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Zhuge Prime needs an alt fire


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Zhuge Prime's gimmick being doing half as much dmg on initial hit and doing an underwhelming range explosion with a delay makes it a downgrade compared to Zhuge, or a sidegrade if you're generous, but with more style points. It'd be great if the prime could function the same way as the original weapon with prime stats.
Since we don't have a primed auto crossbow (yes I know about Nagantaka's alt fire but it's a barrage that empties the entire mag so it's not functionally comparable), I think it'd be great if Zhuge Prime had an alt fire that used higher base damage single target bolts instead of the exploding ones.
Alternatively even removing the explosion delay would make the gameplay of the crossbow better, because the delay currently makes combat feel "less responsive".
I don't think either addition would make the weapon gamebreaking or anything like that, and if there's some statistics on it how much use it gets currently it'd just further prove an improvement could be needed and it'd make some difference in its usage.

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That's the issue with Firestorm and its primed variant being scaling amounts and not flat values : you can't use them on weapons with fairly small radial attacks because the increase provided is just too small.


If you want a decent auto crossbow without explosion funny business, you have the Attica, but it does not have a prime variant yet. The dispo is sky high, the critical stats are great, but the status chance is only at 10% which isn't very high, it does not have innate punchthrough but at least it's completely silent. I hope we'll get a prime variant eventually, it's a weapon that needs more recognition.

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