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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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I'm sorry, but how? Stalker provides no challenge. The abilities that define a Warframe? He just either ignores or cancels with a guaranteed stagger. He can use his Dread at full power while still holding his Despair because he ignores the weapon switching animations. If you use Shade (something most do on high level content since sentinel weapons are horribly weak) then you will die because he'll just chain-stagger you to dispel Shade's cloaking. You can roll, run, jump around as much as you want, but every second not spent attacking him is time he gets with free attacks on you. He also can spam teleport and pull without line of sight, negating fancy movements. He gets 450 base shields and 200 base health. His stats scale pretty much off of that, it's why his shields take forever to bring down, and if he decides to use Absorb during the fight, he'll replenish all of his shields before the ability goes off.


You tell someone to man up when they go up against Ornstein and Smough or The Four Kings in Dark Souls, or in EVE when someone mentions how they got backstabbed in a corporate warfare backstab. This crap though? There is a world of difference between something being genuinely difficult and just straight-up unfair/punishing.




Oh look! It's this video again, and of course it's still relevant.

Hey look, someone who knows EVE.

I've seen some backstabbings and even helped in some so I know that feeling though lol.


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Hey look, someone who knows EVE.

I've seen some backstabbings and even helped in some so I know that feeling though lol.


My favorite ship has always been the humble, yet very efficient Rifter, the Minmatar Frigate that you could easily reach within a couple weeks of starting if you knew a bit about what to do. I haven't played in years, but I need to give it a shot if I can get like, one of those six-month timecards.

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I'm sorry, but how? Stalker provides no challenge. The abilities that define a Warframe? He just either ignores or cancels with a guaranteed stagger. He can use his Dread at full power while still holding his Despair because he ignores the weapon switching animations. If you use Shade (something most do on high level content since sentinel weapons are horribly weak) then you will die because he'll just chain-stagger you to dispel Shade's cloaking. You can roll, run, jump around as much as you want, but every second not spent attacking him is time he gets with free attacks on you. He also can spam teleport and pull without line of sight, negating fancy movements. He gets 450 base shields and 200 base health. His stats scale pretty much off of that, it's why his shields take forever to bring down, and if he decides to use Absorb during the fight, he'll replenish all of his shields before the ability goes off.


You tell someone to man up when they go up against Ornstein and Smough or The Four Kings in Dark Souls, or in EVE when someone mentions how they got backstabbed in a corporate warfare backstab. This crap though? There is a world of difference between something being genuinely difficult and just straight-up unfair/punishing.




Oh look! It's this video again, and of course it's still relevant.


No, no. I tell people to man up and fight him properly when my casual (i.e: no maxed mods, no forma) weapons can tear through him.


You sure we got the same Stalker? I've only died to him once ever since his buff, every other time he dies in a minute or two. With Loki.

Edited by Kamal965
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My favorite ship has always been the humble, yet very efficient Rifter, the Minmatar Frigate that you could easily reach within a couple weeks of starting if you knew a bit about what to do. I haven't played in years, but I need to give it a shot if I can get like, one of those six-month timecards.

Ah the Rifter, such an efficient yet very underestimate able ship. Quite powerful when fitted fight.

I've been playing since 2010, so far I got a high fitted Tengu, 2 Wolfs (or Wolves), a Sleipnir, I believe 2 transport ships and a couple of other T2 ships and whatnot. Haven't been on in a few months though due to college. 

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No, no. I tell people to man up and fight him properly when my casual (i.e: no maxed mods, no forma) weapons can tear through him.


You sure we got the same Stalker? I've only died to him once ever since his buff, every other time he dies in a minute or two. With Loki.

You do realize the Stalker scales with your loadout, right?

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You do realize the Stalker scales with your loadout, right?

Oh crap I forgot about that....

No wonder I can get one shotted sometimes. All of my weapons are almost maxed to themselves, and I got a Conclave of over 1500 for some frames to put that into perspective.

Perhaps that's why many people have problems with him?


If someone goes solo it's almost garaunteed death since his loadout will probably be better than the player's. 

But if someone else is targeted in the party, and the Stalker scales to them only, and a higher up player attacks the Stalker and shreds him...

No wonder why he needs a rework. His scaling is insane.

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I thought he scaled to the sum total of the party, not just the target. The Wiki lists he could become level 80, so I doubted this could be just from one player.

Eh I'm not sure, cause I haven't faced him in a party since last month, so I can't say.

Other 2 times I faced him was solo, 1st one got him, 2nd one I died very quickly due to him TPing every time I run away for 20 meters.

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Oh crap I forgot about that....

No wonder I can get one shotted sometimes. All of my weapons are almost maxed to themselves, and I got a Conclave of over 1500 for some frames to put that into perspective.

Perhaps that's why many people have problems with him?


If someone goes solo it's almost garaunteed death since his loadout will probably be better than the player's. 

But if someone else is targeted in the party, and the Stalker scales to them only, and a higher up player attacks the Stalker and shreds him...

No wonder why he needs a rework. His scaling is insane.

He needs a rework because his mechanics are broken from a design perspective. Invalidating the mechanics your game is based on with otherwise game-breaking mechanics to add some arbitrary RNG challenge to your game is bad design. Use of cover, powers, kiting, parkour; these are all valid survival options throughout most of the game. The Stalker can (depending on what his AI decides to do) completely invalidate some or all of these tactics. If you factor in how some weapons are bad for dealing with him on a base level while also increasing your conclave enough to make him scale ridiculously high, it's just a really bad combination of factors.


It is bad design that I can theoretically rig stalker encounters by bringing a barely modded frame, and nothing worth of note but a maxed out Brakk, yet if my loadout is stronger the fight becomes almost impossible.

Edited by Leuca
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Honestly what annoys me about stalker is that all Warframe abilities are invalidated the moment he shows up, reducing the fight to little more than a DPS contest. Unfortunately due to the massive dmg he can dish out all he needs is 1 to 2 shots and you're stuffed while we have to unload entire clips from our best weapons to bring him down. Stalker used to be a potential issue/annoyance but now he is a insta-revive.


Fact is before all the buffs he received he was difficult to new players or those leveling frames/weapons. Now he is THE ANTI-WARFRAME. Yes he was weak when against a well-equipped player/s and so he should but now he is god.


IMO, either reduce shields/health or better remove his dispel/immunity to all abilities. He is no longer fun, and challenging is not the right word for him either.

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Never seen Stalker above 30 lvl(this dies in... 5 seconds?) even when I have a over 1.2k conclave loadout. Died to him only once(slash dash instagibbed >.>)


Thats weird. I first encountered the stalker about a week ago in a defense mission. Was using a 30 loki while leveling a rank 15ish dual ethers and  rank 15ish paris and using a rank 15ish Lato with a conclave of around maybe 600. So a lvl 37 stalker teleports from who knows where and melees me for all but 30 health. I go invisible but the stalker just goes nope and uses dispel and I die in a hail of gunfire.


The second time was just yesterday. I'm just killing a group of corpus when I see a slash dash emerge from the middle of the group and one shot me. I had no idea what happened until I saw the stalker sit down and leave from my revive screen. No type of warning proceeded this.

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He needs a rework because his mechanics are broken from a design perspective. Invalidating the mechanics your game is based on with otherwise game-breaking mechanics to add some arbitrary RNG challenge to your game is bad design. Use of cover, powers, kiting, parkour; these are all valid survival options throughout most of the game. The Stalker can (depending on what his AI decides to do) completely invalidate some or all of these tactics. If you factor in how some weapons are bad for dealing with him on a base level while also increasing your conclave enough to make him scale ridiculously high, it's just a really bad combination of factors.


It is bad design that I can theoretically rig stalker encounters by bringing a barely modded frame, and nothing worth of note but a maxed out Brakk, yet if my loadout is stronger the fight becomes almost impossible.

Ok yeah you got that point really. Understandable he needs a rework because some of the combos that he is able to do either just completely invalidates most laws of physics or breaks the game in total.

(I'm looking at you teleport)

Cause a teleport and 1 melee hit equal death just isn't really fair when nothing else can come even close to that in normal terms.

Edited by Shyvorix
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Today I received the taunts, and he killed me thrice in a row in the same mission !

I revived, second kill, 2d revive, then the final blow and i was left in spectator mode. After the mission i went to check on my warframe and i only have lost 2 lives out of 4. That's pretty weird, isn't he supposed to despawn as soo nas he kills his target ?

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not only that  but not shure if anyone noticed this yet but he also COPIES powers from his target and uses them against us ... don't know if it is a bug or not but i hit my rhino stomp to try to slow him down a bit an  he turned right around and used it on me then proceeded to turn me into a despair  pin cussion

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not only that  but not shure if anyone noticed this yet but he also COPIES powers from his target and uses them against us ... don't know if it is a bug or not but i hit my rhino stomp to try to slow him down a bit an  he turned right around and used it on me then proceeded to turn me into a despair  pin cussion

If this is true, they're giving him stealth-buffs and not mentioning it in the patch notes. If possible, could you record this behavior and post it for us to see?

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there is already vids of him useing absorb vs nyx... plus i don't have any way of recording vids on my pc .  like i said not shure if it was/is a bug or not


hes also run me down with rhino charge too (sound effect an all and no after slash)


so as said befor he goes "illogical child god mode" when he feels like it

Edited by DragoXXVIII
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Just had him appear during a MD run.  I was running a Rhino with IS on when I saw the flickers appear.

His AI decided to spam pull followed by slash dash until I was dead.  I was unable to do anything at all to fight back as I was ragdolled for most of the fight.

He popped in, dropped dispel and then pulled me.  Before I was properly able to move he slash-dashed and nearly killed me.  Then he proceeded to pull me around repeatedly before following it up with another slash dash and taking a revive.

He was level 47 and I had a level 15 primary, level 10 secondary and level 20 melee as I was levelling them all while playing Rhino to speed things up.

I really don't see how anyone can call that a 'challenge' or 'fun'.  I definitely don't see it.

DE Really needs to do a complete overhaul that prevents him from locking his target down to the point where it is litterally impossible to fight back at all.  Further they need to make it so that he doesn't lock you out of using Shade.

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Just had him appear during a MD run.  I was running a Rhino with IS on when I saw the flickers appear.

His AI decided to spam pull followed by slash dash until I was dead.  I was unable to do anything at all to fight back as I was ragdolled for most of the fight.

He popped in, dropped dispel and then pulled me.  Before I was properly able to move he slash-dashed and nearly killed me.  Then he proceeded to pull me around repeatedly before following it up with another slash dash and taking a revive.

He was level 47 and I had a level 15 primary, level 10 secondary and level 20 melee as I was levelling them all while playing Rhino to speed things up.

I really don't see how anyone can call that a 'challenge' or 'fun'.  I definitely don't see it.

DE Really needs to do a complete overhaul that prevents him from locking his target down to the point where it is litterally impossible to fight back at all.  Further they need to make it so that he doesn't lock you out of using Shade.


He used the Pull spam trick on me during the Cicero event. It has something to do with how his AI interprets terrain barriers.

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Thats weird. I first encountered the stalker about a week ago in a defense mission. Was using a 30 loki while leveling a rank 15ish dual ethers and  rank 15ish paris and using a rank 15ish Lato with a conclave of around maybe 600. So a lvl 37 stalker teleports from who knows where and melees me for all but 30 health. I go invisible but the stalker just goes nope and uses dispel and I die in a hail of gunfire.


The second time was just yesterday. I'm just killing a group of corpus when I see a slash dash emerge from the middle of the group and one shot me. I had no idea what happened until I saw the stalker sit down and leave from my revive screen. No type of warning proceeded this.

You always get a warning before stalker comes - lights flickering, taunts(if he targets you). It's really hard to miss it. And once you know hes coming you just go to a remote place to kill the douchebag


there is already vids of him useing absorb vs nyx... plus i don't have any way of recording vids on my pc .  like i said not shure if it was/is a bug or not


hes also run me down with rhino charge too (sound effect an all and no after slash)


so as said befor he goes "illogical child god mode" when he feels like it

He generally has absorb. Used it vs me more than once without a nyx in our party(idiots almost got us killed cause they kept shooting at him...)

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You always get a warning before stalker comes - lights flickering, taunts(if he targets you). It's really hard to miss it. And once you know hes coming you just go to a remote place to kill the douchebag

I was attacked the other day and the person I was grouped with apparently saw no flashing lights.

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You always get a warning before stalker comes - lights flickering, taunts(if he targets you). It's really hard to miss it. And once you know hes coming you just go to a remote place to kill the douchebag

It is really hard to miss it. That's why I know it didn't happen. There were no flickering lights. I was solo so he could only target me and there were no taunts either.

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You always get a warning before stalker comes - lights flickering, taunts(if he targets you). It's really hard to miss it. And once you know hes coming you just go to a remote place to kill the douchebag

Are you participated in missions invasion? The dark halls and corridors, flashes of light. Sometimes it is hard to notice signs of the emergence of Stalker, if there are no messages from him (target - another player).

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