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Trading Now Pay To Win O_O?


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If you don't like it, you don't have to do it.  Just ignore trading, that's what I'm doing for the most part.

And really.. I'm so sorry that you're hating it because they're paying for something you worked for.. But, how does that affect you? How does someone else having a Rank 10 Serration affect you? And why should you care what they bought it for? Did you rank it up? Did you put mods and credits and time into it? No? Are you buying it, then? No? Then why does it matter?

Are you jealous?

If so, I think that's a bit petty. You worked hard for your mod, and that guy didn't. That is all, move on. It doesn't make the game any harder or less fun for you unless you let it.

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If people want to dish out cash, then let them. Its the seller's choice really how much they want to sell it for, and if they feel its only worth 200 plat then LOL, their fault really. If they want to calculate the price of fusion cores based on fusion core packs.... then...

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The argument here is not should we allow  "time for money" it's the fact u are getting far too much progression for money. Credit boosters and exp boosters help, but they are not game breaking and pay to win. They are a helping hand. But if there was a item which u could buy which if bought makes any item or warframe 0 - 30 would u not call that pay to win? ( I mean u can do it eventually right ) or if u could buy a item which formaed your items 5 times for you and lvl to 30? is that not pay to win? It can be done eventually? ( in fact, lvling a mod still takes longer? ) The point is, lvling up a mod takes soo much time and effort, it should not be so easily sold.


Im not saying don't sell mods and by pass the farming for it ( some would even argue this is pay to win to some extent considering how long some mods take to farm ). Im saying you shouldn't be able to have a max rank version of it. Or as some1 already said. lvl for lvl rank 10 for rank 10 ect.

Edited by Kaos88
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I got Quick thinking, Heavy caliber and Berserker with trading, after I've spent WAY too much time farming for them with 0 success.
and there is nothing wrong with it!  
I've put my fair share of time trying to get them as a drop, enough to say "thank f*** god! I can buy it now".

did I payed to win? nope, I just rused my way to the mods I've needed while also giving someone plat, which I assume its something they needed.

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I got Quick thinking, Heavy caliber and Berserker with trading, after I've spent WAY too much time farming for them with 0 success.

and there is nothing wrong with it!  

I've put my fair share of time trying to get them as a drop, enough to say "thank f*** god! I can buy it now".

did I payed to win? nope, I just rused my way to the mods I've needed while also giving someone plat, which I assume its something they needed.

Again, Its the MAX RANK! mods im talking about!

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1 guy selling Rank 10 Blind rage / Rank 8 Narrow minded and Quick thinking for 200 plat for the lot.

1st of all I don't think these ppl realise how much time that takes and just have plat in there eyes. what are they really going to get for 200 plat which is better than all those mods?? O_o I don't get it!


Not all can afford platinum trough buying it with money. You need platinum for slots. Get it now?


On another note; is there anything you can only get trough buying that gives you considerable edge over others? No? See, it's not P2W.

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>Implying that good mods make you a good player

>Implying the market is saturated with max rank mods for cheap

You must also feel that an Unusual makes you a good TF2 Player

Being maxed Prestige makes you good at CoD



This whole thread




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I think most people complaining that trading is Pay to win clearly have no idea what real pay to win is.


Is it a straight upgrade that can only be obtained by paying?

If yes: Pay to win.

If no: Not Pay to win.

It's not just that at all. It's when a feature gives TOO MUCH of a advantage and time saving which can also be considered pay to win to a extent it can ruin the game. It's not set in stone what pay to win means seeing as it's not in the dictionary and can mean a lot of things.

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Any player can still max out a mod without paying.

They're paying to save time.


should I tell you now that I maxed them with what 2 30min runs at Egate gave me?

(well, except heavy caliber, but level 7 is nice level for a first fusion)

So u ranked a lvl 10 mod in 1 hour. Simply talking bullS#&$ there my friend.

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Plat / Ranked Cards should had NEVER made it into the trading system. Very poor descision on DE part and I agree with the OP on one aspect that your sense of accomplishment on modding just got deminished. Update 11 which I was once excited for is having me looking to the internet for a game like warframe to play and move on. I hope DE puts a control on this.

Edited by Cyb3rCub
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>Implying that good mods make you a good player

>Implying the market is saturated with max rank mods for cheap

You must also feel that an Unusual makes you a good TF2 Player

Being maxed Prestige makes you good at CoD



This whole thread




Hats don't change stats / prestige doesn't change stats. Max mods sure as hell changes stats.

Also have u seen some of the prices of TF2 hats? That crap is ridiculous but if they wanted to add cosmetic stuff like that in the game then sure put it in, it doesn't affect me I will just ignore it the same way I did in TF2, but if TF2 had 'Rocket launcher Hale own Rank 10 2x damage' then I would have a problem with it.

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Lol I agree. However you can max out lvl 10 in a good week just by dedicating survival runs for the cores.

Yeh, that's part of the fun. Lvling them last 2 notches. Not saying, just got rank 10 Narrow Minded for 50 plat!! wooohooo!!

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then buying resources is pay to win, and so is paying anything with platinum.

Please try reading the whole thread 1st. There needs to be a limit of how much time u can save, having a few boosts for exp and credits is fine and resources are so overpriced no1 does it to a high extent it's just to get those last few resources and for what? a new wep which will start at rank 0? Hardly game breaking stuff.


Ah there is a multiple quote option. Not replying for awhile now.

Edited by Kaos88
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