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A little wish list for the new year


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Heya, my dears!


Because I couldn't find a thread by searching the forum to add this to, I'll just make a new one for a small list of little things that I would like to see from Digital Extremes for Christmas or New Year. If possible, without exaggerating or going in the direction of game changes ;-)


  • Please remove the shot lock on the Penta family which ist caused by Multishot mods. At a certain Multishot value on your Penta, the last shells must have exploded before you can continue shooting.
  • Please adjust the effect of the mod Napalm Grenades so that the damage and the size of the burning patch are more in line with the mods on the respective Penta (like Nightwatch Napalm).
  • Please think about an augment mod for Tenet Diplos, with which you can disable the automatic targeting while aiming and keep firing.


Presumably too big wishes, which I still cherish, are:


  • Please consider bringing Railjack and all the many other modes you have developed in the recent years together a little more. The modes seem so isolated. You build and mod your Railjack - but after that it seems to have no meaning (only for Nightwave challenge and improving Tenet melee weapons). You have put so much work into all these modes, it would be a shame.
  • Please consider a lock for reselling Rivens. So that unveiled Rivens can only be sold once and are then bound to the buyer's account. The idea and hope is that players really only buy the Rivens they would like to have themselves (for their favourite weapons). Instead of that everday Riven resale for twice the purchase price or more. But if the current structure around trading Rivens is beneficial for DE, then of course this wish makes no sense.
  • Please consider a market item for changing a single Riven attribute.


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7 minutes ago, Nero said:

Please think about an augment mod for Tenet Diplos, with which you can disable the automatic targeting while aiming and keep firing.

This would be great, but not a mod slot for it. Just disable the mechanic entirely! Happy New Year!

Edited by m_a_r_c_h_
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Penta could use the buffs, carmine Penta especially: it makes no sense that a grenade launcher - and a hard one to get at that - should be one of the weakest primaries in the game.

Diplos should just be automatic only, it'd work much better that way.

railjack should be integrated more into the main game, certainly hope it happens.

I wouldn't expect anythign to change regarding rivens though, any changes to the way they are traded would only cause a salt-splosion on the forums.

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