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1 hour ago, Plushy said:

Lord thinks the earth is flat but in a square shape. 

I've been looking forward to this.

*deep breath*

Plushy's mother was a cultist of Yog-Soggoth in secret, and never told Plushy's father-by-marriage, who for years never once suspected that their child was not his. After a particularly debauched ritual which outed the true nature of her midnight gatherings, Plushy's dad divorced his mom, took him, and moved across the country to a small seaside town, far away from the insanity, or so he hoped. Sadly, this seaside town was home to their own hidden cult worshiping Dagon which, for reasons which would not become apparent until later, began to target Plushy one fateful afternoon back when he was in high school.

Fortunately, this coincided with the arrival of a mysterious old lady going by the name Alison, who saved Plushy's life in the first encounter with Deep ones, taught him about the nature of his foes as she shepherded him to safety, and bore witness to Plushy manifesting Yog-Soggoth's power in a second encounter, which allowed her to correctly reason that Plushy's true father was none other than Yog-Soggoth himself.

After many further happenings, including the destruction of most of the town and the death of half the people Plushy knew as attempts were made to thwart the cult's scheme, Dagon was manifested on earth. This potentially catastrophic event forced Plushy to shrug off the lion's share of his humanity to wield enough power to kill Dagon, but that is exactly what happened. In the aftermath, Plushy and Alison vanished into the smoke, and are reportedly traveling across the world as they alternately run from and eliminate various eldritch horrors to this very day.

Edited by Dreddeth
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Dredth stalked Plushy just like me.



2 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

ElGuirrix is actually not of Latino descent, he just likes the letters E and L







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^ is a horrible person speaking about horrible stuff in a horrible thread at a horrible place with horrible intensions

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1 hour ago, Valteria. said:

^ is a horrible person speaking about horrible stuff in a horrible thread at a horrible place with horrible intensions

Did someone say wattchewant? 

Itsy knows what the numbers mean but won't tell Mason 

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