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So...why Do Founders Not Get Excal Prime Profile Icons?


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(Hunter and up obviously)


We can already see the trend starting with Prime Access: If you buy a prime frame as part of a bundle, you get the associated profile icons as a bonus. That's fine, it makes sense as a small, inconsequential exclusive to show that you have helped DE monetarily. 


But why has the same not been done for founders who paid anywhere from 50 to 250 USD? At the moment, the only people who possess said profile icons are those who got the glitch when they reset their accounts. 

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Out of all the petty gripes about what people are entitled to this is by far and honestly the most reasonable. I hate self entitled threads but I can see how his comes across as a double standard. That said however it's far from simple...

It's far from simple, it's very simple.

Take some of that plat we got and buy it.

Problem solved.

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more free stuff that people think they deserve. 

spoon feed you while ya at it.


I think you misunderstood something, the Xcal Prime Portraits were supposed to be given to anyone that bought the founders packs (hunter and above), however for some reason only some people got them while others did not, this was further screwed up when people like me who used the account reset got them while again other people did not.


So what I think the OP was asking is when is this going to be sorted out so that everyone who is entitled to them, (that is everyone who has the founders hunter grade and up), is actually awarded the portraits correctly.


So this is not an give me stuff for free thread, it is asking about when a resolution to missing items will be resolved.

Edited by SchrodingersKitteh
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I think you misunderstood something, the Xcal Prime Portraits were supposed to be given to anyone that bought the founders packs (hunter and above), however for some reason only some people got them while others did not, this was further screwed up when people like me who used the account reset got them while again other people did not.


So what I think the OP was asking is when is this going to be sorted out so that everyone who is entitled to them, (that is everyone who has the founders hunter grade and up), is actually awarded the portraits correctly.


So this is not an give me stuff for free thread, it is asking about when a resolution to missing items will be resolved.

I think you misunderstood something, the Xcal Prime Portraits were supposed to be given to anyone that bought the founders packs (hunter and above), however for some reason only some people got them while others did not, this was further screwed up when people like me who used the account reset got them while again other people did not.


So what I think the OP was asking is when is this going to be sorted out so that everyone who is entitled to them, (that is everyone who has the founders hunter grade and up), is actually awarded the portraits correctly.


So this is not an give me stuff for free thread, it is asking about when a resolution to missing items will be resolved.

Wait, what?

When were we SUPPOSED to get Xcal Prime icons? When was this ever a thing.

I don't remember this.

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Well, if they have Excal Prime, and they did not pay some measly sum of money to get him. They should be at least given Excal Prime profile pic.



But on the other hand, having that much plat and whining about profile pics that are around 15-30 platinum. I dont understand you people.

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Well, if they have Excal Prime, and they did not pay some measly sum of money to get him. They should be at least given Excal Prime profile pic.



But on the other hand, having that much plat and whining about profile pics that are around 15-30 platinum. I dont understand you people.

If Xcal Prime was available at that price, I wouldn't care.


But if it is in fact true that founders were SUPPOSED to get those icons, and for some reason we didn't, I kinda care about that.

I don't know what's what right now, and I still haven't seen what this icon looks like, so I'll reserve my judgment.

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Look around the forum my friend if you see a CM they usely have Xcal prime or frost prime icon...


CM's get them from DE for being volunteers. Other people got them from the first wave of account resets before they fixed it.

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