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The Word 'hysteria' Has An Ugly Past


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I was really disappointed to hear that the Valkyr's ultimate ability is named "Hysteria". Though the word on it's own doesn't mean anything terribly offensive, it has an ugly history.



The summarize quickly: Hysteria was a word used to trivialize the feelings of women in the past. The details are much worse than I'd rather mention here.


I'd much rather if her ultimate had a name more like "Blind Fury", "Claw Riot", or just "Unbridled Rage". My favorite of the three is the latter, since it better matches her theme of being a rebellious captive much better.


Please consider renaming this ability.

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Oh come on...


Language evolved. The Etymology of the word has nothing to do with the way it's used today. The word now means "exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement."


You need to lightening up.

Edited by Zakalwe
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Agreed. The moment I heard the name my brain skipped. Interesting note, the word itself is from the Greek word hysteros which means uterus. The greeks thought that the uterus moved around and attacked other organs, causing all sort of maladies.

Way to fall into one of the most sexist tropes ever DE.

Edit due to Ninja: It doesn't matter if language evolves until it has evolved so far we can't see it's roots. It's not something that should be overlooked when it could be easily changed for the better. If it has unfortunate implications, it's better to do someting about it rather than shut up and let it happen. That's how stupid S#&$ like this gets institutionalized in the first place.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Agreed. The moment I heard the name my brain skipped a beat. Interesting note, the word itself is from the Greek word hysteros which means uterus. The greeks thought that the uterus moved around and attacked other organs, causing all sort of maladies.

Way to fall into one of the most sexist tropes ever DE.




Evolution of language.


Lots of words have dark histories, but they have nothing to do with their modern usage.

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Maybe they should have called the ability PMS. ;)

You sir win the internet.

On another note, this word no longer means what it did. It now means "exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement". Please stop making threads that relate to a words history, I could pull 20 out of a hat right now.

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Evolution of language.


Lots of words have dark histories, but they have nothing to do with their modern usage.

That doesn't excuse their use. It's true hysteria isn't on the same level as rasist epithets, but it is still used today in it's negative connotations, so they shouldn't use it.


You guys seem to think that these guys did it on purpose since she's a woman. They used hysteria to insinuate a blind rage and she just so happens to be a female Warframe. God damn feminists.

I don't think they did on purpose, I just think it's an unfortunate accident that should be changed.

I'm a humanist thank-you. If you don't think that things can change for the better for all sexes, genders and races you're a bad person.


Maybe they should have called the ability PMS. ;)

Lol. Well played.


Not really a lot of words one can use to describe an uncontrollable emotion without &!$$ing someone off. Almost all of them have a dark history, as anything involving emotions inevitably will. :l

They could have used Berserk, Blood Frenzy, Reaver, Warp-Spasm, Ríastrad and a dozen other neutral terms for "go mad dog crazy and annihilate your enemies".

Edited by ValhaHazred
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I tried to say it before it even hit. But people kept yelling me down.  This isn't a barbarian.  This isn't a strong female warrior.


It's a PMS joke.








Lets be fair. Most people likely don't know the story behind the word Hysterical.  No one(i'm hoping) used it with intentional malice or hate.  But that doesn't stop it from being sexist.  Sexism isn't always tied to intent.  And in this case, intent is irreverent.   We have thousands of years of history where women are called weak and emotional.  Where they need men to restrain and control them.


And it never stopped.  We just got more creative.  Rather then simply SAY women are the weaker sex(and don't get me wrong, people will) it's encoded into things.  Now it's more that femininity is weakness in of itself.  When you have strong female characters you have to tag them with those markers to make sure to "offset" their strength.


A perfect example exists in this game.  Look at Saryn.  She was "strong" female frame in this game.  In that she had higher then normal health/shields, melee centric powers, etc.  And what design choices did they go with?  Pink armor, thigh-high leather heels, boob-cups, and what appears to be a butt-sash.  And she's one step away from a feather boa.


If that's too "on-the-nose" then check out Nova.  One of the most powerful frames, period.  Are there mitigating factors?  Well, she looks like a broken porcelain doll.  Evoking images of helplessness and frailty. And the one armored boob hanging out.  Aaaand cracks that suspiciously highlight her pubic area.


That leads to our new frame.  She's more like Nova.  Not a strong, fearsome, unstoppable warrior.  She's a broken, tortured, emotional wreck.  Her design is suppose to look skinned, vulnerable.  She's got shackles, a collar and hanging restraints.  She didn't break out because she was strong, because her bloodlust couldn't be contained, it's because she was hysterical.


That's not a berserker rage, an untamable wolf.  That's a beaten dog, PTSD.


This wouldn't be an issue in isolation.  In a world where this wasn't the norm.  But we don't live there.  We live here.  In this world.   No one is mad because this is some shocking taboo thing they did.  Personally, I'm just disappointed.  We have hundreds of examples of this already.  And this is just another one thrown on the pile. 


So please, think of something else for that name.  Just... not this, again.  Not more sexism, on top of the massive, heaping, monstrous pile of sexism in gaming(and media in general).  It's a small token, really.  Just... don't add more to that pile.  Well, don't add anymore at least.

Edited by BlueThingy
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That doesn't excuse their use. It's true hysteria isn't on the same level as rasist epithets, but it is still used today in it's negative connotations, so they shouldn't use it.




Actually, it absolutely excuses the use.


Because language evolves.

It doesn't mean today what it meant then.


You need to acknowledge that, and move on.

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I was really disappointed to hear that the Valkyr's ultimate ability is named "Hysteria". Though the word on it's own doesn't mean anything terribly offensive, it has an ugly history.



The summarize quickly: Hysteria was a word used to trivialize the feelings of women in the past. The details are much worse than I'd rather mention here.


I'd much rather if her ultimate had a name more like "Blind Fury", "Claw Riot", or just "Unbridled Rage". My favorite of the three is the latter, since it better matches her theme of being a rebellious captive much better.


Please consider renaming this ability.


Alright, if you want to play that game then the word "Bad" is also an offensive word.


As it derives from the Old English word: Baeddel, which was a derogitory insult insult torwards Transgendered people or Feminine men.


So you hear that guys? Don't use the word "Bad" or you might offened some LGBTWTFBBQ Linguists.



Maybe we can just not be so thin-skinned and not give a damn.

Where I live at the N-word is literally used as a term of endearment and as a greeting on a regular basis.

And everything is perfectly fine.

Nobody is offended, and nobody is partaking in Hate crimes or racist activities.


I can say from personal experience

If you trivialize the word, you trivialize the hate behind it.


If you look up the definition of Hysteria today, it just simply means "An excess of exaggerated Emotion"

Words change.

Just be glad that it can be used for something positive in today's times.

Hopefully in a few years we can look up the N-word and find it to mean: "A valued friend, revered with a sense of comradery"

Edited by Yg-Dosst
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I'm still shocked that they picked this word in particular.  Any other word would have sufficed.  This was the very worst possible choice with the most gendering baggage attached.


If this was a male frame it would have been called Warpath or some S#&$.  I'm desperately hoping this was a mistake or a momentary lapse in judgement or something because I don't want to think DE would be that insensitive.

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Actually, it absolutely excuses the use.


Because language evolves.

It doesn't mean today what it meant then.


You need to acknowledge that, and move on.



History happened. And still happens today.  Sexism never went away.  The meaning behind the word, if perhaps it's specific entomological origins, holds up.


Hysterical is used when you want to make sure people know that the person is unable to control themselves or their emotions due to some emotional damage or immaturity.  It's almost universally used for children and women.


There's a massive, huge, sprawling history of "Weak" and "Emotional" and "Can't control herself" used against women.  Every day.  Across the world.


In a different world, with a different history, with people holding different biases and preconceptions?  You might be right.  But we don't live there.

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Alright, if you want to play that game then the word "Bad" is also an offensive word.


As it derives from the Old English word: Baeddel, which was a derogitory insult insult torwards Transgendered people or Feminine men.


So you hear that guys? Don't use the word "Bad" or you might offened some LGBTWTFBBQ Linguists.



Maybe we can just not be so thin-skinned and not give a damn.

Where I live at the N-word is literally used as a term of endearment and as a greeting on a regular basis.

And everything is perfectly fine.

Nobody is offended, and nobody is partaking in Hate crimes or racist activities.


I can say from personal experience

If you trivialize the word, you trivialize the hate behind it.


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I'm still shocked that they picked this word in particular.  Any other word would have sufficed.  This was the very worst possible choice with the most gendering baggage attached.


If this was a male frame it would have been called Warpath or some S#&$.  I'm desperately hoping this was a mistake or a momentary lapse in judgement or something because I don't want to think DE would be that insensitive.


You're being ridiculous.


The word is no longer used in the way you're worried about.


It is not an issue.

Edited by Zakalwe
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I see your point, here.  And imho the name isn't that great for the pretty awesome ability.  


How about...


"Fury Unleashed"


"Clawmageddon" (joking, but it sounds awesome"


"Ragnarok Frenzy"





The word Hysterics doesn't really imply taking the chains that bound you and throttle to death your oppressor, so I think the name doesn't quite fit as well as others might.




No need to bring gender equality debate into it.  It's plenty fine to simply agree or disagree without attempting to bring debate into it.  OP's got their feelings, other have theirs, and that's ok.

Edited by Rajko
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It is when the context is sexist, and in this case it is.  In many cases it is.




It's used to describe both men and women equally. There is a balance to its modern usage.


If a person is being sexist, then ALL their words are sexist in the context. That doesn't mean we should ban all language because sometimes people are sexist....

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