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Know What We Need? A Diseaseframe.


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We got ice, we got fire, we got poison, we got trickster, we got ninja, we got sumo, we got average joe, we got magnetism, we got sound, we got a brain-washer, we got a nurse, we got a necrophile, we got a french guy, we got electricity, we got antimatter, and now we got crazy lady. Been thinking. Know what we're missing, and has been right in front of us the whole time?


A warframe with the Infestation plague.




Imagine with me, children. Running through the dark, dank, and probably stenchy halls of an infested grineer warship. All the prior inhabitants have long since fled or have been turned. Lotus has sent us in on another suicide mission, to plug our laptop suitcase into the navigation computer to ensure this hive ship never makes it close to more victims. Running, running, turning back every so often to fire a potshot at that crawler inchworming toward you, or that ancient trying to introduce your rear exhaust port to its tentacle arm. You reach the final door, you are almost at your goal! The metal curtain grinds open, and you see your objective...and something else. A silhouette of...backup? A warframe! Finally, all those promises of reinforcements BEFORE THE MISSION IS OVER are answered by the Lotus! But wait...this thing steps into the light. And my goodness, it is hideous. A warframe, taken by the plague. Inside, you can hear the screams of the inhabitant as this living sickness forces it to perform actions not their own.


I think that'd be a pretty awesome enemy to fight in the infested missions...especially since they all like to say greetings to your Ignis flamethrower from two feet away. Certain ramp up the challenge. If not an enemy, think of the play style for a player frame. That suit is the only thing keeping the infection from ruining the mind of the warframe's inhabitant. But thanks tot heir trusty space ninja suit, they remain cognitive and aware. But at the same time, the plague has altered their abilities. Take a cue from each infested enemy, and we already got a power set down for this guy. Healing wave like the ancient healer, gives us a second warframe with the ability to heal, while also not undermining Trinity herself. Toxic cluster bombs, like those things Lephantis likes to ruin your butt with. Throw a big pile, wait for an enemy to get close, and BOOM, poison, or perhaps even miniature crawlers, runners, or leapers come out to help with your disgusting rampage. Every warframe needs some sort of travel ability, right? Slap some infested goo onto your boots and use it to defy gravity and walk, not run, up walls. And remain stationary on the ceiling. Be that gross Batman space ninja mutant. With a gun. As for a final Warframe ability? Well, imagine absorbing all of the biomass from the room, all the corpses of your dead foes, and using all this organic energy to raise an infested hive worm from hell! Your personal, stationary Lephantis head to help you kill stuff until it withers or is killed itself. Depending on what faction you currently fight also determines which head it could resemble. Corpus? Gimme a corpus worm. Grineer? I was needing a big fleshy scythe helper. Infested? 'Course there's room for more disease in here.


What do you think?

Edited by TheHeater
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I would say Saryn is more along the lines of a venomous snake than a walking disease. Deadly, but at the same time, beautiful. And she sheds her skin too @.@


As for the Tenno having a unique reaction to the plague, is it not possible that yet another reaction exists where the host does not deny the plague, but instead embraces and harnesses its potential?

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I would say Saryn is more along the lines of a venomous snake than a walking disease. Deadly, but at the same time, beautiful. And she sheds her skin too @.@


As for the Tenno having a unique reaction to the plague, is it not possible that yet another reaction exists where the host does not deny the plague, but instead embraces and harnesses its potential?

She has an ability that spreads a viral disease, slowly chipping away and spreading from enemy to enemy. Sounds like a disease to me. You can also argue that her ult is one big disease.

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Tenno are supposedly individuals who had a unique reaction to the Technocyte plague, giving them their abilities, so the Infested idea is out.  Saryn is technically supposed to be the "disease" warframe also.

go and read Excalibur's codex... Tenno are humans that survived the void, and came back... (kinda like how Hayden got infected and survived to become the ultimate warrior)

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I'm suggesting Equix.




Though the problem is merely genderbending, though.


Equix should utilize the power of the Infestation through adapting the environment, so...

You certainly put more time and thought into yours than I did mine. But Equix does sound like something awesome. I especially like the idea of the split ability. A warframe that can spawn itself a helper more combat-savvy than a sentinel is something I could get behind.


She has an ability that spreads a viral disease, slowly chipping away and spreading from enemy to enemy. Sounds like a disease to me. You can also argue that her ult is one big disease.

The mod itself just says a toxic spore, and the disintegration of her ultimate just sounds like spewing acid on stuff.  That said, a fair compromise to make would be her being neither disease nor poison, but simply a walking toxicity. Point taken though. However, the infested plague is not just some big galactic flu with no cure. It has so many capabilities.

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Now that we have new damages types with Update 11, that opens it up for some new Warframes. 

That's very true, I actually haven't thought about that till just now but we could absolutely have a radiation frame along with blast, and the others ! Radiation frame would be very cool I think =p 

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I would say Saryn is more along the lines of a venomous snake than a walking disease.


Saryn was to originally be named "Sarin", after colorless and odorless liquid that has been used as a chemical weapon, due to it being highly potent as a nerve agent. The name was altered slightly, due to other reasons.

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Saryn (Sarin) is, in essence, too clean. Yes, her skills may be reminiscent of a viral infection, but the aesthetic, name and archetype suggest a more chemical aspect. And that aspect is more clinical; artificial, so to speak. It evokes a different image than the kind of frame OP is suggesting.


As skeptical as I was when I first started reading it, I really like that idea. Saryn's sleek lines and more chemical agency (hah, see what I did there) will not be compromised by a shuffling, grotesque bag of bio-gas and tumerous pus. If anything, they will contrast against the cleaner Saryn like the flipside to a coin.


The abilities are also creative - I like the idea of a stationary, deployable Lephantis for use in MD, ED or Survival, even if it may turn Warframe into WarTowerDefense. It's got room for tweaking. But the ceiling-walk definitely fits the rule of cool, and I can see a lot of utility if it turns you invisible while you're up there, or if there's AOE impact damage when you drop.


Where Saryn is the cold, sterile killer, the plague-frame is the shambling horror that you don't want to bump into at night. It's the literal swamp monster of the universe. 

Edited by Darayas
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