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Rhino's Deathwatch skin graphic bug


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So I recently bought the skin Deathwatch and everything was great, but when it was time to play I used Rhino's second ability and the character just turned transparent and glitchy, no matter what settings I touch or how much I optimize the game the issue wont fix. The problem looks like this. You can recreate the bug just by using the Deathwatch skin and the ability Iron Skin.

Edited by Echoes404
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Sweetie, the file you linked is restricted. You'll need to either make it public or upload it to imgur, it'll stay up long enough to still be there until it is no longer relevant.

Click the "Insert image from URL" button at the bottom right of the post writing, paste the link to the image there and add ".png" at the end, so it'll embed your image into the post, for ease of access.

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hace 4 horas, BalaDeSilver dijo:

Sweetie, the file you linked is restricted. You'll need to either make it public or upload it to imgur, it'll stay up long enough to still be there until it is no longer relevant.

Click the "Insert image from URL" button at the bottom right of the post writing, paste the link to the image there and add ".png" at the end, so it'll embed your image into the post, for ease of access.

Sorry about that, thank you for noticing tho. I tried the Imgur way but it says the image is not avaliable.

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I've had this issue for a few weeks now. It's like the game is trying to render the metallic effect of Iron Skin over the new Deathwatch model, its failing massively and Rhino starts to flicker profusely between the skin itself and going completely transparent with odd wireframe-esque looking pieces. It makes the skin unusable. Graphics drivers are all up to date and same as OP I've tried all sorts of settings within the graphics tab. It persists through everything on the Deathwatch skin.

And to be clear, it's only the Deathwatch skin, switching to any other Rhino skin fixes the issue.

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Now that I can see your screenshot, I can confirm it works. It stops rendering the mesh altogether, even stopping to clean the pixels at those coordinates, so they just retain whatever was rendered last frame, be it the background or another part of the skin or attachments. Also, keep in mind I have Tenebrous Ephemera on him, so it'll most likely render that on top. I tested with and without FSR.



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23 hours ago, RitaSanderson said:

Not only rhino but the Same thing also happens with Zariman ephemeras when you aim 

Now that you mention, it happens when you press esc on Lohk's Embrace Ephemera as well


Edited by BalaDeSilver
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