... sorry. I shouldn't say any more."
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On 2022-10-12 at 6:48 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

The Lotus needs a place to stay, and she's taken an interest in your dojo. She knows it will put your clan at risk, but she's desperate; she'll do her best to make it worthwhile for you.

Who cares about the risk. FeelsGreatMan.png

On 2022-10-12 at 6:48 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

Sisters/Liches that reach LVL5 and are enraged will imprison Lotus in a testing pod in her chamber, starting a Rescue mission.

Hot! I need to see that... for science 🤤

On 2022-10-24 at 11:11 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

Sometimes I envy mimics. I mean haven't you ever wanted to know what it would feel like to become a brick? Or a window? Or furniture? ...Well I have.

Sounds... kinky!

On 2022-10-28 at 7:04 AM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

If you hadn't helped me, I might have ended up like the eidolon that wanders the plains. I shudder to think of myself as nothing more than livestock being hunted for materials every night.

This one mixed with the one previously quoted makes me think she actually quivers at the idea, and not exactly out of a negative emotion 👀

Seeing some of the lines in here gives me quite some ideas, which makes me both, sad and happy i can't draw anything.

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18 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Who cares about the risk. FeelsGreatMan.png

Hot! I need to see that... for science 🤤

Sounds... kinky!

This one mixed with the one previously quoted makes me think she actually quivers at the idea, and not exactly out of a negative emotion 👀

Seeing some of the lines in here gives me quite some ideas, which makes me both, sad and happy i can't draw anything.

What a perfect way to share an image without actually sharing an image. I'm honestly surprised I've neither thought of, or seen anyone just type a file name to go and google. (Which I did)

I'm glad someone finally responded to my fictional Lotus dialog ideas. And if this becomes the inspiration for you to start down the road to being a graphic designer, then I would forever be honored. (No pressure though)

And on THAT note, 10 more "Longed-for Lotus Lines":

  • "We keep finding new Warframes. I honestly don't know how many are out there, but it does make you wonder about the next one we find. Maybe one day we'll find a 'Lotus Warframe!' I know... it's just wishful thinking."
  • "Do you mind showing me your mods? Hm...
    • ...looks like you prefer to rely on your abilities. That shows a strong bond between you and your Warframe."
    • ...looks like you focus on survivability. Am I putting you in too much danger?"
    • ...looks like you went all in with enemy radar. I guess I'm not doing a good enough job as your mission director. I'm sorry."
    • ...looks like you are using an augment mod! I'm sure you can sense it, but Warframes love how augment mods feel; it's like a missing piece has finally been returned."
    • ...looks like you have learned the secrets of min-maxing. It's an ancient art that only the most feared warriors could make work."
  • "Have you checked out my garden? It's right over there. I call the big one 'Big One,' and I call the small one 'Small One.' That's just my sense of humor. I love stating the obvious."
  • "I get a little too obsessed with personalizing my look. I know you may think I never change anything, but that's only because I've spend the last several decades perfecting this look. Maybe in a few more years I'll finally show you the new style I'm working on."
  • "I've never shown anyone my console area until now. Many people would think that I spent way too many credits on the headset, the monitor, and, well, everything. But comfort and style are never a waste of funds in my opinion."
  • "Eximus units. Just what are they? To tell you the truth, I don't have the slightest idea. There's no training facility or anything, and I don't even think the units themselves are aware of their unique nature. It's almost like some external force has empowered them as a way to interfere with your missions. Maybe that's why your void attacks work."
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And here's 61-70 Lotus Lines:

  • "Have you ever met Skittergirl? I know Yonta says it's just a void manifestation or child anxiety, but I'm not so sure. Anxiety isn't exactly known for thievery right? I worry that she might be another Tenno trapped in the void and trying to get out."
  • "How do you say 'ducats.' I've heard it argued in many circles."
  • "The Orokin made a lot of Ayatan Statues, but that shouldn't mean they're in inexhaustible resource. Have you ever wondered if they're still being produced by something?"
  • "When you master a weapon, wouldn't it make sense if you had the same mastery over an identical copy of that weapon? But I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, even weapons produced on the same assembly line, they each have their own unique quirks."
  • "I'm sure you didn't mean to kill the wildlife on Cambion Drift; I'm sorry you got an earful from Son. To be honest, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference down there either."
  • "You beat the Profit Taker! I'm very happy to hear that. Sentient technology should not be messed with. What do you think caused the Old War after all?"
  • "Have you seen that Orb Mother lying dormant on the Vallis? She's not dead, you know. She simply doesn't care about anything. That's the problem with making a machine with a mind of its own. There's no guarantee your interests will align. And in her case, she doesn't have any interests to align with."
  • "If I made a massage room blueprint for your dojo, do you think anyone would use it? What about a sentō? Please think about it. There area few syndicates who are interested in us hiring their non-combat members, and I'm brainstorming what positions their talents could be used for."
  • "I know you're probably sore about failing that Mastery Rank Test, but cheer up! There are plenty of Tenno that got killed because they didn't have the exper... I don't know where I'm going with this, sorry. Now that I'm saying it out loud it sounds awful. I'm glad you're alive is all I'm saying, okay?"
  • "Have you seen anything interesting around the Dojo? No? Good, thanks! Now I just need to find where it went..."
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I've been following this thread for like 2 weeks out of morbid curiosity, and I still can't tell if this is serious or just a very elaborate troll.

But if you are serious, I'm not a fan of the idea of having more things restricted to a dojo. I'd much prefer this to happen in the drifter camp or even just a new room in the regular ship.

As far as the voice lines are concerned, I am conflicted to say the least. Some of them are great. Some of them walk a very fine line between being funny and being overly risque/inappropriate. From your other posts on this thread, I can only assume this is deliberate. And some lines, while not necessarily alarming, simply don't sound like they would come from the Lotus specifically. I would much prefer a lot of them go to Ordis, or even just a new character entirely.

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11 hours ago, Quest said:

I've been following this thread for like 2 weeks out of morbid curiosity, and I still can't tell if this is serious or just a very elaborate troll.

But if you are serious, I'm not a fan of the idea of having more things restricted to a dojo. I'd much prefer this to happen in the drifter camp or even just a new room in the regular ship.

As far as the voice lines are concerned, I am conflicted to say the least. Some of them are great. Some of them walk a very fine line between being funny and being overly risque/inappropriate. From your other posts on this thread, I can only assume this is deliberate. And some lines, while not necessarily alarming, simply don't sound like they would come from the Lotus specifically. I would much prefer a lot of them go to Ordis, or even just a new character entirely.

First off, thanks for following. I'm never sure if things are just being sent to the void or not.

Secondly, I'm surprised about the dojo hesitation! My take on it is this (it's a bit ranty so I'll cordon this off as optional reading):


The dojo is the most customizable space in the game (if you're the owner of the dojo). Not only is the decoration versatility higher than the orbiter, but the entire floorplan is as well. With that context, the dojo (in my opinion) is the most personal space in Warframe. It represents the most of you. I can see the counterargument of course: the Orbiter is completely under your control, while the dojo is a community space, so the "you" represented in the dojo is divided by its participating member count. (Which can range in the 100's or more) But if you're a small Clan, then the dojo easily surpasses the orbiter in personal investment. And what that proves (at least to me), is that the dojo has the highest potential personal investment in the game, and therefore is the prime candidate for primary personal expression. So it's sad how nonessential it is. Once the research is done, it's done. Drydocks are available at relays. Trading is more useful at the bazaar where you're not limited to clan members. I'm not sure how many people do Lich Training. In my experience, the most useful thing it provides (at least for me) is when running The Index (which might be a bug for all we know). For something that means so much to some people, wouldn't it also mean a lot to add canonical elements and non-parasitic gameplay to it as well? Why not add an optional range of quests and upgrades? Why not add a useful shop? It would finally justify all the personal investment that thousands (or maybe just hundreds) of players have put into it. Floorplans would actually mean something if you had to run a mission there. And the hollow, lonely halls would finally be lively if you had NPC's wandering around, along with other players there to interact with them. It would breath life into the system.

TL;DR: Why not take a feature with essentially just emotional significance, and give those emotions validation by adding a practical value? I only see that as a net gain.

Thirdly (or... tertiarily? This is why I use bullets), That's completely fair about the dialog. My only defense is that it's the nature of brainstorming. For what it's worth, I'll define some boundaries I put on my brainstorming (but it's also ranty so I'll once again make it optional:


I start with a topic (syndicates, other NPC's, mysteries, etc.) and I try to imagine what the Lotus would say about the topic. Then I flavor it with the mindset that she's actually a real person, who doesn't have a lot of friends (going on hundreds of years now), and therefore isn't well versed in social cues; her previously seen demeanor was a well-controlled front built out of uncertainty and an inorganic grasp on interpersonal interactions. So it's those three elements: Player-significant topic, Lotus' insight, and how introverts open up when they feel comfortable in a 1-on-1 conversation. (Because if I'm going to relate to someone, they'll have to be an introvert) I set those boundaries, and then I just force my stream of consciousness to spit out whatever 10 lines it wants. And the result is the 70 lines you see above. The only thing I'd add to that is that, as I've written them, a personality for the Lotus has started to form and that has started to shape what I feel like she would say.

TL;DR: I'm writing a new character; the Lotus when she's around a friend. As a born introvert, I can say confidently that who we are is split between who we do and don't trust. Writing (at least for me) is a feedback loop of brainstorming and intuiting. I hope it's not offending anyone though. I just let whatever occurs to me go on to the page.

FOURTHLY, about the risqué stuff. I do try to put a limit on that. My thought is that good friends censor hurtful comments, but are free to say anything else in the spirit of comedy or concern. My best friendships have all had that level of openness; so it's natural that writing a "friend Lotus" would have overly personal things. But my limit can probably best be described when listening to Varzia. Her dialog is lower than I'd ever see the Lotus going, even among friends.

Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
Forgot a point
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While I'm on the forum, I might as well generate 10 more lines:

  • "Where did Little Duck get her nickname? What is a 'duck?' I've searched through so many archives and nothing has turned up."
  • "Isn't it odd how mods can be connected to technology from any age? Who invented them? Things like these things keep me up at night."
  • "I really want to see what happens when the void element gets combined with others. Is it a primary one like toxin or heat? Or is it secondary? It's a shame there are no innate void mods or weapons."
  • "You seem pretty annoyed. Is it because the 'assassination' targets never seem to stay dead? Well, maybe this will cheer you up, I have a secret. Come over here. [whispers] THEY HAVE ALL STAYED DEAD."
  • "I heard something interesting the other day. It would seem that part of Corpus recruit training includes an entire day dedicated to: 'Keep your lockers locked!' And in that class they say that Tenno are dirty thieves who will go through any unlocked locker they find. Well, get back out there you dirty thief!"
  • "It just kills me that I can't tell Saya about Onkko. I don't know how you keep a straight face, honestly. Remind me never to play cards with you."
  • "There is nothing--and I repeat: nothing--more exhausting than asking Cephalon Simaris what his interests and hobbies are. Worst. Date. Ever."
  • "I have a present for you! Or... I had a present for you. I accidentally left it in a Grineer facility. But don't worry! I'll create a mission so you can go and get it."
  • "If you let me help with disruption missions, then I could tell you which direction the demo units are coming from. But Vox Solaris has this dumb notion that everyone involved gets a share in the goods, so they won't let me."
  • "The one thing I miss about my previous form is having longer fingers. I also liked having claws for whenever I was cooking."
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It's been a while! Life got in the way, but it's time for 10 more Lotus Lines for when (optimism) DE decides my idea is the best one ever and makes Lotus an interactable NPC that validates the worth of our Dojos.

  • "I want to like the Entrati, I do. But... those aren't Orokin skulls in the Necramechs..."
  • "You know how the Mausolon syphons life energy to build its secondary fire? Well, I have a riddle for you: Why do robots charge it? Maybe think about that next time you run a Corpus mission."
  • "Oh by the way, I had to buy a new keyboard and it's sort of your fault. The other day you entered a room filled with enemies and wiped them out in one shot. No survivors; no one was even alerted. And in the silence you said: 'That, was a close one!' And I literally 'erupted' in laughter. My drink went everywhere. I was so glad I had the mic muted."
  • "Any time I wonder if the enemy deserves a Tenno to visit them, I look at their alerting behavior. I mean, think about it: You have an immortal enemy that can bend the very rules of physics, and you tell your comrades to COME and HELP you? A good person would get on the intercom and say: 'Evacuate! Run for your lives!' But not them."
  • "You may think that you've only just mastered your void powers, but how do you think wall latching and aim gliding work? You think it's natural for a giant metal soldier to defy gravity just because you want it to?"
  • "I don't know why people always want to add 'hopeless' before 'romantic.' Is it really hopeless to think love can be found? Okay, fine, I may be single going on several hundreds of years but... I'll find it one day! *sigh* I does sound hopeless when I say it out loud..."
  • "When's the last time you restrung your bows? If you don't take better care of your weapons, I'm going to 'snap' at you! ... Oh c'mon! Not even a chuckle?"
  • "When you're by yourself, I help out with the double-locks on some doors in your missions. But I don't do it when you're in a squad because then your allies would never stop running around. I swear it's like herding kavats with you Tenno."
  • "Have you heard the latest song that the kids in the Bash Lab are listening to? It goes like: 'He was a K-Drive boy, but she never A-rrived, boy. He wasn't flair enough for her.' It's about a K-Drive boy who gets stood up buy a fancy rich girl. But don't worry, he gets the last laugh!"
  • "Your Railjack Crew have a lot of nice things to say about you. We actually chat a lot since you hardly run any Railjack missions. They're like: 'We get paid to just sit in a docked ship all day; it's great!'"
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Making up for lost time, here's the 91-100 Lotus Lines:

  • "I didn't say anything... embarrassing while I was full Natah did I? Truth be told, I was kind of a nerd when I was younger. I really liked acting all epic and cool. I just shutter thinking about all the poetic and philosophical rants that I prided myself on those days."
  • "Things never would have worked out between Margulis and Ballas, if we're being real here. While I can't say for certain, I know that the version of her that he remembered was pure and tender. She would have left him the moment brought harm to children."
  • "So I've got this theory. Just run with me on this one. First, Tenno don't need any facilities to eliminate... you know. But you do eat, right? So where does it go? It has to be the void, right? If I'm correct, then of course the Man in the Wall hates us! The Tenno have been crapping on his lawn for centuries!"
  • "Sometimes our entire universe just 'flips out' for no reason. Doors don't work, people behave weirdly, and so on. If that happens, be sure to get a good night of rest. Just conking out and getting back into it always seems to clear it up."
  • "Did you just scan me!?"
  • "We don't know how the Parazon does what it does. Even if you change your Warframe, the new one will suddenly have an identical one to the last. I think it's manifest from the Operator's will."
  • "If you get a rapid succession of headshots, it will sound identical to when I sprint barefoot on wet carpets. Just a tiny bit of trivia to brighten your day!"
  • "I just finished this fan-fic romance novel about Councilor Vay Hek falling for a Sister of Parvos, and it was good. I'm so emotional right now!"
  • "Getting hit with void energy for a Sentient feels like a railgun to the stomach while spinning fast enough to see everything as horizontal stripes. It's nauseating."
  • "Thanks again for letting me stay here. Keeping the system safe is rewarding, but not necessarily fun. Doing it with friends, though? That's fun."
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I was planning on stopping at 100 lines, but this has become therapeutic, and I'm starting to really like this secret side of the Lotus (even though it only exists in my subconscious). SO:

  • "Do you remember The Sergeant from Phobos? Yeah, me neither."
  • "Where does Teshin get off sending you on those awful 'Steel Path' missions!? Most people you run missions for are like: 'Please save us!' But he's like: [imitating Teshin] 'Go put your life at risk for honor and glory!' or some garbage like that. It really irks me, as you can see."
  • "Margulis believed that the Man in the Wall was created from the Tenno children exposed to the void, but the Entrati say that's impossible because he was there before the Zariman Ten-0 incident. Personally, I agree with Margulis. Time has no meaning in the Void, and my gut tells me we're all caught in a causal loop."
  • "There's no such thing as an 'inferior Warframe.' They were once people, whose interests and skills became the core of their power. People are not superior or inferior to one another, so neither are the Warframes."
  • "The Sentients don't sweat, you know. So just because my clothes are dry doesn't mean I'm slacking off or anything. I'm assuming that's why you keep looking at my armpits."
  • "Don't be offended when I call you 'Tenno' okay? It's just, I deal with so many and I get the names mixed up. I've embarrassed myself way too many times."
  • "I haven't seen you in a while! I'm not mad or anything. It's good for you to take some time off and rest up. Welcome back!"
  • "You didn't take something from the fridge that said: 'celebration desert for Lotus' right? You can be honest with me. I won't blast a hole in your heart or anything like that."
  • "I took a look at your video feed while you were fishing. You were on fire! It was like: 'fwip', got one; 'fwip', got another, 'fwip', ten more! Amazing. I love spying on your... I mean uh... monitoring... whenever you're in danger and stuff... [trails off]"
  • "It's been a while since you applied for another Mastery Rank. I'm happy if you're happy, but I think it's healthy for the mind to work towards a goal."
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Maybe I'll stop at 1000. For now I don't seem to be running out of ideas so I might as well keep building the Lotus "when she trusts you" character:

  • "When you went to fight the Jackal, I really did think that first moa was it. That was embarrassing. You may not have noticed, but I got a lot quieter after that point in the mission."
  • "I have dreams too, you know. I'm not going to tell you how it ended, but last night I dreamt that everyone was a noggle statue."
  • "I let Ordis run one of your missions once on Jupiter. He had been begging me for weeks. For some reason he's never asked since..."
  • "Just because they're called 'Sentients' doesn't mean that every one you see can think for itself. Just like how not all Tenno are smart enough to remember the anniversary of my becoming their roommate..."
  • "I really like that E'·phem·e·ra! Eph·e'·me·ra? Eph·em·e'·ra? I don't know how to say it!"
  • "Sniper weapons may not seem to have a place in your arsenal when I keep deploying you to enclosed areas, but remember: Just because they're standing close by, doesn't mean they have any less of a skull."
  • "If you're having trouble with Interception Missions, then you might want to try making some friends. NO wait that that came out wrong! I mean make them, in the forge. Specters! I'm sure you have friends!"
  • "After that Hijack Mission, you're probably wondering just how much energy your shields actually have. Let's just say that a dozen Warframes could probably power all of Fortuna."
  • "I tried my hand at drawing a Warframe I would like to see one day. I call it 'Awkwaros.' It's special ability is to make enemies so uncomfortable that they literally can't even. I threw the drawing away though. It was making me too uncomfortable."
  • "Could you teach me one of your Narta's? They look fun."
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6 hours ago, CoffeeElemental said:


There's something so delightfully symmetrical about someone with the username "CoffeeElemental" responding to someone with the username "Probably_Asleep." And with that:

  • "Some people online said some very hurtful things about the shape of my body. After crying it out, I came up with the perfect response! Anyway, thanks for handling that Capture Mission even though it turned into an Extermination Mission."
  • "Did you know you can refresh your Railjack speed boost quicker by toggling in and out of sprint mode? ...Why are you looking so surprised!? I HAVE HELPFUL THINGS TO SAY SOMETIMES!"
  • "Have you ever wondered why you're invulnerable while performing a finisher? My brother thinks this is a dumb theory, but I believe that the laws of this universe will submit to something if it's 'bad' enough. I call it the 'epic force!'"
  • "I actually had a Tenno ask me: 'If a Warframe is strong enough to be shot through the reinforced hull of a starship, then why does it get damaged by someone swinging a stick?' I just chuckled and said: 'Because the hull isn't fighting for its life.'"
  • "Next time you go to Cetus could you pick me up some Mortus Lungfish? I saw a recipe for dip that I wanted to try."
  • "A part of terraforming requires Sentients to be able to eat and convert any material into usable construction components. That's why you hardly find anything unique on Sentient ships; they're basically built out of dirt! That's also why I can always finish my plate no matter how badly its burnt."
  • "Nef Anyo is bald, but he's wealthy. He's a maniacal dictator that oppresses the weak, but he's got that mustache. I'm conflicted."
  • "If you were really good at aiming, then you could fire a weapon with punch-through, and then use another weapon through the same hole. But you're not, so don't try."
  • "Many of the Warframes are based on ancient legends that have long been forgotten. I hope that when 'Legend of Lotus' is long forgotten, there will be a Warframe that still carries the spirit of what I stood for. Although every Warframe is a tortured soul broken and deformed by the unspeakable horrors of the infested. Tough call..."
  • "Those Corpus Cleaning Drones are amazing! That would make a great gift for someone. Maybe someone that helps so much with missions that she doesn't have time to clean?"
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