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New Necramechs/Old Systems


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While Wally's Whispers looked like a genuine step forward, Warframe 1999 looks like another huge step backwards.

Why does Warframe 1999 look like a mistake, but Wally's Whispers isn't?:
The one thing I've noticed since beginning my journey in warframe, is that despite how much the devs love to put out new ideas, they do not stick with those ideas. Conclave. Lunaro. Open worlds like Cetus and Orb Vallis. They are interesting ideas that have been thrown to the side. Now don't get me wrong, I love railjack, and Necramechs are obviously one of the best things ever created in warframe, but I'm tired of seeing new, entirely different games being added to warframe, while the actual meat of warframe, the basic gameplay loop, the origin system, warframes and fun powers, being entirely neglected. As cool as it is, I can safely say that outside of the Circuit, I genuinely don't care for Duviri. It's a content island and a obvious beta test for soulframe that after having acquired the Cinta, I have no intentions of traveling back to.
With that long digression out of the way, Wally's Whispers looks to be an overall addition to the warframe Origin system, with new stuff to explore, new weapons, and something to do. Warframe 1999 looks like it will be another duviri, complete with it's own gameplay loop that doesn't interact with the rest of the game.

I don't know if others agree, but personally, what I want to see more of is:
1: more reworks and additions to older content. No more islands, no more one-off adventures like New War
2: More abilities from Focus Schools, and more Necramech options. The ability to play the same content in different ways helps to make what content you already have more entertaining.
3: Expanding Zaws, Kitguns, and Amps. Again, new ways to play old content.

4: I know this one is sort of a 'nightmare under the bed' for DE, but looking at a potential rebalance to the game would be incredible. Obviously it couldn't happen in an instant, and likely a lot of the power-creep loving community would be angry... but it would mean once again, that old content is brought back into the circle of being challenging and refreshing again. It's something that will take a lot of time, but once it's done, it would mean the devs don't need to be afraid of it anymore, and can add more baseline content with ease.

Hopefully this rambling is somewhat insightful. Obviously this post isn't even touching on Heirlooms or Regal Aya in general, but that's not the goal of the post anyway.

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1- yes but I'm fine with island as long as DE finds a meaningful way to connect them.



4 well, Imo that's what I actually think WF1999 is. DE has mentioned the things they do next as the future of Warframe so to go along with the balance talk it may be to much work to rebalance WF/ upset to many folks, but if Wf1999 were to give us a world with less powerful more balanced characters... See where I'm going with this. Two birds one stone.

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25 minutes ago, JoeySparks said:

but I'm tired of seeing new, entirely different games being added to warframe, while the actual meat of warframe, the basic gameplay loop, the origin system, warframes and fun powers, being entirely neglected.

Your statement isn't just an exaggeration, it's simply false.  I assume that you're not intentionally lying, so I encourage you to read through the notes for the major updates from the last year to refresh your memory on just how much new content and tuning DE has given to the base game of Warframe.  I guarantee that if you do, you'll no longer be under any impression that the base game is being "neglected".  In my opinion, the base game of Warframe has never been in a better state, and it's all because of the great work that DE continue to pour into the game.

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I'm just relieved that WF99 looks like it's attempting Warframe-style combat again. And I like the idea that it's like a Dark Sector-esque throwback.

I don't mind if a content island is disconnected as long as it's fun enough to make me want to play it for the sake of enjoying a game. So far the content islands only go halfway, which means they have to start bribing me with rewards to get me interested. Mining and fishing suck, but at least I can get a Kitgun or Zaw out of it. Necramechs are a dead-end, not worth investing into, so Deimos is more or less a dud. And Duviri is just plain not fun at all.

WF99, however, looks like the main Warframe gameplay, just reskinned to fit into a conventional setting. As long as it sticks to that, I won't have any problem feeling motivated to play it without needing to be bribed by lackluster rewards.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

1- yes but I'm fine with island as long as DE finds a meaningful way to connect them.



4 well, Imo that's what I actually think WF1999 is. DE has mentioned the things they do next as the future of Warframe so to go along with the balance talk it may be to much work to rebalance WF/ upset to many folks, but if Wf1999 were to give us a world with less powerful more balanced characters... See where I'm going with this. Two birds one stone.

I can agree with that. If WF1999 is going to be about bringing us back to balance, while giving us some classic content, I can't argue against that for sure. That definitely is my favorite part about the circuit: Weapons feel good, even without needing you to farm tons of mods.

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