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Matchmaking improvements. Is it not possible? (question to DE)


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 Is it not possible to improve the matchmaking/multiplayer system in these aspects:

1. allow drop in to any endless mission (some people go, others join)

2. multiplayer pause (something like in competitive games where you have a cooldown on pausing and after a little while anyone can unpause)

3. choose to be the host/client/both

4. any improvements to the existing system so there is something in between pure one click random pub and reading/texting in recruit chat to find a desired squad

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It's possible, I think, but there are a few issues:

1 hour ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

1. allow drop in to any endless mission (some people go, others join)

With weapon arcanes (as an example), players may need some low-level ramp-up to be able to tackle higher levels. If they're hopping into something like an hour-long Steel Path survival mission totally fresh, they may end up struggling.

1 hour ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

2. multiplayer pause (something like in competitive games where you have a cooldown on pausing and after a little while anyone can unpause)

This could end up mildly troll-susceptible, if someone wants to be a buttmunch and keep pausing the game over, and over, and over, and over...

There could be a sort of "vote to pause", and that might be a little less susceptible, but all it takes is one hold-out—accidental or otherwise—for things to get really frustrating really quick.

1 hour ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

3. choose to be the host/client/both

This can run into the issue where everyone and their dog wants to be the host, because that gets better performance, leaving few clients to actually populate games. It doesn't have to be particularly extreme: even a 50/50 host/client split—since it's up to 3 clients per host—can really stretch the client pool thin. But if you introduce any sort of fallback, it kind of defeats the purpose of the selection, right?

1 hour ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

4. any improvements to the existing system so there is something in between pure one click random pub and reading/texting in recruit chat to find a desired squad

This requires a bit more detail. It can be fine if you're just looking based on host name, location, approximate round number—the sort of data that either doesn't change or can be calculated / estimated after the host starts a game. For any info that may require additional pings, like squad compositions (especially if there is longer drop-in / drop-out periods), there's the potential problem of a host getting "ping-bombed" from that match showing up in queries and giving updated results over searches throughout the playerbase. This can be mitigated with some caching, if having results some minutes outdated is fine, but the more accuracy requested, the worse that gets.

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On 2022-11-10 at 1:54 AM, Tyreaus said:

With weapon arcanes (as an example), players may need some low-level ramp-up to be able to tackle higher levels. If they're hopping into something like an hour-long Steel Path survival mission totally fresh, they may end up struggling.

I guess if they have issues like that - they should go somewhere easier



On 2022-11-10 at 1:54 AM, Tyreaus said:

This could end up mildly troll-susceptible, if someone wants to be a buttmunch and keep pausing the game over, and over, and over, and over...

There could be a sort of "vote to pause", and that might be a little less susceptible, but all it takes is one hold-out—accidental or otherwise—for things to get really frustrating really quick.

If there is a long cooldown, thay can pause once and then they can only ask someone to pause, imo pause should be something used very rarely



On 2022-11-10 at 1:54 AM, Tyreaus said:

This can run into the issue where everyone and their dog wants to be the host, because that gets better performance, leaving few clients to actually populate games. It doesn't have to be particularly extreme: even a 50/50 host/client split—since it's up to 3 clients per host—can really stretch the client pool thin. But if you introduce any sort of fallback, it kind of defeats the purpose of the selection, right?

I keep getting this reply over and over while I dream of being a client most of the time unless I really wanna host.



On 2022-11-10 at 1:54 AM, Tyreaus said:

This requires a bit more detail. It can be fine if you're just looking based on host name, location, approximate round number—the sort of data that either doesn't change or can be calculated / estimated after the host starts a game. For any info that may require additional pings, like squad compositions (especially if there is longer drop-in / drop-out periods), there's the potential problem of a host getting "ping-bombed" from that match showing up in queries and giving updated results over searches throughout the playerbase. This can be mitigated with some caching, if having results some minutes outdated is fine, but the more accuracy requested, the worse that gets.

Here I just hope for any improvements, whatever can make it easier, like "ready to be auto invited", easier matchmaking, anything good at all

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On 2022-11-10 at 12:31 AM, Scar.brother.help.me said:

1. allow drop in to any endless mission (some people go, others join)

we have that. untill 3 minutes or so in. after that, rewards start to be given out and being able to drop in for C rotation and extract, is not something DE wants i assume. This has never worked in any game, it always ends up with most of the players join spamming games untill they find one thats progressed far enough to save time.

furthermore, most people are already too awefully geared to barely even handle 4th rotation on their own in many pubs. its just gonna be player left the game 24/7 spam if you allow drop in to games that have progressed beyond that.

On 2022-11-10 at 12:31 AM, Scar.brother.help.me said:

3. choose to be the host/client/both

what we need is the ability to only join a client. there are a ton of people who have voiced their desire to be able to have that option because they cant host well.

host priority based on player locations and/or an upload/download check, would be neat, but is also not needed. WF is not that demanding on your network. just make all the terrible hosts clients and we good.

On 2022-11-10 at 12:31 AM, Scar.brother.help.me said:

4. any improvements to the existing system so there is something in between pure one click random pub and reading/texting in recruit chat to find a desired squad

i've been advocating for years for a lobby system. with lobby names and discriptions. this could allow a per mission filter, or no filter so people can actually see many different nodes/games at the same time instead of having to click, change loadout, check, abort, change loadout, check etc, spam to check every single node they are interested in playing. just let us make lobbies DE, its a great system that has stood the test of time since over 2 decades.

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