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Just ran a 4x3 - some questions



So I was lucky to have gotten on a squad that was fsst as ----. I mean they all had roles. I was casting my two, my one, shields were down and not a split second later boom, synovia gone. It was wonderful to watch. 

These guys swept up lures so fast I was flying to the far corners for scraps. I think I contributed four total lures to the 4x3. 

In fact, the speed at which the Eidolons went down after the third I went to sacrifice my shard and realized we already did all three haha.

Anyway, some questions...

1) is there an order to the synovias? I think I destroyed three total and seemed to always be shooting at the wrong one (when I had a chance to actually shoot at one). I asked them and they said there wasn't an order but I'd not maybe there should be so I could contribute more?

2) during the energy spike, i typically switch to operator and go into the void body. One guy I noticed was still in WF and didn't seem to care. How? I have VoltP and two extra formas. I would likely die. How???

3) sometimes I still can't cast a shield or cast my 2 or 1 (vs). I saw a video where a guy said he would dump his energy to be able to cast, but didn't explain what he meant. How can one consistently cast shield/2/1 with VoltP?



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11 answers to this question

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1) There is no order to the Synovias. It's purely preference on the Volt calling the shots. For me, I prefer keeping the legs for last since they are the easiest to hit, leaving the harder ones to where there are less hazards on the ground. Other than that, whoever clicks first has the hold on the entire battle.

2) The mod "Rolling Guard" which states that you get 3s of damage and status immunity upon rolling, is able to last through the magnetic pulses when timed right. This allows one to remain within their Warframe for the duration of the pulses. With the animations of the Eidolon, Rolling Guard's cooldown will long be over before the next group of pulses to rinse and repeat. 

3) Void Strike is on a 40s cooldown starting from when you first cast it. If you're doing Eidolons in a squad, you will likely be able to bounce VS between two people because of the lengthy animations of the Eidolon. For stability, have a third person in the cycle use it so that the first person's cooldown is guaranteed to be over by then.

3b) You can sustain your energy through multiple ways, but the quickest and most popular way is by throwing down at least one Large Squad Energy Restore. If you're not doing anything higher than a 3x3 (your experience may be different, this is my opinion), you can have someone in the squad run something like Protea to generate energy without needing to consume Squad Energy Restores. I find that having some efficiency on my Volt can let me keep Eclipse, Shock Trooper, and Electric Shield up for an entire Eidolon, maybe even two of them if the squad is quick enough. You only need one shieldat a time, even for the capshot. If you really want to oneshot the Eidolon after all Synovias are destroyed, either pop your Void Strike as it will be off cooldown from the healing phase, or just expend your remaining energy on Electric Shields in the same spot, but you will need to throw down an Energy Restore immediately afterwards.

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26 minutes ago, Cephalon_Naiture said:

The mod "Rolling Guard" which states that you get 3s of damage and status immunity upon rolling, is able to last through the magnetic pulses when timed right

I know for a fact he didn't roll. He just stood there since before and during the energy spike. he even activated a dance emote like he didn't care. Probably because he knew I was next to him and watching. I suppose it's not a big deal.

"There is no order to the Synovias"

I usually do the upper ones first as well. I suppose no order is inefficient. Having an order would ensure the group acting as one, regardless of group synergy, and maximize damage. I would propose this order, the Eidolon's:

L shoulder, L collar, R shoulder,.R collar, L knee, R knee

The collar doesn't exist on the first so that's skipped.

I had a lot of good shots but his weapon was stronger and took out the limbs much more quickly.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I know for a fact he didn't roll. He just stood there since before and during the energy spike. he even activated a dance emote like he didn't care. Probably because he knew I was next to him and watching. I suppose it's not a big deal.

Some warframes are able to resist an eidolon pulse pretty well, harrow, rhino and chroma come to mind. Other than that if you have a healer like trin or wisp they probably won't let you die. Rolling Guard and Adaptation work too.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I had a lot of good shots but his weapon was stronger and took out the limbs much more quickly.

Sniper Rifles build combo and if your designated role is part breaking and part breaking only he was likely building it up.

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22 hours ago, Cephalon_Naiture said:

You only need one shieldat a time, even for the capshot. I

Tried running solo 1x3 and two randos joined. One was trying and the other activated a Cetus bounty and probably went fishing lol. So essentially I was solo. I took out the Teralyst easily, the Gantulyst was actually no problem surprisingly (probably because the one rando did get a few lures which helped) bit the Hydrololyst killed my lures and almost me as well. I was on my last life with both knees to go (one almost done) and was able to save the mission (no capture but killed so got some shards). My question there was some sort of red transparent globe that latched to a ton of Voms and I was unable to use xoris power throw to detonate and turn vom groups blue so I can one shot a bunch of them. I'm not even sure how to get rid of that red sphere or if it's possible. Eventually maybe I inadvertently destroyed it or the H kept walking too far away. But that period of time was when things went south. How does one defend and defeat this red ord that makes Voms invincible.? I'd like to know before my next attempt.

I also still can't figure out why I can't cast volt shield. I get one or two per eidolon. Super frustrating. To kill the H and save the mission I resorted to using my mech. Hey I didn't want 35 mins to go to waste.

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

How does one defend and defeat this red ord that makes Voms invincible.? I'd like to know before my next attempt.

I also still can't figure out why I can't cast volt shield. I get one or two per eidolon. Super frustrating. To kill the H and save the mission I resorted to using my mech. Hey I didn't want 35 mins to go to waste.

"Red orb" sounds like a purple Vomvalyst Bloom rift appeared nearby and shielded them. Blooms are rifts that the Hydrolyst summons to bring it more Vomvalysts and also shields any nearby Vomvalysts from all damage. They are somewhat easy to dispatch, but they can get a little unresponsive to traditional weapon fire. I've had no issues sealing them with the Operator.

I'm not sure how your Volt is having issues with the shield, other than energy problems. It should allow you to place as many as you want...

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On 2022-11-19 at 9:13 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

1) is there an order to the synovias? I think I destroyed three total and seemed to always be shooting at the wrong one (when I had a chance to actually shoot at one). I asked them and they said there wasn't an order but I'd not maybe there should be so I could contribute more?

You generally want to start at the harder to reach synovia up high. Most of the time you also want to also alternate sides. If you shoot the eidolons right side they fall to their left and vice versa. If you alternate back and forth the eidolon ends up falling one way then the other and you can pretty much keep them right at the spawn location. The side you shoot first depends on their spawn location and what way they will fall to make the next shot easiest. 

If someone is already dps breaking limbs and taking cap shots you probably don't have to worry about shooting. Just take down shields.

On 2022-11-19 at 9:13 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

These guys swept up lures so fast I was flying to the far corners for scraps. I think I contributed four total lures to the 4x3. 

If someone was playing the role of lure handler there is no need for you to grab lures. Focus on taking down shields

On 2022-11-19 at 9:13 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

3) sometimes I still can't cast a shield or cast my 2 or 1 (vs). I saw a video where a guy said he would dump his energy to be able to cast, but didn't explain what he meant. How can one consistently cast shield/2/1 with VoltP?

There are a couple reasons to dump your operator energy. Amp arcanes Eternal Onslaught gives 180% cc when operator energy is depleted. You can do this by spamming void sling or casting operator abilities which will also proc Eternal Eradicate. There is also Emergence Renewed that increases energy regen for 5 seconds after depleting energy.

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16 hours ago, Cephalon_Naiture said:

not sure how your Volt is having issues with the shield


Attached you'll find my VoltP build. Would certainly appreciate some review.

10 hours ago, Berzerkules said:

Focus on taking down shields

Exactly what I wound up doing...I'd cast my VS 2 once or twice then cast 1 then hit him. If the shooter was nearby and I saw a shield I'd try to run behind it and off a bit to the side to not block the shooter but also take advantage the other player's shield. Seemed to work well. I was able to see the bar move on each shot so i knew I was contributing. Also managed to quickly switch and get some shots in sometimes when the shooter did not quickly take the limb.

I did finally get my second amp arcane slot activated yesterday. Seems to help. I'll review my arcanes and upload my operator config after next login.

10 hours ago, Berzerkules said:

There are a couple reasons to dump your operator energy..

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This is my current configuration. I plan to accumulate eternal eradicate and eternal onslaught just need time at the zariman to convert. I already have over a million credits in plumes, it's the 23,500 cap that is slowing me down LOL. 

I also just noticed Dead Eye aura available from Nora so I bought it. I'm hoping that will help get me more DPS with my RubicoP. I'm about 3-8 shots now depending on crit luck. Is Dead Eye useful? Anyone use it? Says it's sniper damage boost.

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On 2022-11-19 at 1:13 PM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

2) during the energy spike, i typically switch to operator and go into the void body. One guy I noticed was still in WF and didn't seem to care. How? I have VoltP and two extra formas. I would likely die. How???

I haven't done eidolons in a good while, but a classic setup used to be Chroma, Volt, Trinity, and Harrow. Was there a harrow in your group? If so they were generally used as an invulnerability support during the void spike as well as a crit booster for the DD'ers. Harrow's 4 skill grant allies in range invulnerability for a brief time and any damage you take is converted into a crit multiplier after invuln wears. I personally used to use Arcane Nullifier which, when maxed out, prevents the void spikes magnetic procs so you dont lose all your energy, i think you still take the magnetic damage though but if there's a trinity in the group healing it's not as bad. I like the Rolling Guard idea, if i ever get around to running eidolons again i may try that.

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