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Harrow Augment, Post Parasitic Armor Nerf


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I'm not going to complain about the nerf to Parasitic Armor, I get that it was trying to stop shield gating abuse. I don't create my builds around that mechanic anyway. However, I did create a health tanking build on Harrow that I enjoyed using Parasitic Armor within. Adding Brief Respite allowed me to use his Condemn to build enough shields to charge Penance and get the life steal I wanted for reliable sustain. After the nerf, I'm limited to getting life steal outside of his kit or having a very uncomfortable ability rotation.

I'd like to suggest an augment on his Penance that allows Harrow to gain the Penance buff using his health (instead of shield) ... you know, like a real flagellation. I'm still forced to Helminth over a buff; either crit bonus with his Covenant, CC with his Condemn, or Energy with his Thurible. However, now I can gain the buff without being constrained by the window of the i-frames in his Covenant.

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6 hours ago, Stokesy007 said:

After the nerf, I'm limited to getting life steal outside of his kit or having a very uncomfortable ability rotation.

At max overshields (3,000 on a unmodded Harrow Prime), Penance has exactly twice the duration of Parasitic Armor. You should have plenty of time to build shields and recast Penance before you recast PA.

6 hours ago, Stokesy007 said:

or Energy with his Thurible.

IMO on a build like this, you should drop Thurible for Rage/Hunter Adrenaline. Base Harrow doesn't need much energy anyway.

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