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Zariman Endless can be used to force extract Squad Mates


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I've been trying to farm for Hespar and Aelok weapon parts by playing Zariman Endless missions and trying to farm C Rot. However, unlike other Endless missions, when squad members sit at the extraction point and run the Extract Timer down to 0, it does not just extract them, instead it forces the whole squad to extract. Individual extraction only works when players use the console. This has made attempting to farm for C Rot very frustrating as many players are not aware of this and can prematurely force you to end a successful run if they themselves are not interested in going for C Rotation. The majority of the time it's possible to workaround this by simply asking your squad in chat politely to use the console as running down the timer prevents you from progressing. However, as Warframe is a very international game it's not uncommon to have players that may not speak the same language as you and therefore will not be able to understand your request. Even more frustratingly than that, it's possible for players to grief you and intentionally force you out of an in progress run. I can only assume this is a bug as it's the only endless mission type where extraction works like this.

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