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we need a way to lock important items to prevent them from being deleted


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this would just be a really nice quality of life change, it can be easy to accidently select one of your main warframes or weapons that you have put time and effort into, while going through and clearing out your inventory, making space etc, especially if you are deleting a long list of items, having a way to just, lock items, to prevent them form being sold in the first place would just, fix this problem

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While im not against the option,

3 hours ago, Quantum_rage said:

it can be easy to accidently select one of your main warframes or weapons that you have put time and effort into

In the 10 years ive been playing this game I have to say this has never happened.


Still, maybe they impliment the two step confermation similar to consigning a warframe to helminth.

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I think only once, I've every accidentally deleted something, and it was a Riven. Support however restored it for me as it was the next day and I just explained to them what had happened.

It's easy to not delete something. You just double and triple check what you're doing before hitting delete.

As for locking, we do need this in a different sense. Trading.
Marking items for "keep" and "sell" or "trash" to be able to set aside certain things like Prime Parts or Mods that we want to trade. Then, ones marked with "Sell" wont be usable in your mod menus or in the foundry. This would be a huge QoL change for anyone looking to do even the smallest amount of trading, and make it more accessible

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