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10 Year Anniversary Community Showcase [WINNERS ANNOUNCED]


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My tribute is to the cinematic intro and Awakening quest. Might not be 10 years old, but seeing that cinematic for the first time will always stick with me.

The new player experience is important for every video game, and DE taking the time to revamp the start of the game (Not once, but twice) means a lot to the quality of the game throughout to me. Your baby days are much more important and memorable than anything a sort of endgame can provide.

Because it's where we all started... up until soon enough.


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Second dream was the first story quest my friends helped me get too and it shifted so much of what i had assumed about the story. I will always cherish the memory of my vauban prime finally meeting my tenno, Tam :]second_dream.png

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My Favourite Warframe Moment (Photo)

Apart from the obvious favourite moment of starting warframe and living vicariously through Warframe's great adventures and quests with my bestie. My personal favourite moment is when my best friend and I found out how the currency 'Ducats' was pronounced in the Sands of Inaros Quest. On top of Baro's hilarious voice lines and acting, finding out that it was pronounced 'Duh-cets' instead of 'Doo-Kats' had my best friend and I laughing straight through 5 missions at our stupidity and hilarious pronunciations of Ducats. It may be small, but it was definitely a memorable moment for both of us LOOL

Cheers and happy framing, 


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My favorite moment was during The Sacrifice, when we rescue Excalibur Umbra.
"They had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing... and take away its pain."

I imagine Excalibur Umbra would have stuck by the Operator's side as they grow.




Also RIP old Ceno Pauldrons...

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"I wonder what kind of man my father will become; now he's emerged from his corroded chrysalis of duty..."

"Tenno. Working with you - it's meant a lot to me. Just having someone who... well, you get what I'm trying to say. I can hold my head up again... I see the person I almost became."

A tribute to a character that, for some inexplicable reason, resonated with me on a really emotionally raw level out of all the characters in this game. 

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                               The man in the wall reveal                          

===\_____-----|----===-|__|\_ -|ll|-_/--|__|-====----|-------_____/==

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Um soneto de um momento.


A preparação da batalha, um combatente dourado, o perfeito quadro de guerra.
Gloriosa e honrada sob o sangue dos aliado e inimigos que aqui jaz,
Fim ressoante que reverberar onde há um coração pulsante,
E que continua a ser indomável e irreverente.

A palavra que dita a visão e o som que precede o toque da ação, em fim é.
Poderosa e destemida sem a qual ninguém pensa, e regozija,
Infindável céu que recai sobre sobre nós, sobre os outros,
Que recai sobre tudo e todos.

Por meio de palavras a dor é expressa,
Nela nada resta e não há o que falar.
Talvez pensar.

Fazendo desta a minha vigia eterna,
Tenra passagem que traz o amor,
O fim de tudo.


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