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Tennocon Baro does not have all items available


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Title: Frustration Unleashed: The Empty Promises of Baro Ki'Teer in Warframe

Once again, I find myself standing among the throngs of eager Tenno at the Relay, awaiting the arrival of the elusive Baro Ki'Teer. The anticipation is palpable, fueled by the promises of wondrous treasures and rare artifacts he supposedly carries in his vaulted inventory. Yet, as the time ticks away and the golden sands of the Void trickle through the hourglass, frustration boils within me like an untamed flame.

Oh, the stories they tell of Baro's wares – prime weapons gleaming with ethereal beauty, mods of unparalleled power, and cosmetics to make our Warframes stand out among the stars. With each visit, I cling to a flicker of hope that this time will be different, that the extravagant tales will finally manifest in my arsenal. But alas, my hope is increasingly met with disappointment.

It's not just the grandeur of the offerings that entices us; it's the rarity, the exclusivity of it all. Baro's visits are spaced out like rare celestial events, and we, the faithful Tenno, gather from all corners of the Origin System to witness his fleeting presence. We save our Ducats diligently, a currency unique to his trade, earned from our battles against the Grineer, Corpus, and Infested horrors. We exchange prime parts, relics, and treasures of our own for the chance to possess the mythical gear he presents.

And yet, how often have I found myself standing in line, Ducats in hand, only to be confronted by the cruel reality that the prized item I had been longing for is not among his inventory? "Out of stock," they say, as if the very words were blades that cut through the thin fabric of my anticipation. The disappointment is a bitter pill to swallow, a reminder that the odds of obtaining what I desire are as elusive as the trader himself.

I've come to realize that this cycle of frustration is, in its own way, a testament to the depth of my dedication to the game. The attachment I've formed to my Warframe journey, the countless hours spent mastering the art of combat and exploration, make each fruitless encounter with Baro sting all the more. It's a love-hate relationship, a dance between aspiration and disillusionment.

So, here I stand, surrounded by fellow Tenno who share my struggle, my yearning, and my vexation. As the golden visage of Baro Ki'Teer grins down from his lofty perch, I can't help but wonder if he comprehends the tumultuous emotions he ignites within us. The elation of triumph when a desired treasure is finally obtained, and conversely, the sinking feeling when his promises remain unfulfilled.

Perhaps, in this turmoil of emotions, lies the essence of the Warframe experience – a universe teeming with challenges, camaraderie, and the occasional sting of unmet expectations. And so, I'll continue to brave the queues, the Ducat exchanges, and the whispers of "out of stock," because the journey itself, with all its highs and lows, has become an integral part of my adventure as a Tenno.

Cutter Fighter Decoration is missing

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I noticed the same thing on PC. There, the missing items are:

  • Wintercress Syandana
  • Lemnas Staff Skin
  • Twin Grakatas Towsun Skin
  • Deimos Velocipod Prex
  • Deimos Carnis Prex

And technically, the Orokin Catalyst and the mod packs, but that's probably intentional.

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Unfortunately, that's not the only missing item. I got around to double-check his inventory today, and found the following items to be absent:

  • Wintercress Syandana
  • Lemnas Staff Skin
  • Twin Grakatas Towsun Skin
  • Deimos Velocipod Prex
  • Deimos Carnis Prex

And technically, the Orokin Catalyst and the mod packs, but that's probably intentional.

EDIT: I've checked this on PC, but the same issue was reported on PS4 as well.

Edited by wertuias
forgot to specify platform
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